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Christology 9 The Future Ministry of Christ. Series: Critical Doctrine The Rapture of the Church. Christology. The Deity of Christ The Humanity of Christ The i ncarnation The proofs of His humanity The Union of Deity and Humanity of Christ The Kenosis of Christ ???
Christology 9The Future Ministry of Christ Series: Critical Doctrine The Rapture of the Church
Christology • The Deity of Christ • The Humanity of Christ • The incarnation • The proofs of His humanity • The Union of Deity and Humanity of Christ • The Kenosis of Christ ??? • The impeccability of Christ • The earthly life of Christ • The Events of His life • The Offices He occupied • The Resurrection and Ascension of Christ • The fact of the Resurrection • The nature of the Resurrection • The significance of the Resurrection • The importance of the Ascension • The Present Ministry of Christ • The Future Ministry of Christ
The Future Ministry of Christ Overview • 1 The Second Coming • 2 The Rapture of the Church • 3 The Wrath of the Lamb during the Tribulation • 4 His Millennial Reign • 5 His Everlasting Reign
Why does this doctrine of the rapture matter? • What we believe about the timing of the rapture and the details related to it, determines much in the way of how we live out our Christian life on earth, and the way we view our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. • What view we hold in relation to when the Church is raptured will determine how we stand up under tribulations which we have to endure currently. • Acts 14:22 “we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” KJV
The Main 4 Rapture Positions • In the Church, doctrines upon the timing of the rapture of the Church falls into 4 main camps. • Pre-Tribulation: Christ will rapture the Church prior to the beginning of the 7 year tribulation. • Mid-Tribulation: The Church will be raptured prior to the last 3 and a half years of the tribulation, some also believe just prior to the seven bowls of God’s wrath being poured out. • Post-Tribulation: The Church will be raptured immediately after the tribulation upon the sounding of the seventh trumpet. • Preterist View: The tribulation happened in AD70 when Jerusalem fell to Rome
The Main 4 Rapture postions • Regarding our study today I will be focusing upon the Pre-Tribulational and Post-Tribulational positions. • As far as the Mid-Tribulational position, it will become apparent as we study Scripture of its validity. • In relation to the Preterist view of the tribulation, to me that is a clearly deceptive view that some Christians have adopted. • [To listen to an exhaustive study on this subject of preterism listen to the sermon by Joe Schimmel called ‘Kingdom When’ preached on 7th May 2012. Go to www.blessedhopechapel.org and subscribe to the podcasts.]
Origins of the Pre-Tribulational View • The 1800’s gave rise to some of the most established cults today: The Mormons were formed in 1820 by Joseph Smith, In the early 1840’s Seventh Day Adventists were formed by William Miller, in 1848 the Christadelphians were formed by John Thomas, in 1866 Mary Baker Eddy formed Christan Science, in 1878 Jehovah Witnesses were formed by Charles TazeRussel. • I mention this period as there was an incredible rise in deceptive teaching during the 19th Century.
Parish of Rosneath • In the year of 1826, the parish of Rosneath reported as having received an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. • They reported speaking in tongues with the interpretation of tongues as well as miraculous healings. • Many renowned men of God visited the parish during this time, some come away convinced it was of God, others came away believing it was of the devil. John Darby came away believing it was of the devil.
Margaret McDonald • During this time a 16 year old Margaret McDonald of the Parish of Rosneath, claimed to have received a heavenly vision of the end times. • Many scholars of the past were influenced by these visions and interpreted them to speak of a pre-tribulation rapture of the Church. • However John Bray in his book ‘The Origin of the Pre-tribulation Rapture Teaching’ wrote “When MacDonald's utterance is read closely, her statements show her to hold a post-tribulationist position (“being the fiery trial which is to try us” and “for the purging and purifying of the real members of the body of Jesus”)”
John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) • Plymouth Brethren Minister John Darby is considered the Father of Dispensationalism and the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Teaching. • It is believed that John Darby wrote his pre-tribulational rapture views in 1827, three years before Margaret McDonald’s visions in 1830.
