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Crucial Conversations Strategy Group - Empowering Dialogue Skills

Join our strategy group based on education research by renowned leaders to enhance your conversational strategies. Develop a shared pool of meaning and improve crucial conversation skills by reading about dialogue strategies and participating in instructional sessions. Learn to identify silence vs. violence in communication, ask empowering questions, and practice crucial conversations in various scenarios. Strengthen conversational skills with affinity map activities and collaborative discussions. Let's start empowering our dialogue skills together!

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Crucial Conversations Strategy Group - Empowering Dialogue Skills

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  1. KLA Day 2 Welcome Back !!

  2. Based on the work of Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan , Al Switzler, Michael Fullan, Jeffrey Glanz, Rick DuFour, Linda Darling Hammond, Connie Moss, Susan Brookhart, Paul Black, Katie Haycock, Robert J. Marzano, Mark Van Clay, Perry Soldwedel and other leaders in the field of education research Advocating for Teachers

  3. Welcome to Your First Strategy Group • Introduce yourself to the others in your group!

  4. Group formations • Resulted from your “Style Under Stress” self-assessment and your conversational strategies ranking • Group sizes....... Groups should not exceed 6 members

  5. Learning Target • I will know I am successful when I can plan a crucial conversation applying the new strategy that I read about today. • I will know I am successful when I fully participate in today’s engaging instructional strategy to uncover skills that will increase my ability to effectively dialogue when the stakes are high.

  6. Begin with me! • Stop believing that others are always the problem. • Recognize that more often than not you do contribute to the problems you are experiencing. • Realize that you can improve your approach and impact the situation.

  7. Goal: Developing a Shared Pool of Meaning • Go to Chapter 2: Pages 23-30 to complete this statement: • A Shared Pool of Meaning is............

  8. Know Yourself:Silence vs. Violence: pp 58-61 • Silence = We don’t confront or we rely on hints, caustic humor, innuendo and looks. We withhold meaning and remain silent when we should share what we think or know. • Violence = Anything from subtle manipulation to verbal attacks. We force our meaning trying to compel others to our point of view.

  9. When under attack we look for ways to..... • Win • Punish • Keep the Peace

  10. When We should .... • Focus on these questions: • What do I really want for myself? • What do I really want for others? • What do I really want for the relationship? • The questions allow you to: • Stop and think before you react. • Bring you back to your focus • Take charge of your body

  11. Move to the more Complex problem • Clarify what you want. • Clarify what you really don’t want. • Combine the 2 into an and question that forces you to search for a more creative and productive options.

  12. Clarify what you really want. • What I want is for Ms. Jones to be more positive with her students. • Clarify what you really don’t want. • What I don’t want is for Ms. Jones to become defensive, return to her classroom and then take it out on her students • Create an “and” question • How can I have a candid conversation with Ms. Jones about being more positive with her students and avoid her becoming defensive and returning to her classroom and taking it out on her students?

  13. Now, Let’s practice • Think about a situation where you need to have a Crucial Conversation. • Create your own “And Question” using the Day 2 handout.

  14. Crucial Conversations Read with a highlighter in hand. • Now, based on areas you identified and ranked from your self-assessment, each person will work to strengthen one conversational skill. • You will have 45 minutes to skim –read that section from the book and complete the affinity map strategy. • Use the time when you finish reading your focus chapter to begin reading Chapter 3.

  15. Start with the Heart • Chapter 3, Start with the Heart, is central to the entire crucial conversation concept, so we are going to be focusing on that chapter as a whole group during each KLA session.

  16. Affinity Map

  17. Strategy # 1 Affinity Map • This whole activity is intended to be completed in groups and in silence! • Will need: • Content for student groups to read • Post it Notes • Chart paper • Markers • Highlighters

  18. Affinity Map • Each group reads the selected chapter for your identified conversational skill. (Chapters 4-9 in Crucial Conversations) • While reading the chosen chapter, each participant writes three complete sentences about key points/elements from the text on three separate Post It Notes.

  19. Affinity Map • The Post It Notes are then placed on the chart paper in no particular order. • Then each group silently sorts the Post It Notes into themes or big ideas.

  20. Affinity Map • Participants can rearrange the Post It Notes over and over to make their sorted groups or themes. • If there is a Post It Note in question, the person who wrote the note has the final say on its placement. • There is no limit to the number of themes or big ideas. There may be only one Post It Note representing a big idea.

  21. Affinity Map • Next, the group must label the big ideas working silently. The group may write, mark through and re-write as many times as needed until they all agree showing thumbs up. • Finally, each group shares the key points and big ideas with the whole cadre.(Now, you can talk !)

  22. Let’s put it all Together • Based on your reading prior to Cadre and from your assigned chapter today, complete the Handout for Day 2.

  23. PLC • A PLC is a group of people working interdependently to achieve a common goal for which members are mutually accountable. • Leaders of Learning page 70

  24. KLA PLC Learning Target I will know I’m successful when… • I can apply Crucial Conversation skills and healthy PLC elements and processes to investigate the designated book for my PLC. • I can assess the tools, products and methods compiled and shared to meet the needs identified by PLCs during KLA day one for application in my setting .

  25. Six Characteristics of Healthy PLCs Shared Mission and Vision Collaborative Culture Collective Inquiry Action Orientation Continuous Improvement Focus on Results

  26. KLA PLCs • Each member selected a PLC area of focus: • What do we want students to know and be able to do? • How will we know when they’ve learned it? • How will we respond when students haven’t learned it? • How will we enrich and extend the learning for students who are proficient?

  27. KLA PLCs • What could your PLC learn together this year during our KLA Cadre sessions to help you be better prepared to effectively deal with the issue you selected?

  28. KLA PLCs • During each KLA PLC session segment, participants will read and process resource material as well as share tools, processes and products.

