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Contact Details Peter Heymans peter.heymans@gmail.com. Important dates 22/10/2014 : Listening test 26/10/2014-2/11/2014: Autumn break 3/12/2014: Listening test 21/12/2014-4/1/2015: Christmas holiday 3/6/2015: Final class. Word Cards: Job Vocabulary
Contact Details • Peter Heymans • peter.heymans@gmail.com
Important dates • 22/10/2014: Listening test • 26/10/2014-2/11/2014: Autumn break • 3/12/2014: Listening test • 21/12/2014-4/1/2015: Christmas holiday • 3/6/2015: Final class
Word Cards: Job Vocabulary • Don’t show the card to the other people in your group • Try to explain the word, but don’t mention the word • If you don’t know the word, give your paper to someone else in your group • When people have guessed it, give the next paper to someone else
Word Cards: Job Vocabulary A bricklayer someone whose job is to build walls using bricks A pay rise/cut an increase/decrease in your salary (American English: a pay raise) To resign, to quit, to hand in/give your notice, to stand down to state formally that you are leaving a job permanently To retire to stop working, especially when you reach the age when you are officially too old to work To fire (informal) /sack (informal) /lay off/ to dismiss / to let someone go (euphemism) to tell someone that they can no longer work at their job
Word Cards: Job Vocabulary Perks an extra payment or benefit that you get in your job
Word Cards: Job Vocabulary To perk you up if something perks you up, you begin to feel happier or more lively She has a coffee every morning, because it perks her up.
Grammar reference: p. 131 Adam has been cycling competitively since he was a teenager. (emphasis on duration and repetition) Guess what! I’ve finally joined the sports club. (you can join a club only once, no repetition) I have an awful feeling that I’ve broken my toe! (I broke my toe once, no repetition) Mia’s been preparing for her final exams for months. (emphasis on duration: for months) I’m not really crying. I’ve been cutting onions! (emphasis on the action) Sonia’s been married since she was 18. (she got married only once, no repetition) Have you ever thought about becoming a vegetarian? (state verb) You look exhausted! What have you been doing? (emphasis on action) Not again! You’ve already watched this film twice. (focus on the result) Sorry I didn’t hear the phone. I’ve been working in the garden. (focus on the action) Have you finished your coffee? Would you like another? (you can finish your coffee only once, no repetition) I’ve only seen Ben a couple of times since we left school. (state verb)
State verbs • Some state verbs can be used in a continuous/progressive sense (-ing), but with a different meaning • Taste (state) • has a certain taste • This soup tastes greatThe coffee tastes really bitter • Taste(dynamic) • the action of tasting • The chef is tasting the soup
State verbs Some state verbs can be used in a continuous/progressive sense (-ing), but with a different meaning You are stupid It's part of your personality You are being stupid Only now, not usually Be is usually a state verb, but when it is used in the continuous it means 'behaving' or 'acting‘
Presentation task ..\Speaking assessment\Presentations\Schedule.xlsx
Unit 1 Talented
Transferable skills Endurance the ability to do something difficult for a long time The long journey tested their courage and endurance to the limit. beyond endurance: There was something about him that irritated Lydia almost beyond endurance.
Transferable skills: good at/in/with To be good at + activity He’s good at football. She’s good at product design. Her mother is good at Trivial Pursuit. To be good at/in + school subjects Jerry is good at math: he always finishes first. Jerry is good in math: he makes all A’s. To be good with + objects/tools... Because Daiki is good with numbers, he plans to study accounting. Maribel is good with children; she wants to be an elementary teacher. Amos is good with his hands; he remodeled the entire house. Lilah is good with money; she saves at least 40% of her allowance every week.
Transferable skills To delegate /ˈdeləɡeɪt/ to give part of your work, duties, or responsibilities to someone who is junior to you Because Henry hated to delegate, he was always overworked. delegate something to someone: He always delegates boring tasks to his assistant. A delegate /ˈdeləɡət/ someone who is chosen to represent a group of other people at a meeting
Transferable skills Vitally important Very important (note: vital already means very important) A job seeker someone who is looking for a job. This word is used mainly by government officials. Parenting The activities involved in being a parent and bringing up children
Transferable skills What are transferable skills? Skills from one part of your life which you can use in another part of your life. When people use this term, they’re usually thinking about skills which can be transferred to work from outside work (e.g. a hobby) or from one kind of work to another (e.g. when you change occupations).
Transferable skills: Role Play • Student A wants to apply for one of the jobs: decide which job • Student B will interview Student A • Preparation: Student A tries to come up with some relevant skills; Student B tries to think of some questions • Have a conversation (use some of the phrases you’ve just learnt) • Switch roles • I’ll listen to only one group and these two students will get more detailed feedback.