Dispensationalism • To hold a pre-trib view you must believe that the Church is Gentile and will be raptured before the Great Tribulation and that God will leave the Jews to go through the tribulation in an effort to win the lost to Christ during that time. • This position is held by those who are called dispensationalists.
Dispensationalism • Michael Vlach of theological studies.org explains that the beginning of systematized dispensationalism is usually linked with John Nelson Darby. Darby came to believe in a future salvation and restoration of national Israel. Based on his study of Isaiah 32, Darby concluded that Israel, in a future dispensation, would enjoy earthly blessings that were different from the heavenly blessings experienced by the Church. He thus saw a clear distinction between Israel and the church. Darby also came to believe in an "any moment" rapture of the church that was followed by Daniel's Seventieth Week in which Israel would once again take center stage in God's plan. Darby saw seven dispensations: (1) Paradisaical state to the Flood; (2) Noah; (3) Abraham; (4) Israel; (5) Gentiles; (6) The Spirit; and (7) The Millennium. By his own testimony, Darby says his dispensational theology was fully formed by 1833.
Dispensationalism • It seems that to develop a theology where a pre-tribulation position can be held you must adopt an unbiblical theology and claim that the Church and Israel are not the same that they have different origins, different missions and different destinies. • This position is just as unbiblical as Replacement Theology, where the Church has replaced Israel in God’s plan on the earth.
The Church is Israel • To make the claim that the Church and Israel are not the same conflicts with Scripture: • In Romans 11:17-24 speaks about wild olive branches (Gentiles) being grafted into the cultivated olive tree (Israel), with Christ as the root; in essence Jews and Gentiles being one body of the same olive tree. • Then it says in Romans 11:25 “I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, sothat you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced ahardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles hascome in.” • What does ‘until the full number of Gentiles come in’ mean? The Gentiles are coming into Israel, meaning becoming one with Israel.
The Church is Israel • Ephesians 2:19-22 “Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, butfellow-citizens with God’s people and members of God’shousehold, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, withChrist Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises tobecome a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too (the Gentile Ephesians) are being built together to become adwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” • Ephesians 3:6 This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirstogether with Israel, members together of one body, andsharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.
The Church is Israel • We are considered adopted into the family of God, which is Israel. • Ephesians 1:4-5 “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to beholy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted ashis sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasureand will.” • Even in the OT the Gentile Rahab the prostitute from Jericho by faith protected the Israeli spies and therefore was included into the nation of Israel and was included in the family line of Christ Himself.
The Church is Israel • Consider this, the Church is a Jewish idea and of Jewish origin and was founded by Christ Himself, and He calls the Church His Body. The Church consists of both Jews and Gentiles, with Gentiles being adopted into the Jewish family. • All the apostles were Jewish and preached to both Jews and Gentiles to convert them into the Church of Christ. Jews who converted were still Jewish but were in the Church, Greeks who converted were still Greek but in the Church. • The Church is Christ’s body and it consists of Jews and Gentiles. If we claim that the Church and Israel are separate, our theology is flawed and corrupted because the Church is Israel and the Church is Greek and the Church is every nation who accepts Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
The Church is Israel • In the Old Testament, the Jews worshipped in or towards the Temple, in the New Testament, the Jews and Gentiles worship as the Church, the Body of Christ. • In the OT, God’s people were the Jews and anyone who would become a Jew, in the NT God’s people are anyone who would believe in the Messiah Jesus Christ. • When we realise that the Jews and Gentiles are one and are all part of the Body of Christ and are not distinct from them, then anti-semitism in the Church will cease. Also we will not be able to hold the theology that the Church is a Gentiles phenomenon, distinct from the Jews.
The Church is Israel • Chuck Missler said, “the Church and Israel are not the same that they have different origins, different missions and different destinies.” • Yeah, The Jews who do not follow Christ have a different destiny than the Church and that destiny is called ‘HELL’ just as Greeks who do not follow Christ have a different destiny from the Church – ‘HELL’.
