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Avestan Technologies, we believe everyone deserves to have a Website Development,Digital Marketing, online store or Android/ios App. Innovation and simplicity make us happy. our goal is to remove any technical or financial barriers that can prevent business owners from making their own websites. We're excited to help you on your journey!
Welcometo AvestanTechnologies One Step TowardsFuture CompanyPortfolio
Portfolio Divided at 2Part SoftwareDevelopment DigitalMarketing
AvestanTechnologies Commitment Ourapproachfocusesonnewwayof business, thereby combining IT innovations and adoption while leveraging anorganization’s currentassets. OurteamiscommittedtoprovideIT Services And Digital Marketing with: 1 .Quality 2.Technology 3.Innovation 4.Support
About At Avestan Technologies, we believe everyone deserves to have a Website Development, Digital Marketing, online store or Android/ios App. Innovation andsimplicity makes us happy. our goal is to remove any technical or financial barriers that can prevent business owners from making their own website. We're excited to help you on your journey! AVESTAN TECHNOLOIGES
Mission To be the world’s preferred location based Digital Marketing and IT services company. We are passionate in helping businesses through innovative technologiestoreachandmaximizetheir businessdreams. AVESTAN TECHNOLOIGES
Vision To build upon a reputation of being one of the most innovative IT Solution and Service provider. We believe in doing our work in the most efficient way with robust and structured methodology, with gradual evolution from hard-work to smart- work culture, at client’s endalso. AVETSANT TECHNOLOGOIES
01 WebsiteDevelopment Services 02 ERPDevelopment 03 AppDevelopment 05 IOSDevelopment
06 Search EngineOptimization 07 Social MediaOptimization 08 Social MediaMarketing 10 Cloud Computing,AWS
WebsiteDevelopment Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The differentareasof web design include web graphic design; interface design; authoring, including standardised code and proprietary software;userexperiencedesign;andsearchengine optimization. Often many individuals will work in teams covering different aspects of the design process, although some designers will cover them all.
Andriod & IOSApplication An Android application is definedusing oneormoreofAndroid'sfour core applicationcomponents.
Search EngineOptimazation Search engine optimization is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of websitetrafficbyincreasingthevisibilityof awebsiteorawebpagetousersofa web searchengine.
Social MediaMarketing Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a type of internet marketing which uses the benefits of social networking sites as a tool of promoting websites, thus increasing traffic towardsthemandlearningfromusers'direct reactions.
SocialMedia https://www.facebook.com/Avestan-Technologies- 100670294702463/?ref=br_rs https://twitter.com/techenologies https://www.linkedin.com/in/avestan-technologies-510913195/ https://www.instagram.com/avestan_technologies/
ContactUs 8381009662 info@avestantechogies.com Pune ,India www.avestantechnologies.com
Thank You. .! www.avestantechnologies.comavestantechnology@gmail.com Avestan Technologies | DigitalMarketing