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Components are like a box of chocolate. A Literature Survey of Ways to “Know What’s Inside” a Component. Literature Survey. Introduction Central Topic: Software Credentials 4 Related Bodies of Research: Property Estimators Interaction Effects Relevant Trust Research
Components are like a box of chocolate A Literature Survey of Ways to “Know What’s Inside” a Component
Literature Survey • Introduction • Central Topic: Software Credentials • 4 Related Bodies of Research: • Property Estimators • Interaction Effects • Relevant Trust Research • Combining Credentials
Motivation: Choosing a Component • Suppose you need an HTML parser for that snazzy new browser you’re building. • You have many choices: • HotSax– Microsoft • JavaCC – MIL • Jericho – Mozilla • JTidy– TagSoup
Motivation: Choosing a Component • What information would give you confidence about a component to reuse? • Knowing that the component creator validated the component against a formal specification? • Knowing who created the component? • Knowing how many other people have successfully used the component before?
Motivation: Choosing a Component • Different people value different information about the product or the people/process who created it. • This talk is a review of literature about such sources of information.
Motivation: Design as Selection • Component-selection choices abound: • Choosing an RDBMS • Choosing which web services to use • Choosing whose JavaScript to use • Choosing whose spreadsheets to use… • Those 80 million end users have this problem when picking applications, too!
A World where Formal Specifications are Few and Far Between • The burden of formal specs on designers: • Formal specs require $$$/time. • Formal specs require skills. • Formal specs require anticipation.
A World where Formal Specifications are Few and Far Between • The burden of formal specs on designers: • Formal specs require $$$/time. • Formal specs require skills. • Formal specs require anticipation. • Incorporating other peoples’ knowledge… • Means that specs must be evolvable • And they must allow heterogeneous notation • And allow incompleteness & inconsistency.
Credentials: Central Topic of this Literature Survey • In 1996, Mary proposed that components should carry “credentials” (Sha96). • These credentials would state important facts about extra-functional properties. • Examples: • “This component is compatible with JDK1.5+.” • “This interface has average latency 100ms.”
Credentials: Format(A Notional Representation) • Credentials are organized in tables, with one property per row.
Credentials: 4 RelatedBodies of Research Property Estimators Interaction Effects Software Credentials Trust Research Combining Credentials
Property Estimators • Some are estimators (or not-quite-estimators) of correctness:
Property Estimators • Some methods might make good estimators if we “insert an observer” who could convert the method’s output into a credential table entry. • More examples:
Property Estimators • Others are estimators of other quality attributes:
Credentials: Interaction Effects Property Estimators Interaction Effects Software Credentials Trust Research Combining Credentials
Interaction Constraints: Ensembles • “Constraints” annotate connectors. • They may specify policies that components must obey when they interact (Dep03). • They may specify promises that will be true if connectors are used in a certain way (Dep03). • They may specify components that must be used together in some way as an “ensemble” (Wal01, Sha96).
Interaction Effects: Context • Many estimators are context-dependent. • Example: Latency and throughput depend on how code is deployed (e.g.: RAM available). • Sta01 proposed a component “dossier” that includes test harness code + credentials. • Many estimators lack confidence bounds. • The “dossier” approach addresses this, but does not completely solve it.
Credentials: Trust Research Property Estimators Interaction Effects Software Credentials Trust Research Combining Credentials
Trust Research: It’s Who You Know… • Sometimes, the component author’s identity is the best information you have: • When no relevant estimators exist. • When you need a “tie-breaker.” • When convincing business folks. • When you need a low-cost decision method. • You also might ask, “Can I trust the person who generated this property estimate?”
Trust Research: Sources of Trust • Trust derives from several sources:
Trust Research: Sources of Trust • How do you know which software to trust?
Research on How to GetTrustworthy Data about Trust • “Reputation”… how do you make sure people aren’t lying about experiences? • Rater ratings (e.g. Slashdot, Amazon) (Jos05) • How do you get them to give ratings at all? • Pay them to rate (e.g. Epinions, About) (Jos05) • How do you tap into deep, natural language sources of information? • Mine online reviews (e.g. Amazon) (Hu05)
Credentials: Combining Credentials Property Estimators Interaction Effects Software Credentials Trust Research Combining Credentials
Combining Credentials: Ratio Scale • Simple case: • Estimate X1, normal error 1 • Estimate X2, normal error 2 • Minimum variance combined estimate (X1 / 12 + X2 / 22) / (1/ 12 + 1/ 22) Combined variance: 2 = 12 + 22 • Very few estimators have a ratio scale and normally distributed error (e.g.: latency).
Combining Credentials: Weaker Scales • When scales are ratio and error isn’t normal, you can “invent” a reasonable weight for combining estimators (Huy04). • More generally, if values have a definite a probability distribution, you can use Bayesian methods (Jos05).
Combining Credentials:Very Weak Scales • Values on interval scales can be averaged, without weighting (Jos05). (20o F + 30o F)/2 = 25o F • Values on an ordinal scale can be summarized with a median. {High, Medium, Medium, Low} Medium
Combining Credentials:Very Weak Scales • Values on a Boolean scale can be combined using deductive logic. (True & ^False) v (False & True) • Values on nominal scales can be combined using Dempster’s rule (Jos05). {Lots of A, Some B} A
Combining Credentials: Challenges • Estimators’ semantics vary… what does it really mean to “combine” them? • Not a new problem: the FDA needs to “combine” the results of clinical trials to yield assessments • Many estimators lack confidence bounds. • (We’re getting a little ahead of ourselves, anyway, since we don’t yet have widely deployed credentials to combine.)
Conclusion • We can’t expect specifications to always be available for components. • “Credentials” offer a way of representing important extra-functional properties. • Estimators exist for many properties, but estimators with error bounds are lacking. • We should consider combining analytic properties with person-related information.
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