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Songs of Praise and Love Medley

A medley of uplifting songs praising Jesus, expressing love, and sharing a common bond of faith and hope. The lyrics highlight the joy, strength, and unity found in a community of believers. Let the music inspire your heart and soul!

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Songs of Praise and Love Medley

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus in the morning Jesus in the noon time, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus when the sun goes down. I’m Gonna Sing (Medley of Songs)

  2.  I love the old time, singing, shouting I love the old time’s way I love the old time, Singing, shouting, praying, preaching I love the old time’s way. I’m Gonna Sing (Medley of Songs)

  3. I’ll talk about my Saviour everywhere I go, (WHERE!) Everywhere I go, everywhere I go I’ll talk about my Saviour everywhere I go, Bringing joy, joy, joy to my soul I’m Gonna Sing (Medley of Songs)

  4. I'm gonna sing, sing, sing. I'm gonna shout, shout, shout. I'm gonna sing, I'm gonna shout, Praise the Lord, I’m Gonna Sing (Medley of Songs)

  5. When the gates are open wide I'm gonna sit at Jesus' side. I'm gonna sing, I'm gonna shout, Praise the Lord! I’m Gonna Sing (Medley of Songs)

  6. We wanna see Jesus lifted high We want to see Jesus lifted high A banner that flies across this land That all man might see the truth and know He is the way to Heaven (2x)

  7. We wanna see Jesus lifted high I wanna see I wanna see I wanna see Jesus lifted high (2x)

  8. We wanna see Jesus lifted high We wanna see We wanna see We wanna see Jesus lifted high (2x)

  9. Take my life, and let it be Consecrated, Lord, to Thee Take my hands, and let them move At the impulse of Thy love At the impulse of Thy love

  10. Take my feet, and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee. Take my voice, and let me sing Always, only, for my King Always, only, for my King

  11. Take my silver and my gold Not a mite would I withhold Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise Let them flow in ceaseless praise

  12. Take my will, and make it Thine It shall be no longer mine Take my heart, it is Thine own It shall be Thy royal throne It shall be Thy royal throne

  13. "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Jesus said in john 13:24

  14. A COMMON LOVE A common love for each other A common gift to the Saviour A common bond holding us to the Lord A common strength when we're weary A common hope for tomorrow A common joy in the truth of God's word

  15. In this family, we can meet each other's needs We can light each one's path We can bear each one's grief As His children, we can comfort each care We can build each one's faith We can work we can share

  16. A common love for each other A common gift to the Saviour A common bond holding us to the Lord A common strength when we're weary A common hope for tomorrow A common joy in the truth of God's word

  17. Since Children’s Day was last Friday, let the children have some fun to tell us something about their parents…

  18. What’s Uncle Wilson’s favourite drink?

  19. What’s Uncle Wilson’s favourite drink? Kopi siu tai (coffee less sugar)

  20. What’s Aunty Dorcas favourite snack?

  21. What’s Aunty Dorcas favourite snack? Calbee prawn cracker

  22. What’s Uncle Ketseng’s favourite fruit? 1)Apple pie, banana goren, mango preserved slices 2)guava, watermelon, orange, pear 3)bananas, papaya, pear, watermelon

  23. What’s Uncle Ketseng’s favourite fruit? 1)Apple pie, banana goren, mango preserved slices 2)guava, watermelon, orange, pear 3)bananas, papaya, pear, watermelon 3)bananas, papaya, pear, watermelon No 1) is actually Uncle Joe’s favourite!

  24. What’s Aunty Kate’s pastime? 1)Watching Uncle Ketseng 2)Watching Uncle Ketseng’s plants 3)Watching TV (HK TVBJ)

  25. What’s Aunty Kate’s pastime? 1)Watching Uncle Ketseng 2)Watching Uncle Ketseng’s plants 3)Watching TV (HK TVBJ) Of course 3)Watching TV (HK TVBJ)!

  26. What’s Uncle Chong’s hobby? 1)Watching Uncle Ketseng’s plants 2)CNG Travelling 3)Travelling to the supermarket to buy things that he always forgets

  27. What’s Uncle Chong’s hobby? 1)Watching Uncle Ketseng’s plants 2)CNG Travelling 3)Travelling to the supermarket to buy things that he always forgets 3)CNG travelling! Whats that, Uncle Chong?

  28. What’s Aunty Amy’s favourite food? 1)Laksa lots of hummm 2)Lor mee lots of chorrrr 3)Wanton Mee

  29. What’s Aunty Amy’s favourite food? • 1)Laksa lots of hummm • 2)Lor mee lots of chor • 3)Wanton Mee • 3)Wanton Mee! • IS definitely Uncle Chong’s favourite BUT cannot take anymore!

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