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Determining the Birth Date of Jesus and Early Eyewitnesses of Jesus

Delve into historical evidence and biblical clues to determine Jesus' birth date and the early eyewitness accounts of his life and ministry. Explore the era of the New Testament documents and their transmission through various mediums.

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Determining the Birth Date of Jesus and Early Eyewitnesses of Jesus

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  1. in JESUS Historical Jesus

  2. M. M. NINAN SAN JOSE, CA 95126 mm9n@hotmail.com

  3. Date of Birth of Jesus

  4. Assuming the year 7 BC as the appearance of the Angel to Zachariah in the Holy of Holies it works as follows

  5. 10 Tishri: The Day of Atonement - Zachariah’s VisionWeek 29:15-21 Succoth Succoth (22nd – Feast of Conclusion :The Great Day)Zachariah Gets Off Duty8 days – Zachariah gets back home and Elizabeth become pregnant with John the Baptist Sixth month of Elizabeth’s Pregnancy. Mary conceives sometime here Tevet 14 completes 280 days.Jesus was certainly born sometime in this monthIf we extrapolate the Gregorian Calendar the Hebrew month of Tevet falls in the months of December/January whatever the year of Jesus’ birth was.

  6. The date of birth we estimated was 14 Tevet. Tevet 14 (+/-) 15 is between Tevet 29 and 1 which is equivalent to between 15th of December and January 15th

  7. Christmas in fact was celebrated on January 7 for many Orthodox churches, January 6 for the Armenian Apostolic Church and January 19 for the Armenians of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Revised Julian Calendar places it at December 25

  8. Determination of the year of Birth of Jesus

  9. For the beginning of the Public Ministry of Jesus

  10. For the beginning of the Public Ministry of Jesus • Luk 3:1-2 • Now in the • fifteenth year of the government of • Tiberius Caesar, • Pontius Pilate being governor of Judaea, and • Herod tetrarch of Galilee, and • Philip his brother tetrarch of Ituraea • and the region of Trachonitis, and • Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene, • in the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas,the word of God came upon John, the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness.

  11. For the beginning of the Public Ministry of Jesus · Tiberius Caesar succeeded Augustus Caesar on the 19th of August 14 AD. · Pontus Pilate was appointed governor of Judea from 26-36 AD. · Herod Antipas was tetrarch of the Galilee from 4BC/1 BC to 39 AD. · Philip Herod was tetrarch of Ituraea and Trachonitis from c. 4BC/1 BC-34 AD. · Annas was High Priest from 6 AD-15 AD and his son-in-law, Caiaphas, was High Priest from 18 AD-36 AD, but Annas still wielded the power (John 18:12-13).

  12. Hence we could safely estimate the date of starting of the Ministry of Jesus as around 27-30 AD

  13. The crucifixion according to the gospel was within 2 - 4 years of this ministry. Thus it must have been within 30-36 AD

  14. THE EARLY EYEWITNESSES OF JESUSEvidence for the Early Dating of the Gospel Eyewitness Accounts 2Pe 1:16-21 For we have not made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, following cleverly imagined fables, but having been eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he received from God the Father honour and glory, such a voice being uttered to him by the excellent glory: This is my beloved Son, in whom I have found my delight;. and this voice we heard uttered from heaven, being with him on the holy mountain

  15. Evidence for the early existence of the New Testament documents 1. The Ending of the Book of Acts The book ends abruptly with Paul in prison, awaiting trial - Ac 28:30-31. Historically Paul finally appeared before Nero around the period of 62-63 A.D. This will give us the time of writing the Acts of Apostle to a period before 62 AD

  16. The following events did impact the Christians. But there is no mention of them in the Bible · There is no mention of Nero's persecutions which began A.D. 64/65. · There is no mention of any persecution at the hands of Rome. · There is no mention of the Jewish revolt of A.D. 66 which eventually resulted in the fall of Jerusalem.

  17. These are referred to in the Acts: · A.D. 45 - Herod Agrippa dies suddenly (Acts 12:20-23). · A.D. 49 - Emperor Claudius issues an edict banning all Jews from Rome (Acts 18:2). · A.D. 51 - Gallio appointed as proconsul of Achaia for a one-year term (Acts 18:12-17). · A.D. 59 - Porcius Festus takes the office of Procurator of Judea (Acts 24:27). Paul has already been imprisoned in Caesarea for two years.

  18. 2. No Mention of the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. We do have definite statements of Jesus in Matthew, Mark and Luke regarding the destruction of the temple within that generation (Mt. 24:1-2, Mk 13:1-4,14,30; Lk 21:5-9,20-24,32). AD 70

  19. The Titus Arch in Rome that celebrates the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD by Titus as Matthew 24 prophesied.


