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Chew The P.H.A.T.

Chew The P.H.A.T. Procedures and How-To’s in Assistive Technology. Christopher Bugaj, MA CCC-SLP Sally Norton-Darr, MS CCC-SLP. Loudoun County Public Schools. http://tinyurl.com/lcpsatvste09. February 2009. A Description of Loudoun County. Once upon a time in a county far, far away…

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Chew The P.H.A.T.

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  1. Chew The P.H.A.T. Procedures and How-To’s in Assistive Technology Christopher Bugaj, MA CCC-SLP Sally Norton-Darr, MS CCC-SLP Loudoun County Public Schools http://tinyurl.com/lcpsatvste09 February 2009

  2. A Description of Loudoun County • Once upon a time in a county far, far away… • Loudoun County Public Schools • Currently 75 schools (51 ES, 13 MS, 1 Intermediate, 10 HS) • Current student population: 57,317+ • Current teacher population: 4500+ • Student and teacher population has increased by approximately 10% each year for at least the last 9-10 years. • Special education population is typically 10% of the student population. • The county is geographically and demographically diverse (spanning 517 sq. miles). • Generally, the western portion of the county is more rural while the eastern portion of the county is more suburban.

  3. History of AT in LCPS • Pre-1999- • AT team was on a volunteer basis to meet the need mandated by IDEA that AT is considered for each Individual Education Program • Mostly Occupational Therapists and Speech-Language Pathologists • Individuals donated time to participate in trainings and would unofficially consult when educators had questions about AT • Team members made recommendations to county administrators regarding purchase information for specific devices and software • County computers were both Mac and PC

  4. History of AT in LCPS • 1999-2001 • Special Education hired one full-time Assistive Technology person (SLP) • Volunteers still participated in trainings and met with the full-time individual • No official procedures were implemented • Request for evaluation forms and county-wide staff development workshops were developed • Individual staff and student trainings on devices/software were offered on a case-by-case basis • Equipment selection and ordering was handled by the full-time AT individual

  5. History of AT in LCPS • 2002- • Special Education hired a 5 person team • 2 Full-time members (both with special education backgrounds) • 1 of these members was deemed “Team Leader” and met with a special education supervisor to give team updates • 3 Part-time members (1 - SLP, 2- OTs) • The team was asked to develop consistent policies and procedures for county-wide implementation. The only directive given by Special Education administration was that an evaluation process needed to be linked to a student’s Individualized Education Program.

  6. History of AT in LCPS • 2002 continued- • Other initial objectives determined by the team included: • Identifying a Service Delivery Model • Establishing a Staff Development Model • Coordinating services with Instructional Technology • Developing an inventory tracking system • Developing a caseload/student tracking system • Promoting assistive technology services • Procuring additional equipment as needed for students and classrooms • Further defining the role of assistive technology services in LCPS (our district)

  7. Team Progression • 2003-2004 • 3 Full-Time team members (2 – Special Education, 1-SLP) • 1 full-time team member is “team leader” • 3 Part-Time team members (1-SLP, 2-OTs) • 2004-2005 • 5 Full-Time team members (1- Special Education, 2-SLPs, 2-OTs) • 1 full-time team member is “team leader” • 2005-2008 (Three Years) – • Switched to a school-based workload model (05-06) • 1 Full-time Coordinator (12 months) • 7 Full-Time team members (2-Special Education, 2-SLPs, 2-OTs, 1-TRT),1 Support Staff • 2008-2009 • 1 Full-time Coordinator (12 months) • 9 Full-Time team members including 1 Support Staff

  8. Individualized Evaluation • IEP Team meets and requests Individual AT Evaluation • “An AT evaluation is requested by the IEP 1x in the customary educational environment to be completed within 65 days.” • Case manager fills out Request for AT Evaluation form linking request to specific IEP goals • NOT A FISHING EXPEDITION • AT Trainers (Primary & Back-up) conduct the evaluation including an observation(s), student interview (if appropriate), case manager interview, and related services interview • IT’S ALL ABOUT TEAMING

  9. Individualized Evaluation (Cont.) • AT Trainer generates a report containing observations, recommendations, and other resources. AT Trainer discusses recommendations with case manager • DO NOT ATTEND IEP MEETING! • IEP reconvenes to discuss implementation of recommendations • AT Trainer provides training and expects follow-up contact from the case manager • CASE MANAGER COLLECTS DATA ON GOALS • The process is dynamic • IT NEVER ENDS but it does get slower

  10. Classroom Evaluation • QUICK AND EASY • Special Education teachers request an observation • General Education teachers who have a class with 2 or more students in special education request an observation • Recommendations are generated that would benefit most (or all) students in the classroom • Report generated is in E-mail form • INFORMAL & FRIENDLY • Many students become familiar with strategies with or without the teacher support. • STUDENTS JUST USE THE STUFF • Strategies and devices are used in a classroom as a whole • PRE-EMPTS POTENTIAL FUTURE INDIVIDUAL EVALS

  11. Pre-IEP Meeting Discussions • After doing many individual evaluations, over 90% of our recommendations were for items/strategies that were already available in the school • Examples of strategies: • Promotion of service delivery model changed from “Do an Individual AT Evaluation” to “Just call us! Don’t write anything in the IEP until you call us!” This resulted in • Less paperwork for teachers • Less paperwork for AT Trainers • Students getting to use strategies much faster • Record Sound Feature in Microsoft Office • Graphic Organizing Templates • Pacing Boards for Communication • Communication Notebooks • High Contrast Feature of Windows • Visual Schedules • Text-To-Speech • Social Situation Stories

  12. “Traditional”Staff Development • AT Overviews • Offered by each AT Trainer at every school • Discuss how service delivery model works • Workshops • Approximately 1 after-school workshop a week • Initially, all workshops at AT Lab. To increase attendance, workshops moved to schools (cut down on drive time) • Provide individual school workshops by request • Teachers are paid to attend (not much, but they are paid) • ALL workshops center around tools currently available in the school (No “Co:Writer” workshops because “Co:Writer” is not universally installed throughout the county) • Fun and informal (snacks provided too) • Count toward re-certification points

  13. “Alternative” Staff Development • AT Website – (No more newsletter) • www.loudoun.k12.va.us/at • Goal: To be convenient and helpful (not too much stuff!) • Handpicked Resources • FAQs • Training Videos • AT-A-Day Calendar • One strategy a day, rip-off calendar • Distributed to all special education staff (800) • Coordinating with IT and others • AT Tonight DVDs • 2 DVDs containing 5 short videos each • Teachers check out the DVD, watch the videos, answer questions and return to get 1 hour of staff development credit

  14. Other Team Initiatives -Student Clubs -Pilot Programs -Blackboard Facilitation -Participation on County-Wide Technology Committees -Software Integration (Read&Write Gold, Boardmaker) -Assistive Technology Awareness -School Career Day -Parent Resource Workshops -Administrative Workshops -Technology Conference Participation and Presentations -Regional and State Consortium Involvement -AT Lab

  15. World Premiere!! The Practical (and Fun) guide to Assistive Technology in the Public Schools

  16. Contact Us • Christopher Bugaj • Chris.Bugaj@loudoun.k12.va.us • Sally Norton-Darr • Sally.NortonDarr@loudoun.k12.va.us • AT Office: 571-252-2111 Thank you for joining us!

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