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THE CHRIST INSTITUTES Reclaiming a Consequential Christology Fostering Christ Awakening Movements

THE CHRIST INSTITUTES Reclaiming a Consequential Christology Fostering Christ Awakening Movements. Before we begin Session II… Praise. Prelude. Passage. Prayer. Prelude. One marvelous manifestation of the love of Christ can be found in this: How much He desires to bless us,

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THE CHRIST INSTITUTES Reclaiming a Consequential Christology Fostering Christ Awakening Movements

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  1. THE CHRIST INSTITUTES Reclaiming a Consequential Christology Fostering Christ Awakening Movements

  2. Before we beginSession II…Praise. Prelude. Passage. Prayer.

  3. Prelude One marvelous manifestation of the love of Christ can be found in this: How much He desires to bless us, by revealing His very self to us. He continues to open to us more and more of the riches of His glorious Person. He does this so that, as it were, we might step into the center of the wonders of who He is to us. The Father invites us to encounter His Son, by His Spirit, right now, in ways almost like meeting Jesus face to face.

  4. Passage Hosea 6 –“Come, let us return to the Lord…In just a short time he will restore us, so that we may live in his presence. Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring.” Matthew 11 – “O Father, thank you for revealing these things to the childlike…Come to me…take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” 2 Corinthians 4 – God made his light shine into our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

  5. Prayer(in unison) Father– As we begin this next Session, we press on to know more of who your Son is to us. Already He has welcomed us, to draw near to Him. We accept His invitation! Gladly we come. We yoke ourselves with Him, to learn of Him, and to see His face. Gather us now into deeper intimacy, with the fullness of His supremacy. Let there be Spirit-given revelation to us, of the incomparable person Jesus is to us. May He come to us like showers, like sunrises, to wake us up, to give us unshakeable confidence in His sovereign love. Christ is all! AMEN

  6. THE CHRIST INSTITUTES Reclaiming a Consequential Christology Fostering Christ Awakening Movements

  7. Christians don’t know how much their hearts truly long for more of God’s Son – until you show them how much of His spectacular supremacy they have not yet seen.

  8. It’s time for us to put on our King Jesus Glasses

  9. A top TCI goal:To experience greater intimacy with Christ by exploring the spectacular supremacy of Christ

  10. What you believe about GOD’S SON is the single most important thing anyone could ever know about YOU.

  11. Consequential Christology

  12. Augustine “He who has Christ has everything. He who has everything but does not have Christ, has nothing. And, He who has Christ plus everything, has no more than he who has Christ alone.”

  13. We need to look beyond the centrality of Christ… We need to fix our vision much more on the supremacy of Christ

  14. The SUPREMACY of Christ expresses so much more. It is all about His right to keep us at the center of who HE is, where HE is headed,what HE is doing, and how HE is blessed.

  15. Ephesians 1 With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according tohis good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment – to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the planof him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will…

  16. Philippians 3 I long to know Christ and the power shown by his resurrection…to share his sufferings, even to die as he died…I keep going on, grasping ever more firmly that purpose for which Christ grasped me…I leave the past behind and with hands outstretched to whatever lies ahead I go straight for the goal – my reward the honor of being called by God in Christ. (Phillips)

  17. Therefore, any pervasive deficiency of vision regarding the supremacy of God’s Son becomes for all of us…. A Crisis of Christology

  18. The Radical DiscipleJohn R.W. Stott We are pygmy Christians because we have a pygmy Christ. The truth is that there are many Jesuses on offer in the world’s religious supermarkets, and many of them are false Christs, distorted Christs, caricatures of the authentic Jesus…Each is what Paul called “another Jesus,” a Jesus different from the Jesus the apostles proclaimed.

  19. So if we want to develop a truly Christian maturity, we need above all a fresh and true vision of Jesus Christ – not least in his absolute supremacy….Where should we be but on our faces before him?

  20. Away then with our petty, puny, pygmy Jesuses!Away with our Jesus clowns and pop stars! Away too with our political Messiahs and revolutionaries! For these are caricatures. If this is how we think of him, then no wonder our immaturities persist.

  21. Where then shall we find the authentic Jesus?The answer is that he is to be found in the Bible – the book that could be described as the Father’s portrait of the Son painted by the Holy Spirit. The Bible is full of Christ. As he himself said, the Scriptures “testify about me” (John 5:39)….We may say that knowledge of Scripture is knowledge of Christ.

  22. If only the blindfold could be taken away from our eyes! If only we could see Jesus in the fullness of who he is and what he has done! Why then, surely we would see how worthy he is of our wholehearted allegiance, and faith, love and obedience would be drawn out from us, and we would grow into maturity.

  23. Nothing is more important for mature Christian discipleship than a fresh, clear, true vision of the authentic Jesus. For the discipleship principle is clear: the poorer our vision of Christ, the poorer our discipleship will be, whereas the richer our vision of Christ, the richer our discipleship will be.

  24. My appeal: We must confront and curethe crisis of Christology among us!

  25. Christ Awakening

  26. Christ AwakeningWhen God’s Spirit uses God’s Word to reintroduce God’s people to God’s Son for ALL He is

  27. Christ AwakeningThe Church fully alive to the supremacy of Christ

  28. We need to wake up to a vision of Christ and the full extent of His spectacular supremacy… TO us FOR us OVER us BEFORE us WITHIN us THROUGH us UPON us

  29. Snapshots and Starter-thoughts

  30. Session II: Awake to Who Christ is TO us

  31. …in His intimacy with the Trinity

  32. …as the Summation of God’s Revelation

  33. …by the Claims of His Names

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