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4th grade

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What choices are you making? By:PalinNarsian Next

  2. Situation #1 A classmate said, “Your clothes look bad.” What will you do? Which do you think is the right choice. Should I say, • I like my clothes a lot. • Your clothes look much worse.

  3. The wrong choice. I said I hate your clothes and they started yelling at me and I got in trouble. Click here to make a better choice.

  4. The right choice. Good choice. If you yell back it makes problems bigger. Next

  5. Situation#2 After the game a teammate said to to me you made our team lose. You suck at basketball. Which do you think is the right choice Should I say, 1You suck your so mean. 2. We should all help each other no matter if we’re good or bad.

  6. Wrong choice. You say “you suck so much” they told on you and you got in trouble. Click here to make a better choice.

  7. Right choice. Great choice yelling back won’t help you at all. Next

  8. You’ve made great choices. Awesome job!

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