  21. The Era of Tabula

  22. You open it just like a book, and use the metal tool (stylus) to write!When you’re done, the wax is heated slightly, and the flat end opposite the tip of the stylus is used to smooth over your writing, ready to be used again.

  23. The Ostraca "shell, sherd." Some Christian texts are preserved upon ostraca. In the late 19th century, 20 ostraca were found in Upper Egypt, probably from the 7th century, written in Greek and Coptic.

  24. Christian texts preserved upon ostraca The more extant is Luke 22:40-71, which runs over 10 pieces. Easch ostraca contain from 2 to 9 verses each, and cover Matthew 27:31–32; Mark 5:40-41 (Mark 9:3); Mark 9:17-18, Mark 9:22; Mark 15:21; Luke 12:13-16; Luke 22:40-71; John 1:1-9; John 1:14-17; John 18:19-25; John 19:15-17

  25. The Era of the Scroll

  26. Papyrus Scrolls

  27. Parchments Parchment was developed in Pergamon Parchment is a thin material made from calfskin, sheepskin or goatskin,

  28. Isaiah scroll of the Dead Sea Scrolls is over 30 feet long.

  29. 2 Timothy 4.13 Paul asks Timothy to “bring the scrolls, especially the parchments.” For the first five centuries AD, eighty percent of all Christian books were on a codex while only twenty percent of all non-Christian books were written on a codex.

  30. Writing tools

  31. The Scribe

  32. There were five types of scribes: · Calligraphers, who dealt in fine book production · Copyists, who dealt with basic production and correspondence · Correctors, who collated and compared a finished book with the manuscript from which it had been produced · Illuminators, who painted illustrations · Rubricators, who painted in the red letters

  33. Desk with chained books in the Library of Cesena, Italy.

  34. "Causes of Error in the Transmission of the Text" UNINTENTIONAL CHANGES 1.1 errors arising from faulty eyesight 1.2 errors arising from faulty hearing 1.3 errors of the mind INTENTIONAL CHANGES 2.1 changes involving spelling and grammar 2.2 harmonistic corruptions 2.3 additions of natural complements and similar adjuncts 2.4 clearing up of historical and geographical difficulties 2.5 conflations of readings 2.6 alterations made because of doctrinal considerations 2.7 additions of miscellaneous details

  35. Storing Papyrus Rolls (Circa 80 CE) Capsa and the "Pigeon-Holes" Clark's 'On the Care of Books,' depicting 'pigeon holes,' the Roman equivalent of book shelves.

  36. The Scroll, the Codex and the Press (Shelf) containing the four Gospels codicesThe Press mosaic was found above the tomb of the Empress Galla Placidia at Ravenna AD 449. There are two shelves, on which lie the four Gospels, each as a separate codex indicated by the name of the Evangelist above it (from William Clark, The Care of Books1901 Oxford Press .)

  37. THE NEW TESTAMENT LANGUAGE "Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, The King of the Jews. Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek."

  38. Arramaic was the local language – Syriac After reading the Scriptures, Jesus could have taught in either Aramaic or Hebrew. However, He probably taught in the synagogue in Hebrew.

  39. Jesus Beyond that, Greek was well understood in "Galilee of the Gentiles," the region where Jesus was raised. There is no doubt, therefore, that Jesus and the original apostles all spoke Greek -- commonly, as a second language.

  40. Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior These Greek letters make up the word for "fish" which is the most ancient symbol of Christianity and has been used throughout the ages to represent Christians.

  41. What about Jesus Christ, and the apostles? Did they, too, commonly speak Greek as a "second language"? The answer is almost certainly yes. He certainly spoke with Pilot in Greek and with the centurion. But did he teach in Greek? Probably. After all he lived within three or four miles from the thriving Greek city of Sepphoris.

  42. "Matthew published a written gospel for the Hebrews in Rome and founding the church there. After their passing, Mark also, the disciple and interpreter of Peter, transmitted to us in writing the things preached by Peter. Luke, the follower of Paul, set down in a book the gospel preached by him. Lastly, John, the disciple of the Lord, who had leant back on His breast, once more set forth the gospel, while residing at Ephesus in Asia" Eusebius.

  43. "The language in which the New Testament documents have been preserved is the 'common Greek' (koine), which was the lingua franca of the Near Eastern and Mediterranean lands in Roman times" New Bible Dictionary

  44. The entire New Testament to have been originally composed between 40 and 80 A.D and remained in fragments as separate books. They were compiled together into one whole much later. This was probably done only by AD 350 after Christianity came out of the persecution.

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