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V. Venkatachalam Special Secretary & Agriculture Commissioner ag.comm @ nic.in

V. Venkatachalam Special Secretary & Agriculture Commissioner ag.comm @ nic.in. NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR KHARIF CAMPAIGN 2012. Rabi REVIEW and kharif prospects. March, 5-6, 2012, New delhi. OUTLINES OF PRESENTATION. SOUTH –WEST MONSOON. WINTER RAINFALL.

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V. Venkatachalam Special Secretary & Agriculture Commissioner ag.comm @ nic.in

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  1. V. VenkatachalamSpecial Secretary & Agriculture Commissioner ag.comm@nic.in NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR KHARIFCAMPAIGN 2012 Rabi REVIEW and kharif prospects March, 5-6, 2012, New delhi



  4. WINTER RAINFALL • Actual : 37.4 mm • Normal : 35.6 mm • (Excess 5%) • Fairly widespread rainfall in northern, eastern and parts of central India during first fortnight of January. • More than 40 mm rainfall in many districts in north, east and M.P. • Coincide with critical stages of pulses and wheat- Saved one irrigation • Positive impact ON PRODUCTIVTY OF WHEAT AND PULSES. • Cyclone and heavy rains in T.N. and A.P. affected 2.6 lakh ha area of paddy and other crops.

  5. COVERAGE OF RABI CROPS As on 02-03-2012


  7. Task Force for monitoring of yellow rust was constituted Strict regular surveillance by KVK scientists and district agriculture officers in all the States from December 15 onwards Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, J&K, Uttaranchal and UP maintained adequate stock of fungicides - Propaconazole Yellow rust awareness campaign during 2nd fortnight of December onwards Coordinated efforts of Central Government/State Department of Agriculture /ICAR and SAUs No major outbreak of yellow rust so far. Minor incidence in J&K, H.P., Haryana and Punjab. But State should be Alert MANAGEMENT OF YELLOW RUST IN WHEAT

  8. PRODUCTION DURING 2011-12 (II ADVANCE ESTIMATES) * million bales of 170 kg each ** million bales of 180 kg each

  9. STRATEGY FOR TERMINAL HEAT MANAGEMENT IN WHEAT • Abnormal temperature during February-March caused reduction in wheat production by about 4 million tones in 2004 and 2-3 million tones during 2010 in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. • Monitoring of temperature in collaboration of IMD and States • Light frequent irrigation preferably using sprinkler systems

  10. PLANNING FOR KHARIF 2012 Likely Monsoon Scenarios • Early onset , long break late withdrawal as in 2011 • Below normal like 2009 • Late onset late withdrawal • Timely onset – late revival – extended phase • Preparedness for input (seeds/seedlings, fertilizers, PP Chemicals) • Contingency plans and Advisories

  11. PRODUCTIVITY ENHANCEMENT SOIL & SEED MANAGEMENT • In situ/ex situ rain water conservation • Availability of Quality Seeds/ Hybrids • Conservation / Precision Agriculture • Availability of fertilizers -P and K • Fungicides/nematicides for seed treatment

  12. PRODUCTIVITY ENHANCEMENT NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT • Site Specific Nutrient Management : Soil testing labs and soil health cards and fertilizer use based on fertility maps • Integrated Nutrient Management/ Conservation Agriculture Practices • Focus on increasing nutrient use efficiency

  13. SEED SCENARIO-2012

  14. SEED SCENARIO-2012

  15. PRODUCTIVITY ENHANCEMENT : RICE • System of Rice Intensification • Direct Seeded Rice (DSR) • Hybrid and Stress Tolerant Varieties • Suvarna-Sub-1 for flash flood areas • SahbhagiDhan for drought/low rainfall areas • Improved seeding technique – drum seeder, line transplanting • Weed management in DSR • DSR + Sesbania intercropping • Pre-positioning of seed of improved varieties/hybrids • Focus in Eastern India

  16. PRODUCTIVITY ENHANCEMENT: PULSES • Improved planting Methods • Ridge / furrow method • Transplanting of Pigeonpea/gap filling • Area expansion • Intercropping with sorghum/cotton, soybean in south and central States; • Intercropping/diversion of upland rice in eastern India • Planting on rice bunds • Improved varieties of pigeonpea/ urd/ mung • Early pigeonpea-wheat-mung system–varietal selection, sowing techniques and management • Weed Management • Post emergence-Imazethapyr (100 g/ha at 20-25 DAS in mung/urd with flat pan nozzle. • Pre-emergence application–Pendimethalin

  17. Productivity Enhancement :oilseeds • Seed production of groundnut in rabi season to ensure seed in kharif season-A. P. and Gujarat • Improved varieties/Varietal replacement e.g. K-6 and Naryani in place of TMV 2 in A.P. • Intercropping of Pigeonpea + soybean, Pigeonpea + GN, Pigeonpea + sesame in central and South India • Raised bed furrow planting of GN in red soils (yield increase by 18-22%) • Seed treatment with fungicides/ Rhizobium ?

  18. PRODUCTIVITY ENHANCEMENT: COTTON Selection of appropriate Bt varieties Intercropping and drip irrigation under rainfed conditions. Pest surveillance and monitoring Revival of desi & ELS cotton area and production Management of sucking pests through IPM Real-time advisories for pest management

  19. PRODUCTIVITY ENHANCEMENT :SUGARCANE Phasing of sowing- early-mid-late. Focus on ratoon management. Timely planting with trench and paired row method Treatment of cane seed to control red rot, wilt, smut, etc. Balanced plant nutrition through INM Mechanized pit method of planting

  20. PRODUCTIVITY ENHANCEMENT:RAINFED FARMING • Composite Farming Systems • Livestock based • Agri-silvi-pastoral system • Availability of Seed for contingency planning • 209 district plans are ready • Another 150 would be done very soon • Prepared with a matrix of situations and strategies for sustaining the production

  21. SUMMING UP….. • Higher Rabi Production with all time record production of wheat • Likely increase in production of Rabi pulses in 2011-12 would compensate the loss in production of Kharif pulses. • Slight decline in oilseeds due to low area coverage and impact of cold wave • Focus in kharif • More production of rice in eastern region • Pulses /oilseeds/cotton/coarse cereals /sugarcane in South and Central region • Coarse cereals and cotton in Western region • Early pigeonpea/rice/cotton in north • Contingency Plans to be ready (seeds, etc.)

  22. Thank you

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