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Age of the Earth

Explore the age of the Earth through scientific evidence, historical perspectives, and controversies surrounding dating methods. Delve into creationist viewpoints, radioactive isotopes, biblical genealogies, and examples challenging established dating techniques.

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Age of the Earth

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  1. Age of the Earth Evidence: “The earth is older than man’s recorded history.” David A. Eakin, Ph.D.1985

  2. General Evolution NeedsLots of Time “If oak trees and humans share a common ancestor,that ancestor had to live very long ago.” Karl D. Feser, in the Review of Thirty-One Creationist Books, Stan Weinberg, ed., National Center for Science Education, 1984, p. 69

  3. Time Performs the Miracles “Time is the hero of the plot. The time with which we have to deal is in the order of two billion years. What we regard as impossible on the basis of human experience is meaningless here. Given so much time, the ‘impossible’ becomes possible, the possible probable, and the probable virtually certain. One has only to wait: time performs the miracles.” George Wald, Scientific AmericanVol. 191, Aug. 1954, p. 48.

  4. Estimating the Age of the Earth “By this time the alternative to special creation, namely the idea of continuity and historical succession, or evolution, had occurred to a number of thinkers. Some of these recognized that any concept of evolution demanded an earth of sufficiently great age, and they set out to estimate this age.”

  5. Biblical Genealogies 1. Significance of “BEGAT” - Gen. 11:26 -BTB 2. Skip Generations - 2 Kings 9:2, 20 - Compare

  6. Units of local application

  7. Assumptionsof Dating Methods • Initial Condition • Final Condition • Rate of Decay

  8. Basic Assumption in Dating

  9. Gentry’s Conclusions:

  10. Short-Lived Radioactive Isotopes “The half-life of polonium 214 is only 164 micro-seconds. According to one theory of the planet’s origin, the earth cooled down from a hot gaseous mass and gradually solidified over a period of hundreds of millions of years.If this were so, polonium halos could not possibly have formed because all the polonium would have decayed soon after it was synthesized and would have been extinct when the crustal rocks formed . . .Unless the creation of the radioactivity and rocks were simultaneous there would be no picture - no variant pleochroic halos. Further, by virtue of the very short half-life, the radioactivity and formation of the rocks must be almost instantaneous.” Robert Gentry

  11. Creationist Examples One could rightly ask why we should believe dates that have not had their assumptions validated when so many dates that can be checked for accuracy are wrong, sometimes ludicrously so. For example: 1. Living mollusks (snails, etc.) have had their shells dated by the C-14 method up to 2,300 years. 2. New wood from actively growing trees has been dated by the same method at 10,000 years! 3. Mortar from the Oxford Castle in England was assigned an age by C-14 of 7,370 years, but the castle was built only 785 years ago. 4. Freshly killed seals have been dated at 1,300 years, and mummified seals dead no longer than 30 years have been dated up to 4,600 years.

  12. Pillow Lava “The evidence that radioclocks have actually been deranged is clear from the many dating errors of objects of known age. We previously mentioned the 6,000 year spread of dates for Jarmo which was known to be inhabited for only 500 years, as well as other C-14 errors. Errors with the potassium and uranium methods are equally striking. For example, lava from Hawaiian and other volcanoes around the world that is known to have flowed within the last two hundred years has been dated by the potassium-argon anduranium-lead methodsat thousands of millions of years! Surely this demonstrates that the assumptions used in dating techniques are not only truly assumptions, but often truly wrong.”

  13. TIME or PROCESS ?

  14. Ja’ldskjf’a;kl Lkds’akj Kaj’klj

  15. Kerkut has also noted several disappointing errors in various dating results. Some examples are: 1. A deposit in the Colorado Caribou Mime dated by uranium-lead yielded an error of 700 million years. 2. Swedish kolm was dated by uranium-lead from 380 million years to 800 million years. 3. Potassium-argon methods have dated “Cambrium” rocks 200 million years older than a previous estimate. Read, in a presentation to a California State Board of Education Meeting, revealed the finds of his research in the scientific literature dealing with moon datings. Apollo sample material dated by uranium-thorium-lead, agglutinate, and potassium-argon methods gave ages from two million years to 28 billion years.

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