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Getting started with information outreach in Your community

Getting started with information outreach in Your community. Let’s Get Started!. Getting to Know You . In what country were you born? What language did you first learn? What languages do you speak now? Describe one home remedy used by your family when you were growing up. Why are you here?.

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Getting started with information outreach in Your community

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  1. Getting started with information outreach in Your community

  2. Let’s Get Started!

  3. Getting to Know You • In what country were you born? • What language did you first learn? • What languages do you speak now? • Describe one home remedy used by your family when you were growing up.

  4. Why are you here?

  5. Learning Objectives • Define cultural competence • Apply principles of cultural competence in outreach programs • Examine ways to learn about local communities • Learn about strategic collaboration • Outline the steps in developing an outreach plan

  6. Let’s get started with Cultural Competency • What is cultural competency and why is it important? • Are there legal and health care guidelines? • How do I find community demographics? • Where are you in your cultural competency?

  7. Importance of Cultural Competency What is culture? • One definition: Characteristic features, beliefs, social norms, and way of life shared by a racial, religious, or social group, or by people in a specific place or time • It’s not just about the words!

  8. Cultural Competence A set of behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency or among professionals and enable that system, agency or those professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations From: Cross T, Bazron B, Dennis K, and Isaacs M (1989). Towards a Culturally Competent System of Care Volume I. See the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence: http://tcn.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/13/3/193

  9. Culture and Patient Health • Beliefs about objects, symbols, food, the body, blood, non-traditional medicine, etc. • Communication styles and norms • Role of relationships • Ways of learning new information • Role of translators and interpreters • Perception of authority figures

  10. Rationale for Cultural Competency • Perception of illness and disease varies by culture • Diverse belief systems exist related to health, mental health, healing, wellness • Individual preferences affect approaches to health care • Individuals must overcome personal experiences of bias

  11. Linguistic Competence • The capacity of an organization and its personnel to communicate effectively, and convey information in a manner that is easily understood by diverse audiences including persons of limited English proficiency, those who have low literacy skills or are not literate, and individuals with disabilities. From: The National Center for Cultural Competence, Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development

  12. Legal Guidelines • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act – 1964 • “No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” • http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/coord/titlevistat.htm

  13. Legal Guidelines • The Joint Commission • Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient-and Family-Centered Care • http://www.jointcommission.org/Advancing_Effective_Communication/ • “…more than a patients’ rights issue…critical to safety and quality of care.”* • Chapter 9, Domain 6 • Outreach activities that may increase diverse populations’ use of hospital services through education and tailoring of services to meet specific population needs is another important element.

  14. Barnga!

  15. Community Demographics:Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?

  16. Demographics – Census Data

  17. Demographics – Health Data www.countyhealthrankings.org/

  18. Demographics – School District Profiles

  19. Finding Demographic Information Activity: Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?

  20. What is Outreach? “In community-based health information outreach, organizations work together to improve peoples’ abilities to find and use health information.” Source: Getting Started With Community-Based Outreachhttp://nnlm.gov/evaluation/guides.html#A2

  21. Resources • Getting Started with Community-Based Outreach • Planning Outcomes-Based Outreach Projects • Collecting and Analyzing Evaluation Data

  22. The Four R’s:All You Really Need to Know • Relationships • Respect • Relevance • Repetition

  23. Working with new groups: Ask don’t tell!

  24. Learning About the Community

  25. Learn Even More

  26. Where do people go for health information?

  27. Finding Partners Within the Community • Network • Be consistent • Demonstrate your commitment • Work with or join, already existing organizations • Attend health fairs, conferences and other events in your community • Don’t forget your public library!

  28. Selecting Partners • Seek intermediaries • Community leaders • Early adopters • Trusted community members • Work with people of like passion

  29. Working Together

  30. Collaboration Defined Collaboration = “A Developmental Continuum of Change Strategies” • Collaboration • Cooperating • Coordinating • Networking

  31. Methods for Strategic Collaboration • Café to Go (World Café) • http://www.theworldcafe.com • Appreciative Inquiry • Open Space Technology (the Unconference)

  32. Identifying Health Information Needs With your partners: • Listen • Abandon preconceived ideas – think “outside the box” • Think about language, ethnicities, country of origin • Consider other needs – transportation, childcare, medical care • Identify potential barriers • Café to Go!

  33. Café to Go!

  34. Creating the Environment • Set the theme • Who are the participants? • What are the questions? • Café setting • Food • Tables with toys • Table host(s) • Wrap-up • Tying it all together to the theme • Next steps?

  35. Café to Go Design Principles

  36. Café Etiquette • Focus on what matters • Contribute your thinking • Speak your mind and your heart • Listen to understand • Link and connect ideas • Listen together for insights and deeper questions • Play, Doodle, Draw!

  37. Appreciative Inquiry • An approach to change that focuses on finding the positive elements in people and places and using those aspects of an organization as a foundation for change. • http://www.nickheap.co.uk/articles.asp?ART_ID=211 • Appreciations Exercise: http://www.nickheap.co.uk/articles.asp?ART_ID=206 • “AI is intentional inquiry and directed conversation and story-telling that leads to a place of possibility.” (Steinbach, John. Contribution to the AI Listserve, July 2005) • http://appreciativeinquiry.case.edu/

  38. 4-D Cycle • The 4 Steps • Discovery – The Best of “What Is” • Dream – Envisioning “What Might Be” • Design – Dialoguing “What Should Be” • Destiny – Innovating “What Will Be” • Possible Applications • Mission Statement/Vision Building • Strategic Planning • Learning Strengths in Partners • Civic/Community Development

  39. Open Space Technology • Facilitated (at some level) • Participant-driven • Common theme • Other names: • Library Camp • The Unconference

  40. Principles and Laws • Whoever comes is the right people. • Whenever it starts is the right time. • Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened. • When it’s over, it’s over. • The Law of Two Feet

  41. Examples • Texas Library Association, April 2011: “Information Literacy from Birth to Earth” • http://2011tlaunconference.wiki.zoho.com/HomePage.html • Science, Technology and Engineering Library Leaders in Action! • http://denver-stella.pbworks.com/ • Health Camp NYC: Using Collective Knowledge to Improve health Literacy and Community Health • http://healthcampnyc.wetpaint.com/

  42. NN/LM SCR Examples

  43. Activity

  44. Activity Instructions • Get together in small groups and select a scenario from the handout. • Select a “method” to use to set up a meeting to respond to the scenario. • Report highlights to the larger group.

  45. Questions?

  46. So……. What Kinds of Activities Might You Do?

  47. Outreach can take you places you never expected to go!

  48. Thank you! Cheryl Rowan Consumer Health Coordinator NN/LM SCR cheryl.rowan@exch.library.tmc.edu NN/LM Outreach Evaluation Resource Center http://nnlm.gov/evaluation

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