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INTRODUCTIONS. Purple Team Coaches: Angela Stutts , Tricia Lyday, Nancy delaRose Orange Team Coaches: Jason Brown , Emily Snyder, Lyndsey Cockerham Blue Team Coaches: Kate Kitchens, Katie Hardin, Stephanie Nady, Susan Nelson. Red Team Coaches:

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  1. INTRODUCTIONS • Purple TeamCoaches: • Angela Stutts, Tricia Lyday, Nancy delaRose • Orange TeamCoaches: • Jason Brown, Emily Snyder, LyndseyCockerham • Blue Team Coaches: • Kate Kitchens, Katie Hardin, Stephanie Nady, Susan Nelson Red Team Coaches: Holly Chaka, Carrie Breaux, Hollie Pinchback Green Team Coaches: Carra Fleming, Shelley Belin, Karen Heider

  2. What is Read, Deed, and Run? • RDR is an all encompassing program for the WHOLE child. • Students entering grades 4 & 5,commit to a program in which they will read 2,600 pages, perform 26 good deeds in the community, and run a total of 26.2miles • Students run their final 1.2 miles in a “race” to earn their Finisher’s t-shirt and medal.

  3. Requirements of RDR • Students are required to RUN a total of 25 miles. • Students are required to READ a total of 2,600 pages. • Students are required to perform 26 DEEDS in or for the community. • All of these requirements MUST be met by April 29, 2013.

  4. CALENDAR • January • 14: Run & Deed • 28: Run & Deed • (1) Run on your own • (1) Deed on your own • February • 11: Run & Deed • 25: Run & Deed *Book Check* • (1) Run on your own • (1) Deed on your own • March • 4: Run & Deed • 18: Run & Deed • (1) Run on your own • (1) Deed on your own • April • 8: Run & Deed • 15: Run & Deed • 29: Deed *Books Due* • (1) Run on your own • (1) Deed on your own • Final Race: May 3rd • September • 10: Parent Mtg. • 24: First Mtg. – Run & Deed • (2) Runs on your own • (1) Deed on your own • October • 8: Run & Deed • 15: Run & Deed • (2) Runs on your own • (1) Deed on your own • November • 5: Run & Deed • 12: Run & Deed • (1) Run on your own • (2) Deeds on your own • December • 10: Run & Deed • 17: Run & Deed *Book Check* • (1) Run on your own • (2) Deeds on your own

  5. Meetings • Two to three Tuesdays a month in the LIBRARY. Please send an extra snack and water bottle for this time. • On Run days, please make sure your child has proper shoes and clothing for the run. • The students will then be divided into their groups and the coaches will hold a short informational meeting and will run or the kids will plan/complete a deed. • Pick up time is 4:30!

  6. Read Requirement • Students are required to read 2,600 pages. • Books read in school can count towards the Read requirement. • Books must be on the student’s reading level. • Record of the books read will be kept in the student’s RDR book. • On-level books from the BHE library will count for Read, Deed, Run and Iditaread.

  7. Reading Log Select a book to read. Enter the title, author, and start date. When you have completed it, write the date and get your parents initials. Remember, you can read any book on your level that is either nonfiction or fiction. Fiction books average 150-200 pages at the 4th and 5th grade level. Happy Reading!!!

  8. Deed Requirement • Students are required to perform 26 deeds (or 26 hours of deeds) in or for the community. • This year we will strive to help student plan more deeds, but most of the deed will still need to be completed after school. • Optional Saturday Deed opportunities (Double Deeds!) will be communicated throughout the program. These will be held on Saturdays and will be completely optional for students to participate. We hope to do 3 of these this year. • If you are unsure about a Deed, contact the Read, Deed, Run team.

  9. Deed Log • Record the Deed – Where did you go? What did you do? Remember: Deeds are done outside your home; for your neighbors or people/organizations in our community.

  10. Run Requirement • Students are required to Run a total of 25 miles throughout the course of the program. • 15 Runs will be provided, the other 10 Runs are the responsibility of the student. • Students will need to dress appropriately – shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes. • The final 1.2 “Race to the Finish” will take place on Saturday, May 3rd.

  11. Running Log • After completing each mile, record the date, your approximate time, and ask an adult to initial. Happy Running!!!

  12. Communication • Our first line of communication will be through email. Please provide us with an email address that you check regularly.

  13. Miscellaneous • Parent Packet • Permission Slip and Release Form – your child will not be allowed to stay after school until this form is turned in. • Student & Parent Contract • Off campus medicine administration • Rain – If it is a RUN day and it is Rainy Day Dismissal, we will still have our run indoors.

  14. Miscellaneous • It is VERY important that your child wears his/her RDR shirt on RDR days. This is for their safety and protection while we run. • Also, all participants must have tennis shoes for every Run day. • We will send the RDR list to the office so they are aware of your child’s transportation change.

  15. We look forward to beginning our journey! “Do not go where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and blaze a trail.”

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