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Machine Learning Based Models for Time Series Prediction. 2014/3. Outline. Support Vector Regression Neural Network Adaptive Neuro -Fuzzy Inference System Comparison. Support Vector Regression. Basic Idea Given a dataset
Machine Learning Based Models for Time Series Prediction 2014/3
Outline • Support Vector Regression • Neural Network • Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System • Comparison
Support Vector Regression • Basic Idea • Given a dataset • Our goal is to find a function which deviates by at most from the actual target for all training data. • The linear function case, the is in the form • denotes the dot product in • “Flatness” in this case means a small (less sensitive to the perturbations in the features). • Therefore, we can write the problem as following • Subject to
Note that +ε and -ε are not actual geometric interpretation
Soft Margin and Slack Variables • approximates all pairs with precision, however, we also may allow some errors. • The soft margin loss function and slack variables were introduced to the SVR. • Subject to • is the regularization parameter which determines the trade-off between flatness and the tolerance of errors. • are slack variables which determine the degree of error that far from -insensitive tube. • The -insensitive loss function
Dual Problem and Quadratic Programs • The key idea is to construct a Lagrange function from the objective (primal) and the corresponding constraints, by introducing a dual set of variables. • The dual function has a saddle point with respect to the primal and dual variables at the solution. • Lagrange Function • Subject to and
Taking the partial derivatives (saddle point condition), we get • The conditions for optimality yield the following dual problem: • Subject to
Finally, we eliminate dual variables by substituting the partial derivatives and we get • This is called “Support Vector Expansion” in which can be completely described as a linear combination of the training patterns . • The function is represented by the SVs, therefore it’s independent of dimensionality of input space , and depends only on the number of SVs. • We will define the meaning of “Support Vector” later. • Computing and is a quadratic programming problem and the popular methods are shown below: • Interior point algorithm • Simplex algorithm
Computing • The parameter can be computed by KKT conditions (slackness), which state that at the optimal solution the product between dual variables and constrains has to vanish.
KKT(Karush–Kuhn–Tucker) conditions: • KKT conditions extend the idea of Lagrange multipliers to handle inequality constraints. • Consider the following nonlinear optimization problem: • Minimizing • Subject to , , where and • To solve the problem with inequalities, we consider the constraints as equalities when there exists critical points.
The following necessary conditions hold: is the local minimum and there exists constants and called KKT multipliers. • Stationary condition: (This is the saddle point condition in the dual problem.) • Primal Feasibility: and • Dual Feasibility: • Complementary slackness: (This condition enforces either to be zero or to be zero)
Original Problem: • Subject to • Standard Form for KKT • Objective • Constraints
Complementary slackness condition: • There exists KKT multipliers and (Lagrange multipliers in ) that meet this condition. • From (1) and (2), we can get • From (3) and (4), we can see that for some , the slack variables can be nonzero. • Conclusion: • Only samples with corresponding lie outside the -insensitive tube. • , i.e. there can never be a set of dual variables and which are both simultaneously nonzero.
From previous page, we can conclude: • We can form inequalities in conjunction with the two sets of inequalities above • If some the inequalities becomes equalities.
Sparseness of the Support Vector • Previous conclusion show that only for the Lagrange multipliers can be nonzero. • In other words, for all samples inside the-insensitive tube the and vanish. • Therefore, we have a sparse expansion of in terms of and the samples that come with non-vanishing coefficients are called “Support Vectors”.
Kernel Trick • The next step is to make the SV algorithm nonlinear. This could be achieved by simply preprocessing the training patterns by a map. • The dimensionality of this space is implicitly defined. • Example: , • It can easily become computationally infeasible • The number of different monomial features (polynomial mapping) of degree • The computationally cheaper way: • Kernel should follow Mercer's condition
In the end, the nonlinear function takes the form: • Possible kernel functions • Linear kernel: • Polynomial kernel: • Multi-layer Perceptron kernel: • Gaussian Radial Basis Function kernel:
Neural Network • The most common example is using feed-forward networks which employ the sliding window over the input sequence. • For each neuron, it consists of three parts: inputs, weights and (activated) output. • Sigmoid function • Hyperbolic tangent …
Example: 2-layer feed-forward Neural Network • Neural Network: • Gradient-descent related methods • Evolutionary methods • Their simple implementation and the existence of mostly local dependencies exhibited in the structure allows for fast, parallel implementations in hardware. …
Learning (Optimization) Algorithm • Error Function: • Chain Rule: where and ( input, hidden neuron) • Batch Learning and Online Learning using NN • the universal approximation theorem states that a feed-forward network with a single hidden layer can approximate continuous functions under mild assumptions on the activation function.
