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Team Formation. Discovering the value of our diversity. Team Formation. Team Formation. AIM. Family 2 Family.
Discovering the value of our diversity Team Formation
AIM Family 2 Family The aim of the Family 2 Family curriculum is to strengthen homes with loyalty and affection and to help people interpret their Christian values into their lives.
Intended Learning Outcomes Family 2 Family Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty
Encouraging independent thinking and the expression of original ideas and beliefs, validating feelings, and expressing unconditional love are ways to nurture psychological autonomy. Unconditional Love
Th opposite of psychological autonomy is psychological control, which is characterized by changing the subject, making personal attacks, withdrawing love, or inducing guilt to constrain intellectual, emotional, or psychological expression by the adolescent that is incongruent with the parent's way of thinking. Unconditional Love
Research shows adolescents who report that their parents are likely to use techniques associated with psychological control are more apt to struggle with depression and to exhibit anti-social behavior. Unconditional Love
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Unconditional Love Faith Maturity To develop unconditional love in the Christian faith
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Denominational Loyalty Unconditional Love Family Integrity To develop unconditional love in the family home.
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Unconditional Love To develop unconditional love in the church Church Loyalty
Guidelines for Modeling Good Listening Skills Listening • Be interested and attentive • Listen patiently • Hear people out • Listen to nonverbal messages
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Listening Faith Maturity To develop skills in listening to God
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Denominational Loyalty Listening Family Integrity To develop skills for listening to each others needs in the family
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Listening To develop skills for listening to each others needs in the church Church Loyalty
Communication • Suggestions for Improving Communication Skills • Be interested • Extend conversation by responding to other's statements • Observe signs and Reflect feelings • Help clarify and relate experiences
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Communication Faith Maturity To develop skills in communicating with God
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Denominational Loyalty Communication Family Integrity To develop skills for communicating with family members
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Communication To develop skills in communicating our beliefs to others Church Loyalty
Develop the skills of building closer relationships with others Time • Make relationships a priority by letting others know you value them by spending time with them, paying attention to their needs, and supporting their interest.
Develop the skills of building closer relationships with others Time • Share your personal feelings. By telling others how you feel, you are telling them you trust them and want them to know you better.
Develop the skills of building closer relationships with others Time • Schedule quality time together (at times when you are not too tired)
Develop the skills of building closer relationships with others Time • Praise the positives of others by giving compliments and concentrating on what you like about them.
Develop the skills of building closer relationships with others Time • Work on successfully completing an activity together and plan mutual objectives for future projects. (but avoid hashing over past difficulties.)
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Time Faith Maturity Develops skills of devotional time with God
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Time Family Integrity Develops skills of building relationships with family members
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Time Develops the habit of fellowshipping with like believers Church Loyalty
Develop the skills of financial flexibility Money • Allow yourself to be able to accept new ideas regarding spending habits and your standard of living.
Develop the skills of financial flexibility Money • Discover new ways to save money or solve the money problem by making lists. (what seems to be a far-fetched idea may turn out to be part of a workable solution.)
Develop the skills of financial flexibility Money • Develop financial trust toward each other by avoiding judging “right” or “wrong” ways money has been spent.
Develop the skills of financial flexibility Money • Set aside your viewpoint of how money should be spent. Make it a priority to consider another person’s role or position when budgeting the money.
Develop the skills of financial flexibility Money • Experiment with the idea that “God will supply all your needs better than you can care for yourself because He loves you.”
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Money Faith Maturity Develop a dependence upon God by returning to a 10% tithe.
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Money Family Integrity Develop a trust for one another by being good stewards of the family finances.
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Money Develop a sense of mission for the church by giving a 5% offering. Church Loyalty
The National Survey on Families and Households yielded some interesting results. According to the data gathered in this comprehensive, national survey, parents and teenagers tend to fight about daily life stuff, like helping around the house, rather than about big stuff, like sexual behavior or drug use. Sharing Responsibilities
The family needs to share rules and responsibilities so individuals know expectations. Consequences are stated up front. Then all will take personal responsibility for following through. Boundaries are set by individuals in cooperation with other family members. Encouragement comes from self and others. Sharing Responsibilities
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Sharing Responsibilities Faith Maturity Shares responsibilities by taking turns leading family worship.
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Sharing Responsibilities Adopt non-traditional roles for household responsibilities and teach children household skills. Family Integrity
Family Integrity Faith Maturity Church Loyalty Sharing Responsibilities Participates in the ministry of the local church Church Loyalty
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