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PPDAC for 13 Experiments

Learn how to conduct experiments, analyze data, and draw conclusions for causal questions. Includes TTRUSS method, box plots, rerandomization, and reflections on the process.

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PPDAC for 13 Experiments

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  1. PPDAC for 13 Experiments

  2. Overview • Problem: Intro and Causal Question • Plan: TTRUSS • Data: Run experiment, make table of results, box and whisker plots of independent groups, re-reandomisation output • Analysis: Analyse Box and Whisker Plot, Analyse Re Randomisation • Conclusion: Answer Causal Question, Reflect on the Process

  3. PROBLEM: THE CAUSAL QUESTION Does [Treatment] cause a change in [Response Variable] for [our experimental units]? Does [Treatment] have an effect on [Response Variable] for [our Experimental Units]?

  4. PROBLEM: THE CAUSAL QUESTION Be sure to use research to develop a purpose for answering your causal question

  5. PROBLEM Write causal question for the following investigations: • Deejahwonders about time limits and the number of math question one gets right. • Sammy wonders about music while studying and marks on the math exam • John wonders about energy drinks and writing speed • Dori wonders about social media affecting the number of credits gained.

  6. PLAN (T)ype of Experiment (T)reatment (R)esponse Variable Experimental (U)nits (S)Teps to carry out experiment Managing (S)ources of Variation TTRUSS For Merit you MUST outline the considerations and choices regarding ALL of the above. As always, tell me why? For Excellence you will need to back this up with research

  7. Remember James Lin “as similar as I could have them” The only difference should be the treatment

  8. DATA • Do the experiment with at least 10 people in each of the control and treatment group. • It is okay if there is a difference in the size of each group. They MUST however be over a minimum size. • The actual minimum number if we had more resources is 30 per group (assuming a numeric response variable) • Because we are poor high school students, a minimum of ten per group will do 

  9. DATA • Make the following graphs: • Box and Whiker Plots with Dot Plots and Summary Stats • Rerandomisation output for difference in means or difference in medians (if either group has data which is skewed, go with median, otherwise the statistician’s first choice should usually be the mean)

  10. ANALYSIS Detail CENTRE, SPREAD, SHAPE, and UNUSUAL for your box and whisker plots. Use the word “group” not “sample” Keep the group in context NO: group1/control group YES: group that took caffeine/group that didn’t take caffeine

  11. ANALYSIS Write about the rerandomisation plot Why do it? Why 1000 times?

  12. ANALYSIS Analyse the Rerandomisation plot

  13. CONCLUSION Answer your causal Question Reflect on the Process: What went well, what went wrong? What would you do better next time? What would you study next?

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