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Understanding CoR regulations for drivers in the transportation industry, including roles, responsibilities, and the importance of taking reasonable steps to prevent breaches of regulations. Covering areas like fatigue, mass dimensions, speeding, and dangerous goods handling. Learn how proper documentation such as the Hanson daily log sheet can serve as a defense in case of breaches. Stay informed to ensure compliance with CoR legislation.

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  1. CHAIN OF RESPONSIBILITY The roles and responsibilities of drivers Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  2. CoR Each company, their employees, managers and directors are obligated under Chain of Responsibility legislation to take reasonable steps to prevent breaches of the regulations. The CoR regulations extend the scope of liability to those parties who know or ought to know that their actions or inactions may, cause, encourage or contribute to any breach and therefore bear a level of responsibility for any such breach. Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  3. CoR CoR legislation deals with 4 main areas of road transport – • fatigue • mass, dimension and load restraint • speeding • dangerous goods Drivers have roles and responsibilities in all of those areas. Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  4. CoR Under the CoR regulations there is grounds for “reasonable steps defence.” You must be able to show that you took reasonable steps to prevent breaching the regulations. This means you must record as well as do. The Hanson daily log sheet becomes your first line of defence. Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  5. CoR - Fatigue Do not accept any load, or drive a regulated heavy vehicle if you feel fatigued. Signs or indicators of fatigue include being irritable, inattentive, yawning, missing gear changes, not realising where you are and missing a turn off. Contact your direct supervisor or manager and advise him of the situation. Always record every legitimate rest break that you take. Don’t accept a load if you cannot complete the delivery and return to your base within your allowable work hours, unless prior arrangements are in place to replace you with another driver as needed. Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  6. CoR - Fatigue A driver must use the National Work Diary to record his work and rest hours if he – • Is more than a 100 kilometre radius from his base He must also use the Hanson Driver’s Daily Log Sheet. Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  7. CoR - Fatigue A driver must use the Hanson Driver’s Daily Log Sheet to record his work and rest hours if he is not using a National Work Diary. • All rest breaks must be recorded • All details must be accurate. • Keep the details up to date during the day • This becomes part of your reasonable steps defence Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  8. CoR - Fatigue Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  9. CoR - Fatigue Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  10. CoR – drivers hours Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  11. CoR – driver hours definitions • Refer to the operator’s own plan if they are accredited under “Advanced Fatigue Management – AFM” • Definitions • Work – time spent driving a regulated heavy vehicle and includes loading or unloading, inspecting or repairing the vehicle, Inspecting or attending to the load, Cleaning or refuelling, helping with or supervising any of the above, recording information or completing paperwork relating to vehicle operation, time spent training or supervising another driver, whilst in the vehicle. • Rest Break – any continuous period of atleast 15 minutes that does not involve work. Rest breaks can be taken at suitable locations on the job site, the driver’s base or at the side of the road, in the driver’s seat with the engine running for the driver’s comfort or where this is necessary to rotate the barrel, when queuing to load or unload • Regulated Heavy Vehicle – a vehicle or combination of vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) over 12 tonnes. • Stationary Rest - rest time that the driver spends out of a heavy vehicle or in an approved sleeper berth of a stationary regulated heavy vehicle. • Night Rest - 7 hours continuous stationary rest taken between 10 pm on a day and 8 am on the next day (using the time zone of the base of the driver) or 24 continuous hours stationary rest. • A “long” hour -any hour worked in excess of 12 hours in a 24 hour period and a “night” hour is any hour worked between midnight and 6am (or the equivalent hours in the time zone of the base of a driver). Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  12. CoR – BFM drivers hours Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  13. CoR – Fitness for Duty Do not load any heavy truck, or drive any heavy truck if you are under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. Contact your direct supervisor or manager and advise the situation. Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  14. CoR – Mass & Dimension Do not cause or allow overloading of your truck. If a truck is overloaded the driver must partially discharge or tip enough material so that the load is within the legal limit for that vehicle. Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  15. CoR – Load Restraint Do not load any truck, or accept any load if your truck’s load restraint system appears unsafe or unsuitable for the proposed load, e.g. the tarping system appears damaged, inoperative or missing. Contact your direct supervisor or manager and advise the situation. Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  16. CoR - Speeding • Do not exceed speed limits. • Do not forego any required rest breaks. • If your delivery docket or screen has a delivery time shown, then that time is the estimated time that you should arrive at the delivery site. It is not the latest time that you should arrive at the site. • If for any reason you are delayed then inform the allocator or your supervisor of the delay so that he can advise the customer. • Do not speed or forego rest breaks to meet the ETA. Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  17. CoR - signage SITE ENTRY NOTICE All drivers must comply with Chain of Responsibility requirements: Fatigue Management Mass & Load Restraint Speed Compliance Dangerous Goods Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  18. CoR - signage NOTICE • This Company reserves the right to refuse to load or unload any vehicle when – • The driver appears fatigued • Or the driver cannot produce any fatigue management plan • Or the driver cannot produce any record of work/rest hours • Or the driver appears to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol • Or the vehicle’s load restraint system appears unsafe or unsuitable for the proposed load • Or the vehicle is overloaded • Drivers may be required to complete and sign a declaration that they are fit for duty, they are not fatigued and they are complying with all applicable work and rest requirements. Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  19. CoR – Checklist Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

  20. CoR Shared responsibility = same result for all Hanson CoR for drivers 8. 2011

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