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MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY. Importance Gives you a better understanding of the equipment Allows you to discuss equipment problems with the user Helps you locate "unknown" equipment during routine preventive maintenance inspections . MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY. Structure of Medical Terminology
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY • Importance • Gives you a better understanding of the equipment • Allows you to discuss equipment problems with the user • Helps you locate "unknown" equipment during routine preventive maintenance inspections
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY • Structure of Medical Terminology • Language is standardized • Most often based on Greek or Latin terminology - always means the same thing • Assures a universal understanding of words • Constructs words systematically • Root Word - usually the organ or system being discussed - the anatomical part • Example: Cardi - Heart
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY • Prefixes - used in conjunction with the root word to add specific meaning • Example: Peri - Around • Suffixes - also used to lend even more meaning to the root word - usually a condition • Example: Itis - Inflammation • Compound Words - Two or more roots words joined together • Example: Histo (tissue) and Ology (the study of) - Histology - the study of tissue, or Angio (vessel) and Gram (a recording) - Angiogram - the recording of a vessel
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY • Word endings - vary depending on how the word is used - allow one basic word to be used many ways • UM or IUM makes the word a noun; Example: Gastrium (stomach) • AL would make the word an adjective; Example: Cardial (heart) • AC or IC simply means the word pertains to an item; Example: Hepatic (pertaining to the liver)
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY • Terms • Words dealing with anatomy • MY - Muscle; Example: Myocardium - heart muscle • NEPHER - Kidney; Example: Nephitis - inflammation of the kidney • NEUR - Nerve; Example: Neurology - the study of nerves • OPTHALM - Eye; Example: Opthalmalgia - a pain (ALGIA) in the eye • DERMAT - Skin; Example: Dermatitis - inflammation of the skin
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY • CYT - Cell • Erythrocyte - a red (ERYTHRO) blood cell • Leukocyte - a white (LEUKO) blood cell • Macrocytes and Microcytes would be large (MACRO) and small (MICRO) cells respectively • CEPHAL - Head • Encephaloma is a tumor (OMA) inside (EN) the head • Hydroencephalic means excess water (HYDRO) in the head
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY • ARTHR – Joint • Example: Arthroplasty is the repair (PLAST) of a joint • THORAX – Chest • Example: Pneumothorax - air (PNEUMO) trapped in the chest • CYST - Bladder or any sac filled with fluid • Example: Cystoplasty - the repair of the bladder • Words dealing with a condition • CARCIN - Cancer; Example: Carcinoma - a cancerous tumor
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY • MEGAL - Large; Example: Megaloblast - a large stem cell (BLAST) • EMIA - Blood; Example: Leukemia - a condition dealing with white blood cells • PSYCH - Mind; Example: Psychology - the study of the mind • CYAN - Blue; Example: Cyanosis - a condition of blueness
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY • Common prefixes • HYPER - Above; Example: Hyperactive • HYPO - Below; Example: Hypodermic - below the skin • SUPRA - Above; Example: Supracostal - above the ribs (COSTAL) • INFRA - Below / Beneath; Example: Infracostal - below the ribs • BRADY - Slow; Example: Bradycardia - slow heartbeat • TACHY - Fast; Example: Tachycardia - fast heartbeat • A or AN - Without; Example: Apnea - without breath (PNEA)
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY • Common suffixes • OSIS - a condition • PENIA - a decrease in • Example: Thrombopenia - a decrease in platelets (THROMBO) • ECTOMY - Excision, from the root word TOME (to cut) • Example: Nepherectomy • OTOMY - Incision, from the root word tome • Example: Nepherotomy