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Anonymous user visits, or is redirected to, Login page

User Login. failure. cancel. Anonymous user visits, or is redirected to, Login page. LoginPage : User submits username / password. Spring Security checks against either Embedded user store or LDAP (configured). User has Bugle profile?.

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Anonymous user visits, or is redirected to, Login page

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  1. User Login failure cancel Anonymous user visits, or is redirected to, Login page LoginPage:User submits username / password Spring Security checks against either Embedded user store or LDAP (configured) User has Bugle profile? NewProfilePage:User submits displayName and email to create new profile success, LDAP login no success, embedded failure yes success Bugle profile was previously created Store Bugle profile as security principal in session. Update last login date. User redirected to page he was trying to view, or default landing page. User Edit Profile Any Page: Logged-In user clicks on their name in the header ViewProfilePage: Page displays summary profile of user’s Bugle profile. User clicks Edit EditProfilePage: User changes display name, email, etc. Admins can assign admin role. User redirected to ViewProfile Page success back failure User Change Password (Embedded User Store only) Password encrypted and saved User redirected to ViewProfilePage Any Page: Logged-In user clicks on their name in the header ViewProfilePage: Page displays summary profile of user’s Bugle profile. User clicks ChangePassword ChangePasswordPage: User sets current, new, and confirm password success back failure

  2. User Create Account (Embedded User Store only) failure LoginPage: Anonymous user clicks “New Account” NewAccountPage: User provides username and email for active profile Profile saved. App sends link to email for final verification User redirected to LoginPage success cancel failure Anonymous user receives email and follows the verification link Is link valid? NewEmbeddedUserPage: User sets new password Password encrypted and saved yes success no Unverified profiles occasionally deleted User redirected to LoginPage periodic

  3. User Reset Password (Embedded User Store only) failure LoginPage: Anonymous user clicks “Password Reset” PasswordReset Page: User provides username for active profile App creates token for reset action and sends link with token to email associated with that username User redirected to LoginPage success cancel failure Anonymous user receives email and follows the token-based link Is link valid? PasswordChangePage: User changes password without knowledge of current one Password encrypted and saved yes success no User redirected to LoginPage

  4. Project Management Authenticated user clicks “Project Admin” in header. ListProjectsPage: User sees list of existing projects. User clicks on a project to view, or creates a new project. ViewProjectPage: Use sees single project details. User can edit or delete (admin role required). Admin redirected to ListProjects Admin clicks Delete. success failure failure User redirected to ViewProject EditProjectPage: Admin changes details of project, including anonymous and lead. Admin clicks Enumerations or Icons. See Enumeration Management / Icon Management Use Cases CreateProjectPage: User enters basic details about project and can clone enums / icons. success success

  5. Project Enumeration Management Admin redirected to ListEnumPage Admin clicks “Enumerations” from the ViewProject page. ListEnumPage: Admin sees lists of enum type: component, linkType, priority, severity, type, version Admin selects some enumerations and clicks Delete. success failure failure CreateEnumPage:Admin creates new enum (special UI for link types) Admin redirected to ListEnumPage EditEnumPage: Admin edits name or numeric sort order. success success Project Icon Management Admin clicks “Manage Icons” from the ViewProject page. ListIconsPage: Admin sees list of existing icons. Admin selects some icons and clicks Delete. Admin redirected to ListIcons success success NewIconPage: Admin uploads an image file. failure

  6. Ticket Management Authenticated user clicks “Tickets” in header. ListTicketsPage: User sees list of existing tickets. User clicks on a ticket to view, or creates a new ticket. ViewTicketPage: Use sees single project details. User can edit or delete (admin role required). User redirected to ListTickets Admin clicks Delete. success failure failure CreateTicketPage: User enters basic details about ticket, links, or uploads attachments. User redirected to ViewTicket EditTicketPage: User changes details. Links, or attachments on ticket. User interacts with Links or Attachments. See Ticket Attachment and Ticket Links Use Cases success success Ticket Attachments failure failure Authenticated user selects and deletes an attachment from the ViewTicket page. User redirected to ViewTicket Authenticated user uploads Attachment from ViewTicket page. User redirected to ViewTicket success success Ticket Links failure failure Authenticated user clicks “New Link” from ViewTicket page. AddLinkPage: User selects link type and target Authenticated user selects and deletes a link from the ViewTicket page. User redirected to ViewTicket User redirected to ViewTicket success success

  7. Ticket Activity View filter Authenticated user views a Ticket ViewTicketPage: User sees ticket details. Scrolls down to see complete audit history. Relvant ticket activity automatically audited. periodic Mail is preserved. Email with ticket key in subject sent to email address System checks email account for email and converts to Comment. failure success Note: Ticket Activity data will drive Future use cases related to Dashboards, Visualizations, and Subscriptions. Mail is deleted.

  8. Deferred to Future Release Ticket Copy/Move Management failure Authenticated user clicks “Copy” from ViewTicket page. CopyTicketPage: User selects target project and options (keep original, create link?) User redirected to ViewTicket on NEW ticket success

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