Pre-Tribulation Rapture • Prior to 1833 Dispensationalism was unheard of, and a pre-tribulation rapture was never considered either. • As Joe Schimmel pointed out in his sermon ‘Behold, He Comes With Clouds’ preached on 25/6/12 that there has never been a council that has convened to discuss the rapture position prior to 1830. • Before 1830 the assumed position of the Church has been Post-Tribulation, and that the Church would go through the tribulation. • I encourage everyone to listen to Joe Schimmel’s sermon ‘Behold, He Comes With Clouds’ to get a fuller insight into this subject as I believe that this pre-tribulation rapture position will be responsible for the greatest falling away from Christianity in history.
Outcome of Pre-Tribulation Teaching • As this author known as BT expressed “I've been putting a lot of thought into the pre-tribulation rapture scenario. I was in that crowd for years.....misled like millions of others. After the truth became apparent......that there would not be a pre-trib rapture, I was thinking that I'm glad I know the truth, but it really doesn't hurt anything to believe otherwise. I know now that this isn't true. What I expect will happen is that the tribulation will start in a big way and the "man of sin" will be revealed. This will have a tremendous impact on millions of Christians that were expecting to be gone. At this point they will feel betrayed by God.......that everything was a lie and that they had been tricked with false hopes.....and if the pre-trib rapture wasn't true, the whole Bible probably wasn't true. They will turn their backs on God. Millions will take the mark of the beast. They will probably be the most diligent group to round up the remaining Christians.
Imminency and the Anti-Christ • Pre-Tribulationists teach that Christ will come at anytime and that the Church will not be here when the Anti-Christ is revealed: • However: 2 Thessalonians 2:3, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” (KJV) • Jesus Christ will not return until the Anti-Christ is revealed (this is a position which you will hear many pre-tribbulationists teach contrary doctrine) there must also be a great falling away.
Imminency and the Anti-Christ • So the imminent return of Christ is impossible for the very reason that He cannot come until after the Anti-Christ is revealed. • The question is, “If Jesus comes after the anti-Christ is revealed and after a great falling away, what do you think would be the catylyst of this great falling away? • Obviously a persecution brought on by the anti-Christ himself, during the tribulation which he unleashes on earth.
The Secret Rapture • Because Scripture reveals that the timing of the second coming is immediately after the terrible days of tribulation, Pre-Tribulationists then created the theory of a secret rapture occuring before the second coming, in that sense, a second coming before the second coming. • Only problem with that theory is, there is no mention of a secret rapture in Scripture, only the one rapture at His coming.
Post-Tribulation Scriptures • Joe Schimmel has a $10,000 reward for anyone who can reveal just one Scripture which speaks of a pre-tribulation rapture, so far no-one has been able to collect the reward. • However, I am going to reveal to you some of the Scriptures which speak of a Post-tribulation rapture, which then in the light of these first few makes all the other Scriptures, which Pre-Tribulationists quote, make perfect sense.
Post-Tribulation Scriptures • Mark 13:12-37 • 2Thessalonians 2:1-3 • 1Corinthians 15:51-52 • Revelation 11:15 [This occurs immediately after the rapture of the two witnesses] • 1Thessalonians 4:16-18 • 1Thessalonians 5:1-4 (Immanency)
The Future Ministry of Christ Overview • 1 The Second Coming • 2 The Rapture of the Church • 3 The Wrath of the Lamb during the Tribulation • 4 His Millennial Reign • 5 His Everlasting Reign
Coming Up in Critical Doctrine • Christology - Jesus Christ • Theology Proper – Attributes of God • Pneumatology – Holy Spirit • Bibliology – The Bible • Angelology – Angels, fallen and unfallen • Anthropology – Man • Soteriology – Salvation • Ecclesiology – The Church • Eschatology – End Times • Israelology – Israel