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6. Electronic structure of conjugated polymers. This chapter is based on notes prepared by Jean-Luc Brédas, Professor at the University of Georgia. 6.1. From molecules to conjugated polymers: Evolution of the electronic structure
6. Electronic structure of conjugated polymers This chapter is based on notes prepared by Jean-Luc Brédas, Professor at the University of Georgia. 6.1. From molecules to conjugated polymers: Evolution of the electronic structure 6.2. Electronic structure of systems with a degenerate ground state: Trans-polyacetylene 6.3. Electronic structure of systems with a non-degenerate ground state 6.4. Doping of conjugated polymers Drawing the structure of polymer chains polyacetylene shorthand notation
6.1. From molecules to conjugated polymers: Evolution of the electronic structure 6.1.1. Electronic structure of dihydrogen H2 The zero in energy= e- and p+ are ∞ly separated In the H atom, e- is bound to p+ with 13.6 eV = 1 Rydberg (unit of energy) • When 2 hydrogen atoms approach one another, the ψ1s wavefunctions start overlapping: the 1s electrons start interacting. • To describe the molecular orbitals (MO’s), an easy way is to base the description on the atomic orbitals (AO’s) of the atoms forming the molecule • → Linear combination of atomic orbitals: LCAO • Note: from N AO’s, one gets N MO’s
6.1.2. The polyene series • Methyl Radical • Planar Molecule • One unpair electron in a 2pz atomic arbital → π-OA
B. Methylene molecule • Planar molecule • Due to symmetry reason, the π-levels do not mix with the σ levels (requires planarity) • First optical transition: ≃ HOMO → LUMO ≃ 7 eV
C. Butadiene • From the point of view of the π-levels: the situation corresponds to the interaction between two ethylene subunits • First optical transition: ≃ 5.4 eV 3 nodes 2 nodes 1 node 0 nodes
Frontier molecular orbitals and structure: 1. The bonding-antibonding character of the HOMO wavefunction translates the double-bond/single-bond character of the geometry in the groundstate 2. The bonding-antibonding character is completly reversed in the LUMO The first optical transition (≃ HOMO to LUMO) will deeply change the structure of the molecule D. Hexatriene 3 interacting ”ethylene” subunits → 3 occupied π-levels and 3 unoccupied π*-levels
5 nodes E 4 nodes * 3 nodes 4.7 eV 2 nodes 1 node 0 nodes • Remarks: • The energy of the π-molecular orbitals goes up as a function of the number of nodes • → This is related to the kinetic energy term in the Schrödinger equation: this is related to the curvature of the wavefunction
In a bonding situation, the wavefunction evolves in a much smoother fashion than in an antibonding situation 2) Geometry wise: → In the absence of π-electrons (for alkanes): 1.52 Å All the C-C bond lengths would be nearly equal → When the π-electrons are throuwn in: the π-electron density distributes unevently over the π-bonds: Apparition of a bond-length alternation ≃ 1.34 Å ≃ 1.47 Å
5.2. Electronic structure of systems with a degenerate ground state: Trans-polyacetylene
b) : The Soliton
III. Electronic structure of systems with a non-degenerate ground state
Both the charged soliton and the polaron participate to the conduction. Based on that, Sven Stafström will explain the metallic state of the trans-polyacetylene