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The age of the earth. 2/23/2013 Wesley YAY Fellowship. Ice-Breaker: How old is the earth?. The age of the earth. For 18 centuries mankind believe God created the world in six literal days The earth is around 6,000 years old
The age of the earth 2/23/2013 Wesley YAY Fellowship
Ice-Breaker: How old is the earth? The age of the earth
For 18 centuries mankind believe God created the world in six literal days • The earth is around 6,000 years old • 200 years ago, atheistic scientists developed new theories of earth history The age of the earth
Christian Leaders try to fit millions of years into the Bible: • Day-age view (the day in the six day creation is much longer than just a day!) • Gap Theory (millions of year between V1 and V2) • Local Flood view • Framework hypothesis (Ge 1 is symbolic) • Theistic evolution (God use Evolution to create humans & other creatures) • Progressive creation The age of the earth
Is this important? • Why Satan bothered? The age of the earth
Let’s Genesis 5 The age of the earth
Adam (born on the 6th day of Creation) 130 Seth 105 Enosh 90 Kenan D. 930 70 Mahalalel D. 912 65 Jared D. 905 162 Enoch 65 Methuselah D. 910 D. 895 187 Lamech 365 D. 962 182 Noah Sham, Ham, Japheth 500 D. 969 D. 777 600 The Flood
From the birth of Adam to The Flood: • 130+105+90+70+65+162+65+187+182+500+100 = 1656 The age of the earth
Genealogy of Jesus Christ Luke 3:36-38 (NIV) 36 the son of Cainan, the son of Arphaxad, the son of Shem, the son of Noah, the son of Lamech, 37 the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of Kenan, 38 the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God. The age of the earth
7 Reasons why we should not accept millions of years! By Dr. Terry Mortenson The age of the earth
The Bible clearly teaches that God created in six literal, 24-hour days a few thousand years ago.
Exodus 20:11 blocks all attempts to fit millions of years into Genesis 1. Exodus 20:11 (NIV) 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Hebrew: Yom All Scripture is Inspired by God 2 Timothy 3:16
Noah’s Flood washes away millions of years Figure 9—Some fish are buried so rapidly that fine details of fins and eye sockets have been preserved. Photo courtesy of Dr. Andrew Snelling.
Figure 10—This trilobite has been so exquisitely preserved that even the compound lens systems in their eyes are still available for detailed study. Photo courtesy of Dr. Andrew Snelling. Figure 11—Soft-bodied marine creatures, such as this fossilized jellyfish (Mawsonitesspriggi), are finely preserved in a sandstone bed. Photo courtesy of Dr. Andrew Snelling. Figure 12—Many fish were buried alive and fossilized quickly, such as this fish “caught in the act” of eating its last meal. Photo courtesy of Dr. Andrew Snelling. Credit to: by Andrew A. Snelling, Answer in Genesis (2/12/08) The World’s a Graveyard Flood Evidence Number Two
Figure 13—This female ichthyosaur, a marine reptile, was found fossilized at the moment of giving birth to her baby. Photo courtesy of Dr. Andrew Snelling. Credit to: by Andrew A. Snelling, Answer in Genesis (2/12/08) The World’s a Graveyard Flood Evidence Number Two
Jesus was a young-earth creationist! • Matt 15:1-9 (Jesus affirmed the authority of Scripture over men’s ideas and traditions.) • Mark 10:6 • 6“But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’[a] • (clearly rebuke all those theories!) The age of the earth
Belief in millions of years undermines the Bible’s teaching on death and on the character of God. Kathy Svitil, in Killer Cancer in the Cretaceous written Nov 03,2003 said this Gorgosaurs lived 72 million years ago. A matrix of bone within this dinosaur's brain tumor allowed it to fossilize along with the rest of the animal's skeleton. Gorgosaurs were smaller and quicker than their kin the T. rex. This young female, however, was crippled and likely killed in her prime by a rare brain tumor.
The idea of millions of years did not come from the scientific facts. Atheistic Assumptions Biblical Assumptions Facts Rocks & Fossils Young Earth & Global Flood Old Earth Interpretations
Radiometric dating methods do not prove millions of years. • What is Carbon-dating? The determination of the age of an organic object from the relative proportions of the carbon isotopes carbon-12 and carbon-14 in it. • This technique was developed in the early 20th century • It’s been proven to be unreliable by RATE researchers The age of the earth
Young Radiocarbon Date for Ancient Fossil Wood Challenges Fossil Dating • by Andrew Snelling March 1, 2000 • Concluded that the fossil wood and its 14C analyses cast grave doubts upon the index fossil ‘dating’ method and its uniformitarian and evolutionary presuppositions. • On the other hand, these results are totally consistent with the details of the recent global Genesis Flood, as recorded in the Creator’s Word — the Bible. The age of the earth