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  1. VOLUNTARY YOUTH PHILANTHROPISTS Voluntary Youth Philanthropists (VYP) is a Non Profit organization registered in Kenya. The organization was started in 2000 as a youth centered organization with the objective of facilitating youth empowerment. Piga Nduru is one of the tools that are being used by the organization towards the achievement of VYP’s goals and objectives.

  2. Piga Nduru Piga Nduru is a Swahili phrase meaning shout to raise an alarm. Piga Nduru is a campaign targeting young Kenyans who make up the bigger percentage of Kenyans with a view of mobilizing them to become public monitors and forge a tradition of social accountability amongst the citizens. Piga Nduru encourages citizens to raise an alarmthrough the use of text messages and also by posting the wrongs they witness being committed in their areas into the piganduru online platform.

  3. Piga Nduru Objectives • Create strategic options on how to include youth in conflict early warning signs reporting and engage them in unified ways of responding to the signs. • Encourage more youth involvement/scrutiny/ intervention in activities that are potential threats to the peaceful co-existence before, during and after the forth coming elections period in a youth friendly way. • Create an online platform where those following the security situation can go to for real-time grassroots verified reports on conflict situations, if and when they arise.

  4. The Intervention Piga Nduru combines the use of Blogging through the Ushahidi.com Platform with Facebook and twitter social networking sites. • Volunteers report on security threats in their localities through SMS or online submission to the piganduru platform. • VYP staffers then feed verified reports to Facebook and twitter through their individual user accounts. • Friends pick it and when commenting on it also enabling their wider networks to access and use the information. • Humanitarian/security and stakeholders access real-time verified reports from our platform

  5. Challenges • Recruiting of reliable volunteer countrywide is resource consuming. • The limited size of SMS phones can take also limits the information flow as it is therefore sent in bits. • Some people do not know how to comprehensively use phones beyond receiving and making calls. • There are Kenyans in remote parts with no access to phones/network coverage or access to internet facilities.

  6. VOLUNTARY YOUTH PHILANTHROPISTS “...we have already reached more than 100,000 young people in different ways. We have seen them change and become more accepting to the difference, become self aware and mature. Some have joined our staff as volunteers, others are taking this new found confidence into many activities of their daily lives…” VIJANA KWA UNDUGU MILELE

  7. Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice. Baruch Spinoza Thank You

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