Transferable skills: Typical questions in a job interview • What are your strengths? • What are your weaknesses? • Tell me about yourself. • Why are you interested in working for [insert company name here]? • Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? • Why do you want to leave your current company? • Why was there a gap in your employment between [insert date] and [insert date]? • What can you offer us that someone else can not? • Are you willing to relocate? • Are you willing to travel? • Are you willing to work overtime when necessary? • Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of. • Tell me about a time you made a mistake.
Transferable skills: Atypical questions in a job interview • If you were given a box of pencils, list three things you could do with them that are not their traditional use. (Google) • Tell me a joke (JP Morgan) • How many times a day does a clock’s hands overlap? (Google) • Explain a database in three sentences to your eight-year-old nephew. (Google) • On a scale from one to ten, rate me as an interviewer. (Kraft Foods) • Why wouldn’t I hire you? (Twitter) • What songs best describe your work ethic? (Dell) • How would you cure world hunger? (Amazon.com)
Transferable skills http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v1OLMjG52I ..\Audio and video\Job interview.mp4
Confusing words: high or tall? What is the rule? ..\..\3.1\Audio and video\High or tall_.mp4
What is status anxiety? /æŋˈzaɪəti/ the desire of people in many modern societies to "climb the social ladder" and the anxieties (the worries, the fear) that result from a focus on how your social status is perceived by others (Wikipedia) A kinder, gentler philosophy of success
A kinder, gentler philosophy of success Alain de Botton a Swiss/British writer, philosopher, television presenter and entrepreneur, resident in the United Kingdom. His books and television programmes discuss various contemporary subjects and themes, emphasizing philosophy's relevance to everyday life. At 23, he published Essays In Love (1993), which went on to sell two million copies. Other bestsellers include How Proust Can Change Your Life (1997), Status Anxiety (2004) and The Architecture Of Happiness (2006). In August 2008, he was a founding member of a new educational establishment in central London called The School of Life. In May 2009, he was a founding member of a new architectural organization called “Living Architecture.” (Wikipedia)
A kinder, gentler philosophy of success First listening (without subtitles) ..\Audio and video\Alain de Botton (no subtitles).mp4 http://www.ted.com/talks/alain_de_botton_a_kinder_gentler_philosophy_of_success?language=en
A kinder, gentler philosophy of success Problem? Status anxiety: we worry too much about our social status (our jobs, our careers)
A kinder, gentler philosophy of success • Second listening (with subtitles) • ..\Audio and video\Alain de Botton (with subtitles).mp4 • Focus on: • Vocabulary • Pronunciation • Details
A kinder, gentler philosophy of success • How does de Botton define job snobbery? • A snob is anybody who takes a small part of you and uses that to come to a complete vision of who you are • Job snobbery: a focus/obsession with your job title (at a party: “what do you do?”) • Why do we care so much about our jobs? • The amount of time, respect and love that we receive is (often) defined by our position in the social hierarchy
A kinder, gentler philosophy of success • Why are people in a democratic society, where everyone is equal, more likely to be envious of one another? • We can only be envious of people that are like us, people we can relate to, people that started out with equal opportunities (so not the Queen) • you should never go to a school reunion • What is the difference between an unfortunate and a loser? • Unfortunate: you’re not successful because of divine reasons (fortune) • Loser: it’s your own fault
A kinder, gentler philosophy of success • What is the solution? • Tragic art (drama or literature): it’s often about people that failed in life but it is usually written not so much to ridicule or judge people, but to inspire sympathy (that is the message of tragedy) • There’s always an element of loss and failure: we should accept this • We should know that our ideas of success are not our own (they’re from our parents, our media): we should be the authors of our own ambitions • http://www.ted.com/talks/alain_de_botton_a_kinder_gentler_philosophy_of_success?language=en
A kinder, gentler philosophy of success • In groups of three • Every student picks a card and talks about the question (you’re allowed to skip one question)
Pronunciation exercise: ʌ BBC: The Sounds of English http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/pron/sounds/index.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/pron/sounds/vowel_short_3.shtml ..\..\Archives\3.1\Material\u.mp4 o pronounced as /ʌ/ above - among - another - brother - colour - come - comfort - company - compass - cover - done - dove - dozen - front - glove - government - honey - London - love - lover - Monday - money - mongrel - monk - monkey - month - mother - none - nothing - one - once - onion - other - oven - some - son - sponge - stomach - ton - tongue - won – wonder
Pronunciation exercise: ʌ just my luck used for saying that something bad happened because you are not a lucky person To chuck To throw something Shovel
Pronunciation exercise: ʌ To shove to move something, or to put it somewhere, quickly and carelessly Crumbs Used to express surprise To be done for INFORMAL to be likely to be punished, hurt, or killed Hush Be quiet