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Blood borne Pathogens e-Learning Module

Blood borne Pathogens e-Learning Module. Blood borne Pathogens Transmission based precautions. Transmission based precautions are used in addition to Standard Precautions and should be taken with patients who have a highly contagious disease or a suspected bioterrorism agent

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Blood borne Pathogens e-Learning Module

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  1. Blood borne Pathogense-Learning Module

  2. Blood borne PathogensTransmission based precautions • Transmission based precautions are used in addition to Standard Precautions and should be taken with patients who have a highly contagious disease or a suspected bioterrorism agent • The three categories of transmission-based precautions are: • Airborne • Droplet • Contact

  3. Blood borne PathogensAirborne Precautions • Airborne precautions are taken for diseases that are transmitted through the air. • Airborne Diseases • Varicella (chickenpox) • Among the most communicable diseases known to man • Now vaccine is available and can be preventable. • Know your history.

  4. Blood borne PathogensAirborne (cont’d.) • Tuberculosis • Transmission may occur when the infected person sneezes, coughs, sings or talks. • Place patient in a room with negative pressure The N-95 mask has been approved for use by staff as barrier protection against TB • Staff should continue mandatory PPD skin tests. • If you are infected and have a healthy immune system only 5% will get sick over life time. • Only pulmonary or laryngeal TB is airborne spread. • Can be prophylaxed.

  5. Blood borne Pathogens • Measles - Rubeola (not rubella or German Measles) • Easily spread • Vaccine preventable. • Know your history.

  6. Adenovirus Diphtheria (pharyngeal) Haemophilus influenzae German Measles (rubella) Influenza Strep in the blood or respiratory tract Meningococcal disease Mumps Mycoplasma pneumonia Parvovirus B19 Pertussis Pneumonic Plague Blood borne PathogensDroplet Precautions Droplet Transmission –diseases are transmitted short distances by large droplets (less than three feet distance). Examples include:

  7. Blood borne PathogensDroplet Precautions • Coughing, laughing and suctioning can create these droplets. • Isolate, or cohort the patient • WEAR A MASK

  8. Blood borne PathogensContact Precautions • Contact transmission occurs through physical contact with the patient’s skin or with items in the room. • The healthcare worker is required to wear gloves, and gowns in all contact precaution situations

  9. Blood borne PathogensContact Precautions • Examples: • C. Difficile • Herpes simplex • Scabies • RSV • Viral hemorrhagic fever (Lassa fever, Marburg virus, Ebola virus)

  10. Blood borne Pathogens • Every other transmission can be prevented by the use of Standard (Universal) precautions. • Wash your hands and wear your PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

  11. Blood borne Pathogens • The danger of blood borne pathogen exposure to healthcare workers continues to be a major concern in the industry. • The problem of exposure due to needle stick injuries is currently on the rise. • Healthcare workers suffer between 600,000 and 1 million injuries from conventional needles and sharps annually. • And at least 1,000 healthcare workers are estimated to contact serious infections annually from needle stick and sharps injuries.

  12. Blood borne Pathogens • Be aware that exposures to blood borne pathogens can lead to Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that causes AIDS.

  13. Blood borne Pathogens • Hepatitis B is largely preventable • There are 250,000 new cases a year and an additional 1.25 million cases of chronic infection. • A vaccine series offers immunity to infection and is available at no cost at the HCHD Employee Health Clinic. It is a 3-injection series.

  14. Blood borne Pathogens The Hepatitis C Epidemic • Hepatitis C is the most common chronic blood borne viral infection in the U.S. • 41,000 new infections per year. • Epidemic expected to peak in 2010. • 4 million US residents are already infected.

  15. Blood borne Pathogens • Who is at risk for Hepatitis C? • Persons receiving dialysis/transfusions before 1992 • Intravenous Drug Users • Health Care Workers (10 times the risk of the general population) • Incarcerated populations • Men who have sex with men • Heterosexuals with a Sexually Transmitted Disease history • Those who receive money for sex

  16. Blood borne Pathogens • Men appear able to sexually transmit Hepatitis C to women. • Hepatitis C responds to treatment about 30% - 40% of the time • It is estimated that 40% - 60% of chronic liver disease is due to Hepatitis C.

  17. Blood borne Pathogens END OF PRESENTATIONPlease click the TAKE TEST link above.

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