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From Particles to Solutions

From Particles to Solutions. MATTER is anything that has mass and takes up space. CHEMISTRY is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. The Particle Theory of Matter. Describes the composition and behaviour of matter There are 5 main postulates:. The Particle Theory of Matter.

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From Particles to Solutions

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  1. From Particles to Solutions

  2. MATTER is anything that has mass and takes up space

  3. CHEMISTRY is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes

  4. The Particle Theory of Matter • Describes the composition and behaviour of matter • There are 5 main postulates:

  5. The Particle Theory of Matter • All matter is made up of tiny particles

  6. The Particle Theory of Matter 2. Different substances are made up of different kinds of particles

  7. The Particle Theory of Matter 3. Spaces between particles are large compared to the size of the particles themselves

  8. The Particle Theory of Matter 4. Particles are always moving; they move faster as temperature increases

  9. The Particle Theory of Matter 5. Particles attract each other

  10. Classifying Matter

  11. CLASSIFYING MATTER • Matter can be classified by…. …its state. solid liquid gas

  12. CLASSIFYING MATTER • Matter can be classified by…. …itsstate. …itscolor.

  13. CLASSIFYING MATTER • Matter can be classified by…. …its state. …its color. …its uses.

  14. CLASSIFYING MATTER • Matter can be classified by…. …its state. …its color. …its uses. …and any of its other properties. • BUT we will be classifying matter according to its ___________ and __________ of ________. composition distribution particles

  15. CLASSIFYING MATTER • Has mass • and volume. matter • Made up of only • one type of • particle. pure substance mixture element compound

  16. Au Au Au Au Ni Ni Ni Ni element • Made up of all the same particles called atoms. • Most elements are made of all the same individual atoms. Au gold Ni nickel

  17. O O O O O O H H H H H H Au Au Au Au Ni Ni Ni Ni element atoms • Made up of all the same particles called _______. • SEVEN elements have two of the same atoms bonded together. These are called diatomic molecules. • Most elements are made of all the same individual atoms. H2 O2 Br2 F2 I2 N2 Cl2 hydrogen oxygen Au gold H2 hydrogen gas bromine fluorine iodine nitrogen Ni nickel chlorine O2 oxygen gas

  18. element • Elements are listed on the periodic table platinum iodine sodium manganese chlorine mercury

  19. CLASSIFYING MATTER • Has mass • and volume. matter • Made of only • one type of • particle. pure substance mixture element compound • Made of • the same • particles • (called atoms).

  20. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C C C C C C H H H H H H H H H H H H • Made up of all the same particles called molecules. • Each molecule is made of two or more different atoms combined in fixed proportions. compound H2O water CO2 carbon dioxide H2O2 hydrogen peroxide CO carbon monoxide

  21. Examples of common compounds. compound N H H H NH3 ammonia CH4 methane C6H12O6 glucose C6H6 benzene C3H8 propane

  22. CLASSIFYING MATTER • Made of 2+ different particles/ substances mixed together. • Has mass • and volume. matter • Only 1 type of • particle. pure substance mixture homogeneous mixture element compound heterogeneous mixture • Made of • the same • particles • (called atoms). • Made of the • same molecules (2 or more different atoms combined).

  23. homogeneous mixture heterogeneous mixture • Made up of different particles which • are ______________________. • Made up of different particles • that are ___________________. NOT uniformly distributed uniformly distributed OR

  24. homogeneous mixture • Made up of different particles • that are ___________________. uniformly distributed • The different particles are so • small that they evenly mix • with one another.

  25. homogeneous mixture • Also called a solution. air: a mixture of gases (N2 and O2 mostly) • Made up of different particles • that are ___________________. uniformly distributed wine salt water tea alloys: homogeneous mixtures of metals • The different particles are so • small that they evenly mix • with one another. bronze: copper, tin 18K gold: gold, silver, copper brass: copper, zinc stainless steel: iron, carbon, chromium

  26. heterogeneous mixture • Made up of different particles • which are _____________ • ___________. NOT uniformly distributed OR • The different particles are so large that do • not evenly mix with one another, or they are • chemically unable to mix with one another.

  27. heterogeneous mixture salad dressing • Made up of different particles • which are _____________ • ___________. NOT uniformly distributed laundry sand salad OR blood tomato juice

  28. CLASSIFYING MATTER • Has mass • and volume. • Made of 2+ different particles/ substances mixed together. matter • Only 1 type of • particle. pure substance mixture homogeneous mixture element compound heterogeneous mixture • Made of • the same • particles • (called atoms). • Made of the • same molecules (2 or more different atoms combined). • Made of • different • particles • NOT uniformly • distributed. • Made of • different • particles • uniformly • distributed. • Eg. Solution, alloy mechanical mixture suspension

  29. mechanical mixture suspension blend fairly • The different types of particles • ______________ • The different particles __________ • _____ appearshomogeneous well don’t blend well separate and ________ into ____________________. and ___________________ distinctly visible phases settle out different phases but will _________into _______ ______ over time. tomato juice salad sand laundry flour and water Are these mechanical mixtures or suspensions? mud paint blood oil and vinegar

  30. mechanical mixture suspension blend fairly • The different types of particles • ______________ • The different particles __________ • _____ appearshomogeneous well don’t blend well separate and ________ into ____________________. and ___________________ distinctly visible phases settle out different phases but will _________into _______ ______ over time. • Because particles in a suspension • are small they will initially mix • together, but since they are larger • than those in a solution, they don’t • stay evenly mixed over time.

  31. CLASSIFYING MATTER • Has mass • and volume. • Made of 2+ different particles/ substances mixed together. matter • Only 1 type of • particle. pure substance mixture homogeneous mixture element compound heterogeneous mixture • Made of • the same • particles • (called atoms). • Made of the • same molecules (2 or more different atoms combined). • Made of • different • particles • NOT uniformly • distributed. • Made of • different • particles • uniformly • distributed. mechanical mixture suspension • particles blend well, appear homogeneous but settle into phases over time. • particles separate into distinctlyvisible ‘phases’.

  32. Homework • Read pages 175-178, complete questions 1-6 for homework. • Study for ‘science skills’ quiz! • All material covered from March 18-March 25

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