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Serious ‘XM (That’s W2XM) presents Exam-Prep Jepperdee Tech-exam prep, v. 2

Serious ‘XM (That’s W2XM) presents Exam-Prep Jepperdee Tech-exam prep, v. 2. Announcements go here. You MUST use the slide-show mode for the program’s hyperlinks to work properly with MS PwrPt . Operation of the game is almost intuitive, and you can make up your own rules .

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Serious ‘XM (That’s W2XM) presents Exam-Prep Jepperdee Tech-exam prep, v. 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Serious ‘XM(That’s W2XM) presentsExam-Prep JepperdeeTech-exam prep, v. 2

  2. Announcements go here.

  3. You MUST use the slide-showmode for the program’s hyperlinks to work properly with MS PwrPt. Operation of the game is almost intuitive, and you can make up your own rules. On the game boards: each numeric point value is a hyperlink which reveals either a question or “Daily Double.” Whenever you get “Daily Double,” click on either word. “SFJ” (semi-final jepperdee) and “FJ” (final jepperdee) are also hyperlinks leading to questions; after selecting SFJ or FJ, click on the screen until it’s obvious what to do. Any question slide or answer slide may give you clickable options at the bottom of the screen. You may take any one of them. On the answer slide,clicking “back” returns you to the game board. For most fun, appropriate hardware (lights, push-buttons, sounder, lockout circuitry) should be used. A diagram is available from the author.

  4. T1A02 What agency regulates and en-forces the rules for the Amateur Radio Service in the US? answer

  5. The FCC another ?, optional, +/- 50 pointsback

  6. T2C05 What is the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service?answer

  7. a radio service using amateur stns for emergency manage-ment or civil defense communications back

  8. T1B08 What does it mean when a ham band is said to be available on a secondary basis? answer

  9. That amateurs may not cause harmful interference to primary users more info back

  10. US amateur activity is secondary on the 60m band, on part of the 40m band, and on the 30m band. back

  11. T1C04 When are you allowed to operate your amateur station in a foreign country? hintanswer

  12. FCC rules don’t apply.  answer

  13. When the foreign country authorizes it back

  14. T1D04 What is the only time an amateur station is allowed to transmit music? hint (costs 50 points) answer

  15. This circum-stance did not even exist in the 1950’s answer

  16. When incidental to an authorized retransmission of manned spacecraft communications back

  17. T1E06 Under which type of control may thecontrol op be some-where other than the control point? hint (costs 50 points) answer

  18. Local control,Automatic control,Remote control, or Indirect control answer

  19. Automatic control back

  20. T5B10 What’s the approx. change, in decibels (dB), of a power decrease from 12 w to 3 w? answer

  21. 6 dB more info back

  22. The question pool says “6 dB;” some might say “-6 dB.” back

  23. T5C09 How much power is being used when an applied 13.8 VDC causes a current of 10 A? answer

  24. 138 watts gamble 100 points back

  25. What is the R of this circuit that draws 10 A with 13.8 volts applied? answer

  26. 1.38 ohms back

  27. T5D04 What value of resistor has 3 amps flow through it when connected to 90v? answer Be ready to click!

  28. 30 ohm BONUS! Any player can try this! 100 points extra credit for correct answer; no penalty for incorrect answer! Express in kilohm(s). answer

  29. .03 kilohm back

  30. T3B06 What is the formula for converting frequency to wavelength? answer

  31. Wavelength in meters equals 300 divided by frequency in megahertz OR (click to advance)

  32. λ(m) = 300 / f(MHz) back

  33. T2A01 What is the most common re-peater freq. offset in the 2 mtrband? answer

  34. plus or minus 600 kHz…now click screen for 50-point extra-credit question with no penalty for wrong answer

  35. What is the popular offset for the 222-MHz band? answer

  36. 5 MHz back

  37. T1F03 When is an amateur station required to transmit its assigned call sign? answer

  38. At least every 10 minutes during a contact and at the end of the contact FOR BONUS, CLICK HERE. 50 points extra credit for correct answer; no penalty for incorrect answer. back

  39. Which phonetic alphabet must be used according to FCC rules? answer

  40. There is no particular list specified in the rules. back

  41. T2B01 What term describes an amateur station that is trans-mitting and receiving on the same freq? answer

  42. Simplex communication Extra Info

  43. Repeater stations use duplex rather than simplex back

  44. T3A01 What should you do if it is reported that your 2-mtr sigs were strong just a moment ago, but now are weak or distorted? answer

  45. Try moving a few feet, as random reflections may be causing multi-path distortion. more info back

  46. This only works on VHF or UHF where wavelengths are short back

  47. T4B06 What adjust-ment would be used to change the voice pitch of a single-sideband signal? answer

  48. The RIT or clarifier Gamble 100 points back

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