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System • Combines the advantages of fuzzy logic and neural network. • Fuzzy rules is generated by input space partitioning or Fuzzy C-means clustering • Gaussian Membership function • TSK-type fuzzy IF-THEN rules: : IF IS AND IS AND … AND IS THEN
9 6 3 5 2 8 7 4 1 • Input space partitioning • For 2-dimensional data input:
Fuzzy C-means clustering • For clusters, the degree of belonging : • , , … (5) • where … (6) • Objective function • … (7) • … (8) • To minimize , we take the derivatives of and we can get the mean of cluster … (9) • Fuzzy C-means algorithm • Randomly initialize and satisfies (5) • Calculate the means of each cluster • Calculate according to new updated in (6) • Stops when or is small enough
1st layer: fuzzification layer • 2nd layer: conjunction layer • 3rd layer: normalization layer • 4th layer: inference layer • 5th layer: output layer
Comparison • Neural Network vs. SVR • Local minimum vs. global minimum • Choice of kernel/activation function • Computational complexity • Parallel computation of neural network • Online learning vs. batch learning • ANFIS vs. Neural Network • Convergence speed • Number of fuzzy rules
Example: Function Approximation (1) x = (0:0.5:10)'; w=5*rand; b=4*rand; y = w*x+b; trnData = [x y]; tic; numMFs = 5; mfType = 'gbellmf'; epoch_n = 20; in_fis = genfis1(trnData,numMFs,mfType); out_fis = anfis(trnData,in_fis,20); time=toc; h=evalfis(x,out_fis); plot(x,y,x,h); legend('Training Data','ANFIS Output'); RMSE=sqrt(sum((h-y).^2)/length(h)); disp(['Time = ',num2str(time),' RMSE = ',num2str(RMSE)]) • ANFIS Time = 0.015707 RMSE = 5.8766e-06
x = (0:0.5:10)'; w=5*rand; b=4*rand; y = w*x+b; trnData = [x y]; tic; net = feedforwardnet(5,'trainlm'); model = train(net,trnData(:,1)', trnData(:,2)'); time=toc; h = model(x')'; plot(x,y,x,h); legend('Training Data','NN Output'); RMSE=sqrt(sum((h-y).^2)/length(h)); disp(['Time = ',num2str(time),' RMSE = ',num2str(RMSE)]) • NN Time = 4.3306 RMSE = 0.00010074
clear; clc; addpath'./LibSVM' addpath'./LibSVM/matlab' x = (0:0.5:10)'; w=5*rand; b=4*rand; y = w*x+b; trnData = [x y]; tic; model = svmtrain(y,x,['-s 3 -t 0 -c 2.2 -p 1e-7']); time=toc; h=svmpredict(y,x,model); plot(x,y,x,h); legend('Training Data','LS-SVR Output'); RMSE=sqrt(sum((h-y).^2)/length(h)); disp(['Time = ',num2str(time),' RMSE = ',num2str(RMSE)]) • SVR Time = 0.00083499 RMSE = 6.0553e-08
Given function w=3.277389450887783 and b=0.684746751246247 • % model struct • % SVs : sparse matrix of SVs • % sv_coef : SV coefficients • % model.rho : -b of f(x)=wx+b • % for lin_kernel : h_2 = full(model.SVs)'*model.sv_coef*x-model.rho; • full(model.SVs)'*model.sv_coef=3.277389430887783 • -model.rho=0.684746851246246
Example: Function Approximation (2) • ANFIS x = (0:0.1:10)'; y = sin(2*x)./exp(x/5); trnData = [x y]; tic; numMFs = 5; mfType = 'gbellmf'; epoch_n = 20; in_fis= genfis1(trnData,numMFs,mfType); out_fis = anfis(trnData,in_fis,20); time=toc; h=evalfis(x,out_fis); plot(x,y,x,h); legend('Training Data','ANFIS Output'); RMSE=sqrt(sum((h-y).^2)/length(h)); disp(['Time = ',num2str(time),' RMSE = ',num2str(RMSE)]) Time = 0.049087 RMSE = 0.042318
NN x = (0:0.1:10)'; y = sin(2*x)./exp(x/5); trnData = [x y]; tic; net = feedforwardnet(5,'trainlm'); model = train(net,trnData(:,1)', trnData(:,2)'); time=toc; h = model(x')'; plot(x,y,x,h); legend('Training Data','NN Output'); RMSE=sqrt(sum((h-y).^2)/length(h)); disp(['Time = ',num2str(time),' RMSE = ',num2str(RMSE)]) Time = 0.77625 RMSE = 0.012563
clear; clc; addpath'./LibSVM' addpath'./LibSVM/matlab' x = (0:0.1:10)'; y = sin(2*x)./exp(x/5); trnData = [x y]; tic; model = svmtrain(y,x,['-s 3 -t 0 -c 2.2 -p 1e-7']); time=toc; h=svmpredict(y,x,model); plot(x,y,x,h); legend('Training Data','LS-SVR Output'); RMSE=sqrt(sum((h-y).^2)/length(h)); disp(['Time = ',num2str(time),' RMSE = ',num2str(RMSE)]) • SVR
RBF Kernel Time = 0.0039602 RMSE = 0.0036972
Polynomial Kernel Time = 20.9686 RMSE = 0.34124
Linear Kernel Time = 0.0038785 RMSE = 0.33304