  29. Books for each PLC • Read the assigned section from your PLC book. • Each member will read with a highlighter in hand. • You will have 1 hour prior to lunch to read the selected passage and conduct the discussion using the Inside/Outside Protocol. • Following lunch, we will have 30 minutes to share resources and tools.

  30. Assigned Readings • PLC 1: Learning by Doing: Chapter 3 • PLC 2: Advancing Formative Assessment in Every Classroom: Chapter 1 • PLC 3 : Pyramid Response to Intervention: Chapter 3 • PLC 4: Teaching Advanced Learners in the General Education Classroom: Chapter 1 • As you read, the flash drive will be available to download contents.

  31. Inside/Outside Protocol # 3 • Assemble two concentric circles of chairs, one circle of chairs on the inside. The second group forms an outside circle with each member sitting behind his or her partner. • Participants need pencil and paper. • The participants seated in the inner circle discuss the key question: • Protocols for Professional Learning by Lois Brown Easton

  32. Inside/Outside Protocol • The participants in the outer circle listen and take notes while the inner circle discusses the key question. ( about 4-5 minutes) • Exchange seats. Those in the inner circle move to the outer circle. • Reverse your roles. The new inner circle discusses the key question while the new outer circle takes notes. ( about 4-5) • New inner circle members turn and face your partner. • Protocols for Professional Learning by Lois Brown Easton

  33. Inside/Outside Protocol • Compare notes with your partner looking for commonalities. • Share the commonalities and any questions with the entire group. • Protocols for Professional Learning by Lois Brown Easton Professional Learning by Lois Brown Easton Protocols for Professional Learning by Lois Brown Easton Protocols for Professional Learning by Lois Brown Easton Protocols for Professional Learning by Lois Brown Easton

  34. Key Questions for Discussion • What are the implications from our reading related to our focus question? • What do we want students to know and be able to do? • How will we know when they’ve learned it? • How will we respond when students haven’t learned it? • How will we enrich and extend the learning for students who are proficient?

  35. Thinking Cube • Members will present tools, process, products or methods brought as a result of needs charted during KLA day 1.

  36. Thinking Cube • Knowledge Level- Describe or paint a picture with words to tell all about it. • Comprehension Level- Explain or tell all about it in your own words with facts, facts, facts. • Application level-Compare or tell how are they alike and different. • Analysis level-Analyze or take it apart, break it down, look closely piece by piece or tell the good and the bad. • Synthesis level-Infer or read between the lines. What is the writer trying to say? Make an educated guess. • Evaluation level-Summarize , recap or give the main idea.

  37. Learning Targets • I will know I am successful when I can determine the major components of the Teacher Professional Growth and Effectiveness System, gain information about the state timeline and clarify expectations for its implementation.

  38. Teacher Effectiveness • Read and listen • Jot down key ideas • Discuss your findings with your elbow partner

  39. Key Questions for Discussion • How is CHETL embedded in this system?

  40. Content Specialists • Now, our content specialists will bring us up- to- date with the teacher and ISL networks.

  41. Application and Evaluation • What?Suggestion: Share the strategies with your staff. Ask that they implement one of the strategies from today’s session during the next week in their classes. • So What? Monitor the lesson and make notes on the level of student engagement and content processing. • Now What? Bring your observations to share at the next KLA Cadre session.

  42. Bibliography of Resources Used • Reeves, Douglas.(2011). Finding Your Leadership Focus: New York, NY. Teachers’ College Press. • Patterson, Grenny, McMillan,Switzler. (2012). Crucial Conversations: New York, NY, McGraw Hill. • Dufour,R and Marzano, R. (2001,March).Leaders of Learning: Bloomington, IN, Solution Tree. • Van Clay, Soldwedel, Many (2011). Aligning School District PLCs: Bloomington, IN, Solution Tree. • Moss, C.and Brookhart, S (2009). Advancing Formative Assessment in Every Classroom:Alexandria, VA, ASCD. • Glanz, Jeffrey.(2006). School-Community Leadership, Thousand Oaks, CA,Corwin Press.

  43. Based on the work of Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan , Al Switzler, Michael Fullan, Jeffrey Glanz, Rick DuFour, Linda Darling Hammond, Connie Moss, Susan Brookhart, Paul Black, Katie Haycock, Robert J. Marzano, Mark Van Clay, Perry Soldwedel and other leaders in the field of education research Advocate for the Broader School Community

  44. KLA Cadre Session 3 • Welcome Back !!

  45. Learning Target • I can apply the principles of engagement within and outside school and district walls. • I can effectively apply crucial conversational skills to establish a collaborative culture that focuses on student learning and tear down barriers that inhibit student achievement.

  46. Engaging All Learners • Connection to Prior Learning: • Summarize briefly for all attendees your observations regarding the instructional strategies from the last segment.

  47. Crucial Conversations • Each member at your table should select at least two of the seventeen tough cases from Chapter 11, Yeah But.. Advice for Tough Cases pp.193-214 to read

  48. Text on Text Strategy #4 • What it is • A group of three to five cadre members write short notes to each other about a rich, complex topic. • Go to the charts that correspond with your readings . Read the short text. • Each member will use a different color marker.

  49. Text on Text • As you read, jot comments, read what the others have written and add your own remarks, basically creating a string of conversation circulating the text. • Write collaborative responses to the question. When to use it • This strategy gives students the opportunity to challenge and correct each other’s misconceptions.

  50. Writing Break Strategy # • What it is • Stop and reflect in writing on the information being presented. Use the 3.2.1. reflection tool. Complete the first two sections independently. • When to use it • Use at regular intervals, about every ten to twenty minutes, in order to increase retention of material. Use during in-class readings, large-group discussion, teacher lecture, film or picture viewing

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