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Unit 7 Summer holiday plans

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans. Story time. Unit 7 Summer holiday plans. Story time. Quick response : 快速回答. How many days are there in a week ?. There are seven. What are they?. They are Sunday, Monday …. Which day do you like best? Why?. I like … best. Because ….

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Unit 7 Summer holiday plans

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  1. Unit 7 Summer holiday plans Story time

  2. Unit 7 Summer holiday plans Story time

  3. Quick response : 快速回答 How many days are there in a week ? There are seven. What are they? They are Sunday, Monday … Which day do you like best? Why? I like … best. Because … That sounds great. / That’s great.

  4. Where will you go this Sunday ? I will go to .... Will you go to Australia this summer holiday? Yes , I will . / No , I won’t . Will you listen carefully and speak loudly this English lesson? Yes , I will . / No , I won’t . That sounds great. / That’s great.

  5. Game time 预习反馈 Rules: • When you see the words, please read loudly! • When you see the ,please clap your hands (拍手)and shout“Get out” !. • After reading, tell me which new words you see(看到哪些新单词).

  6. holiday will the Great Wall Ocean Park Summer Palace Taipei Disneyland month Palace Museum visit

  7. 迪士尼乐园 Last summer holiday, I went to _______by ____, I went to ___________and __________. I stayed there for_____days. 海洋公园 Hong Kong plane Ocean Park Disneyland five

  8. Say something about your last summer holiday Where will you go this summer holiday ? Last summer holiday, I went to _______by ____, I went to ___________and __________. I stayed there for_____day(s). I will go to ... Summer holiday plans 暑假计划

  9. Watch and circle 看卡通,说说哪些人正在讨论暑假计划? Who are talking about the summer holiday plans?

  10. Watch and circle Who are talking about the summer holiday plans?

  11. Watch and circle Who are talking about the summer holiday plans?

  12. Watch and circle Who are talking about the summer holiday plans?

  13. Read , match and say Where will they go for the holiday? Tips: 快速浏览全文,并用…will go to….说一说他们的计划。 北京 香港 台北 伦敦

  14. Read and answer Q1: How long will Mike stay in London? He will stay there for a month. 月 Learning Tips: 仔细阅读左边课文P68,用铅笔划出答案的关键句。 Q2: What will Yang Ling do in Beijing? Q3: Will Yang Ling go to Beijing by plane?

  15. The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday. Y: Where will you go for the holiday, Mike? M: I’ll go back to London. Y: How long will you stay there? M: I’ll stay there for a month. What about you? Y: I’ll visit my aunt and uncle in Beijing. M: That sounds great. Will you go to Beijing by plane? Y: No, I won’t. I’ll go by train.

  16. Read and answer Q1: How long will Mike stay in London? He will stay there for a month. Q2: What will Yang Ling do in Beijing? She will visit her aunt and uncle. Q3: Will Yang Ling go to Beijing by plane?

  17. The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday. Y: Where will you go for the holiday, Mike? M: I’ll go back to London. Y: How long will you stay there? M: I’ll stay there for a month. What about you? Y: I’ll visit my aunt and uncle in Beijing. M: That sounds great. Will you go to Beijing by plane? Y: No, I won’t. I’ll go by train.

  18. Read and answer Q1: How long will Mike stay in London? He will stay there for a month. Q2: What will Yang Ling do in Beijing? She will visit her aunt and uncle. Q3: Will Yang Ling go to Beijing by plane? No, she won’t. = will not

  19. The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday. Y: Where will you go for the holiday, Mike? M: I’ll go back to London. Y: How long will you stay there? M: I’ll stay there for a month. What about you? Y: I’ll visit my aunt and uncle in Beijing. M: That sounds great. Will you go to Beijing by plane? Y: No, I won’t. I’ll go by train.

  20. Listen and repeat The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday. Y: Where will you go for the holiday, Mike? M: I’ll go back to London. Y: How long will you stay there? M: I’ll stay there for a month. What about you? Y: I’ll visit my aunt and uncle in Beijing. M: That sounds great. Will you go to Beijing by plane? Y: No, I won’t. I’ll go by train.

  21. Try to say London Mike will go back to ________ for the holiday. He will stay there for __________. Yang Ling’s ______ and ______ live in Beijing. She will visit them this summer holiday. She will go there by _______ . a month aunt uncle train

  22. family show in Read and judge 1. Su Hai will go to Hong Kong with her sister.( ) F Learning Tips: 仔细阅读课文右边(69页),判断句子是否正确,不对的请指出错误之处,并进行改正。 2. Su Hai will visit Disneyland and Ocean Park.( ) T T 3. Liu Tao will go to Taipei with his parents.( ) 4. Liu Tao will take some photos after the holiday.( ) F

  23. Try to say family Disneyland Su Hai and her ________ will visit ________ and _____________ in Hong Kong. Liu Tao will go to ______________ with his __________. He will take some __________ and show them _________ the holiday. Ocean Park Taipei parents photos after

  24. Happy reading The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday. Y: Where will you go for the holiday, Mike? M: I’ll go back to London. Y: How long will you stay there? M: I’ll stay there for a month. What about you? Y: I’ll visit my aunt and uncle in Beijing. M: That sounds great. Will you go to Beijing by plane? Y: No, I won’t. I’ll go by train. Tips: Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 注意语音语调。

  25. Happy reading L: Where will you go for the summer holiday, SuHai? S: I’ll go to HongKong with my family. L: Will you go to Disneyland? S: Yes, I will. We’ll go to Ocean Park too. What about you, LiuTao? L: I’ll go toTaipei with my parents. S: That’s wonderful. I want to see the city too. L: OK. I’ll show you some photos after the holiday. S: Thanks!

  26. 四人小组选择一种喜欢的方式读一读。 Happy reading Read after one. (一人领读,其余跟读) Read in roles. (分角色读) Read together. (齐读)

  27. London a month aunt and uncle train Disneyland Ocean Park Taipei photos

  28. Make a plan 同学们,我们的暑假即将到来,让我们一起制定暑假计划吧! This summer , I will go to Shandong. I will go there by car. I will go there on the 20th of July. I will stay there for three days. I will do many things there. I will swim in the sea and play with the sand. I will show you some photos after the holiday. I will have a wonderful summer holiday!

  29. Make a plan My summer holiday plans This summer , I will go to_______________. I willgo there by _____________________. I will go here in / on ___________________. I will stay there for ___________________. I will do many things there . I will ______________________________. I will show you some photos after the holiday. I will have a wonderful summer holiday.!

  30. Make a plan My summer holiday plans This summer , I will go to_______________. I willgo there by _____________________. I will go here in / on ___________________. I will stay there for ___________________. I will do many things there . I will ______________________________. I will show you some photos after the holiday. I will have a wonderful summer holiday.!

  31. Don’t swim without adults. 不要在无大人陪同下去游泳。 Be careful for your holiday! 假期要注意安全哦!

  32. Homework Talk with your parents about what you want to do for the coming summer holiday . Listen to the tape and read story time fluently.

  33. Thank you for listening! Goodbye! 

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