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ATM Networking and TelecommunicationResearch At OSU

ATM Networking and TelecommunicationResearch At OSU. Raj Jain Professor of Computer and Information Sciences The Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43210-1277 http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~jain/. Networking Faculty. ATM Networks - Raj Jain, Gojko Babic, Arjan Durresi

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ATM Networking and TelecommunicationResearch At OSU

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  1. ATM Networking and TelecommunicationResearch At OSU Raj Jain Professor of Computer and Information Sciences The Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43210-1277 http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~jain/

  2. Networking Faculty • ATM Networks - Raj Jain, Gojko Babic, Arjan Durresi • Wireless Networks - Steve Lai • Multimedia Networking - Wu Chi Feng and Raj Jain • Protocol Engineering - Mike Liu • Other Collaborators: Panda, Page, Arora, Jennifer Hou, and Stan Ahalt

  3. Overview • ATM Traffic Management • Voice and Video over ATM • OSU National ATM Performance Testing Lab • OCARnet: Ohio University Network • Lab Facilities

  4. ATM ATM • ATM = Asynchronous Transfer Mode • ATM Net = Data Net + Phone Net • Combination of Internet method of communication (packet switching) and phone companies’ method (circuit switching)

  5. Traffic Management • Invented DECbit scheme in 1986: Bit Þ Go up/Down • Used now in Frame Relay (FECN) • Used in ATM (EFCI) • In July 1994, we proposed Explicit Rate Approach.Current standard. • Two patents. Collaboration with industry. Destination Source Change rate to 12.3 Mbps

  6. Voice/Video over ATM • Silence suppression Þ Unused bandwidth can be used by dataCannot be used by voice. • Hierarchical compression of VideoDifferent users can see different bandwidth video • Multipoint ABR • Real-time ABR

  7. OSU National ATM Benchmarking Lab • Started a new effort at ATM Forum in October 1995 • Defining a new standard for frame based performance metrics and measurement methodologies • We have a measurement lab with the latest ATM testing equipment. Funded by NSF and State of Ohio. • The benchmark scripts can be run by any manufacturer/user in our lab or theirs. • Modeled after Harvard benchmarking lab for routers

  8. OCARnet • Ohio Computing and Communications ATM Research Network • Nine-Institution consortium lead by OSU • Ohio State University • Ohio Super Computer Center • OARnet • Cleveland State University • Kent State University • University of Dayton • University of Cincinnati • Wright State University • University of Toledo KSU CSU UT vBNS WSU Cleveland155 M OAR UD OSC OSU 622 M UC

  9. Cleveland State Univ Univ of Toledo To vBNS/MCI 45 Mbps Toledo Cleve-land To NASA 155 Mbps Wright State Univ 155 Mbps Kent StateUniv 1.5 Mbps Kent Dayton 622 Mbps OARnet 1.5 Mbps OhioSupercomputerCenter Univ ofDayton Cincinnati Columbus 1.5 Mbps 622 Mbps WAN Switches Univ of Cincinnati Workgroup Switches OCARnet Ohio State Univ

  10. Computation Facilities • Numerous high-powered computers: 1×715/64 (2.6 FP95) 6×715/100 (4.3 FP95), 9×C180s (18.7 FP95), 1×J282/2 (19.3 FP95)6 P5-200 Desktops + 9 Laptop PCs • J-280 fileserver with 64 GB • 100 Mbps Ethernet and 155 Mbps ATM • 622 Mbps Connection to OCARnet testbed • Several switches with speeds from 25 to 622 Mbps • World-class ATM Testing Lab with 25, 155, and 622 Mbps testing monitors

  11. HP 715/100 Qty. 6 HP 715/100 Switched Ethernet 60 GB J280 PC Qty. 8 HP J282/2 PC 155 Mbps HP C180 Qty. 9 HP C180 Facilities (Cont) 10 Mbps uplink to the Internet (Planned upgrade to 100Mbps) Fast Ethernet Switched (Planned) 622 Mbps OCARNET FORE ASX 200BX ATM Switch

  12. Video Source Video Source Composite Composite Workstation FORE AVA 300 FORE AVA 300 FORE ATV 300 FORE ATV 300 Video Testbed OARNET OSU 155 Mbps 622 155 Mbps Mbps FORE FORE 155 Mbps ASX 200BX ASX 1000 ATM Switch ATM Switch Composite Video Monitor Video Monitor

  13. PC PC (To control and (To control and monitor the monitor the analyzer) analyzer) ADTECH ADTECH AX/4000 AX/4000 ATM Analyzer ATM Analyzer Performance Testing Facility OCARNET Possible 622 Mbps Link Possible 155 Mbps 155 Mbps 622 Mbps or 25 Mbps or 25 Mbps or 155 Mbps Links Links Link FORE FORE ASX 200BX ASX 200BX ATM Switch ATM Switch

  14. Lab Exercises for Students • NSF funding to develop networking lab exercises for students • Ten labs covering: Ethernet, FDDI, IP, TCP, ATM, etc. • Any university in the nation will be able to download and use them in their networking courses • All our course handouts are already on-line.Also, putting voice and video on the net.

  15. Grants • "End-to-End QoS," DARPA, $100k ($800k eventually) with Jennifer Hou of EE. • "Multimedia over ATM," Ameritech Foundation, $21k • "ATM Testbed," $400k, from NSF+OBOR+OSU, with Panda, Page, Arora • "OCARNet," OBOR, $2M+ with Panda and others ($671k for CIS) • "Audio and Video over ATM," AT&T/Lucent Foundation, $40k, With Wu-Chi Feng

  16. Grants (Cont) • "vBNS Gateway for Ohio," NSF, $350k, with Panda and OSC • "Compressed Video via ATM," OSU, $55k, with Ahalt/EE • "Laboratories for Data Communications," NSF, $356k, with Lai • "Congestion Avoidance," NSF, $375,000 • $75k from FORE Systems • $42k from AdTech Electronics Engineering

  17. Summary • Leading the ATM traffic management and Performance benchmarking • Good computing and experimental resources • On-line dissemination of education and research results • Emphasizing topics of interest to industry • Collaboration with other faculty, departments, organizations

  18. Our Publications All our ATM Forum contributions and papers are available on-line at http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~jain/ • Specially see “Recent Hot Papers”

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