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Bell Work: 4/5/10

TCAP Review Practice Book Science #49-50 Pg. 127 Use the book that is the same # as on your desk. DO NOT WRITE IN THE PRACTICE BOOK!. Bell Work: 4/5/10. The part of the Earth on which the tectonic plates move is the . a. lithosphere. b. asthenosphere. c. mesosphere. d. crust.

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Bell Work: 4/5/10

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  1. TCAP Review Practice Book Science #49-50 Pg. 127 Use the book that is the same # as on your desk. DO NOT WRITE IN THE PRACTICE BOOK! Bell Work: 4/5/10

  2. The part of the Earth on which the tectonic plates move is the a. lithosphere. b. asthenosphere. c. mesosphere. d. crust.

  3. Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with most alternative fuel sources? a. They create a great deal of pollution. b. They are expensive to implement. c. They are easily constructed anywhere on Earth. d. Their wastes can be easily contained.

  4. A silicate mineral must contain a. silicon and oxygen. b. oxygen and carbon. c. carbon and hydrogen. d. silicon and carbon.

  5. The color of the powder that a mineral leaves on a piece of white, unglazed porcelain is called the mineral’s a. color. b. luster. c. streak. d. scratch.

  6. What are the two major groups of minerals? a. metallic and nonmetallic b. native elements and carbonates c. silicates and nonsilicates d. quartz and mica

  7. Pure substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means are called a. molecules. b. elements. c. compounds. d. crystals.

  8. The volcanoes of Hawaii and other places far from tectonic plate boundaries are known as a. calderas. b. mid-ocean ridges. c. hot spots. d. viscous volcanoes.

  9. Most active volcanoes form a. far from bodies of water. b. where tectonic plates collide. c. where tectonic plates separate. d. where tectonic plates move back and forth.

  10. What is a problem associated with fossil fuel use? a. Too much farmland is needed. b. Acid precipitation may form. c. Too much wind is needed. d. Water is produced as a byproduct.

  11. How does the theory of plate tectonics explain the formation of a chain of volcanoes that is not near a plate boundary? a. continental plates are converging b. a plate is moving over a hot spot in the mantle c. continental plates are diverging d. a continental and oceanic plate are converging

  12. During the rock cycle, what forms when magma cools? a. igneous rock b. sedimentary rock c. metamorphic rock d. foliated rock

  13. Which unit of measure best describes the distance a tectonic plate moves in one year? a. centimeter d. Angstrom c. kilometer b. meter

  14. What kind of deformation leads to earthquakes? a. plastic deformation b. elastic deformation c. convergent deformation d. shear deformation

  15. Humans can conserve natural resources by a. leaving the lights on. b. relocating endangered species. c. keeping water sources clean. d. leaving the faucet on.

  16. Tectonic plates consist of a. continental crust. b. oceanic crust. c. both continental and oceanic crust. d. mesosphere.

  17. What is the liquid layer of the Earth’s core called? a. lithosphere b. mesosphere c. inner core d. outer core

  18. What is the outermost layer of the Earth called? a. core b. lithosphere c. asthenosphere d. mesosphere

  19. Mount Everest, part of the Himalayan mountain range, is getting taller each year. Which of these best explains why? a. No erosion takes place at such high altitudes. b. This mountain is found along a boundary between two colliding continental plates. c. The snow pack increases each year on Mount Everest. d. Continual volcanic activity increases the height of Mount Everest each year.

  20. What is the area where two tectonic plates meet called? a. collision b. a mid-ocean ridge c. a boundary d. a rift zone

  21. Which of the following is a renewable resource? a. fresh water b. coal c. petroleum d. natural gas

  22. What is any natural material used by humans called? a. a biological resource b. a nonrenewable resource c. a renewable resource d. a natural resource

  23. Which of the following is NOT a renewable resource? a. coal b. water c. animals d. trees

  24. In addition to reclamation, a good way to reduce the environmental effects of mining is to a. recycle mineral products. b. dig deeper mines. c. use more metals. d. flush mines with water.

  25. What is a mineral deposit that is large and pure enough to be mined called? a. gemstone b. ore c. pluton d. pegmatite

  26. What kinds of mines are open pit and quarry mines? a. shaft mines b. slope mines c. surface mines d. subsurface mines

  27. Which of the following properties of minerals does Mohs scale measure? a. luster b. hardness c. density d. streak

  28. The three main types of volcanoes are a. shield, pahoehoe, and vented. b. cinder, cone, and composite. c. cinder cone, lapilli, and caldera. d. shield, composite, and cinder cone.

  29. How does the theory of plate tectonics explain the formation of a volcano on the edge of a continent? a. a plate is moving over a hot spot in the mantle b. oceanic plates are diverging c. continental plates are diverging d. an oceanic and continental plate are converging

  30. How did humans use rocks in the past? a. to play sports b. to tell time c. to write d. to make tools

  31. Sedimentary rock is formed through the process of a. cementation b. stratification. c. erosion. d. foliation.

  32. What has to increase for metamorphism to occur? a. weathering and erosion b. temperature (heat) and pressure c. melting and cooling d. compaction and cementation

  33. What is the process in which water, wind, and heat break down rock? a. weathering b. exfoliation c. cementation d. composition

  34. What kind of metamorphic rock has its mineral grains arranged in planes or bands? a. extrusive b. foliated c. nonfoliated d. intrusive

  35. Besides texture, how else are rocks classified? a. by the amount of foliation b. by their grain size c. by their grain shape d. by their composition

  36. What forms when rock partially or completely melts? a. limestone b. reefs c. ripple marks d. magma

  37. What are strata? a. mineral fragments b. minerals crystallized out of solution c. layers in sedimentary rock d. fossils in sedimentary rock

  38. Sediments are transported or moved from their original source by a process called a. deposition. b. erosion. c. uplift. d. weathering.

  39. The waves of energy from earthquakes that travel through Earth are called a. earthquake waves. b. transform waves. c. gap waves. d. seismic waves.

  40. When the distribution of earthquakes worldwide is plotted on a map, a pattern is evident. Which of these correctly describes the pattern of earthquake activity? a. Earthquake locations are randomly distributed. b. Most earthquakes occur in the southern hemisphere. c. Most earthquakes occur in an area roughly encompassing the Atlantic Ocean. d. Most earthquakes occur along tectonic plate boundaries.

  41. How does the theory of plate tectonics explain the formation of mid-ocean ridges? a. an oceanic and continental plate are converging b. continental plates are diverging c. continental plates are converging d. oceanic plates are diverging

  42. Which of these best describes how the theory of plate tectonics explains the formation of a deep-sea trench? a. a plate is moving over a hot spot in the mantle b. an oceanic and continental plate are converging c. oceanic plates are diverging d. continental plates are converging

  43. How does the theory of plate tectonics explain the formation of mid-ocean ridges? a. continental plates are converging b. an oceanic and continental plate are converging c. oceanic plates are diverging d. one or more continental plates is/are diverging

  44. New oceanic lithosphere forms as a result of a. sea-floor spreading. b. normal polarity. c. reverse polarity. d. continental drift.

  45. Wegener thought that all the continents were once together in one large continent called a. Gondwana. b. Laurasia. c. Eurasia. d. Pangaea.

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