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APS PROCEDURAL DIRECTIVE Intervening With A Potential Suicide

APS PROCEDURAL DIRECTIVE Intervening With A Potential Suicide. Revised August 2011. Intervening. All APS employees must complete the mandatory HR training on Suicide Intervention posted each year on blackboard.

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APS PROCEDURAL DIRECTIVE Intervening With A Potential Suicide

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  1. APS PROCEDURAL DIRECTIVEIntervening With A Potential Suicide Revised August 2011

  2. Intervening • All APS employees must complete the mandatory HR training on Suicide Intervention posted each year on blackboard. • When a student threatens suicide or manifests the signs of his/her intent, immediate action will be taken to intervene on behalf of the student. • The student should remain in the presence of school staff while parents are contacted and decisions are made to ensure the student’s safety. • Schools are not equipped to make a formal assessment of risk nor do the necessary in-depth counseling. • School personnel are in the position and have the duty to make appropriate referrals and to immediately secure such assistance.

  3. Reporting the Information • Any school employee who has knowledge of a suicide threat mustimmediately report this information to the school counselor. • If the student has been assigned to a school social worker, the threat may be reported to the social worker instead of the school counselor. • If the counselor or the social worker isn’t on campus, the threat will be reported to the school nurse. • If the school nurse is unavailable, the threat will be reported to the school psychologist. • If no support staff is available, the school administrator may consult with Southwest Family Guidance Center & Institute or the district counseling unit for assistance with the referral.

  4. APS Procedural Directive Flowchart

  5. Responsibilities in Responding to a Potential Suicide • Take all threats seriously. • Parents must be informed if a student threatens suicide. This includes any reports of previous attempts. • The principal will be apprised of the situation by the responder (person completing the referral). • The “Consent to Release Information” form must be signed by the parent/guardian (s) in order to continue communication with the agency doing the assessment. Southwest Family Guidance Center will make a follow-up call informing the school responder if the child was seen or not with a level of risk and a brief recommendation. Any further contact must have a signed consent.

  6. Please mark your calendar for September 26 and October 3. You have a slot for the training. I will send more information to you soon. Thanks, Tracy StudentInterview • The responder (counselor, social worker, nurse, psychologist or administrator) will interview the student and use the Responsibilities in Responding to a Potential Suicide and Suicide Intervention Notes. • All suicide assessment forms may be found on each responder group’s Blackboard page. These documents are in the process of being uploaded to each group’s Blackboard page.

  7. Parent Contact • Make every effort to contact parent/guardian(s) and “strongly request” they come immediately to the school. • It is recommended that the parent/guardian(s) be informed of the threat in person, if at all possible. If you are not able to inform the parent/guardian(s) in person, you must notify them by phone (a witness to the call is recommended and should be documented) to inform them of the threat and necessary next steps to be taken. • IF A STUDENT IS EXPRESSING SUICIDAL IDEATION OR HAS ATTEMPTED PREVIOUSLY, DO NOT LET THEM GO HOME WITHOUT MAKING CONTACT WITH A PARENT/GUARDIAN OR OTHER EMERGENCY CONTACT! • If the parent/guardian(s) cannot be reached, call the APS School Police Dispatcher. The decision to transport the student to the hospital for an evaluation must be the responsibility of the parent/guardian(s) or law enforcement.

  8. Parental Acknowledgement • Go over Parental Acknowledgement with parent in detail. You should discuss and check off all statements that apply. • Obtain parent/guardian’s signature and sign your own as witness. • Inform the parent that the school is recommending a same-day emergency assessment. • Inform the parent that APS will provide a same-day emergency suicide assessment with Southwest Family Guidance Center at no charge to the parent. • Make it clear to the parent that if they choose to take their child to a provider of their own, the parent/guardian (s) will be responsible for the expense. • Request that the parent sign a release of information so that the school and therapist (whether SWFG or own provider) can discuss strategies to assist the child be safe and successful at school. • Keep Suicide Intervention Notes and Parental Acknowledgement for your records in a locked file.

  9. CYFD Referrals • When you contact the parent/guardian(s) concerning their child’s suicidal threat, evaluate the parent/guardian’s response. • If the parent/guardian’s response appears to be damaging to the child or likely to cause a suicide attempt, contact CYFD. • If you feel that the student needs an immediate suicide assessment and the parent/guardian(s) refuse, report this as medical neglect to CYFD. • CYFD may or may not assign a caseworker, but at least it will be documented. A pattern of neglect in refusing a number of assessments may also warrant a report to CYFD. • When considering a CYFD referral, it is recommended that you consult with administration, colleagues, the district counseling unit or Southwest Family Guidance Center.

  10. Reporting Assessment Referrals to APS Counseling Unit • Southwest Family Guidance Center & Institute will follow-up with a call to the responder (person completing the referral) regarding the referral. They will inform the responder if the family kept the appointment or not, level of risk and make general recommendations. • Space is provided to list Family’s own provider and contact information and if release of information was obtained. • Return form via APS mail or email attachment to Tracy Longwill at City Center 395 W or longwill@aps.edu

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