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CHESSS CEN Horizontal European Service Standardization Strategy. Module 3: “Safety in the Delivery of Services” prepared by. Axel Mangelsdorf Berlin University of Technology Axel.Mangelsdorf@tu-berlin.de. Petra Weiler DIN Deutschen Institut für Normung petra.weiler@din.de.
CHESSS CEN Horizontal European Service Standardization Strategy Module 3: “Safety in the Delivery of Services”prepared by Axel Mangelsdorf Berlin University of TechnologyAxel.Mangelsdorf@tu-berlin.de Petra WeilerDIN Deutschen Institut für Normungpetra.weiler@din.de
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Presentation outline • Introduction to Module 3 • Research Methodology: • 1st Step: Desk Research • 2nd Step: Expert Interviews • 3rd Step: Company Survey • Summary and Conclusion
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Introduction to Module 3 • Main objectives of Module 3: • To provide a systematic overview of the role of standards for improving the safety of services • To derive the future demand for European Standards • Focus on consumer risks: • The threat for life and health of consumers • The assurance of the consumers’ financial existence • The privacy of personal data • Focus on “safety related” service sectors: • The leisure and tourism sector • The health care sector • The personal transport service sector
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Research Methodology: 1st Step: Desk Research • Screening of the most recent literature on service standards • e.g. Survey from Blind (2003) • Discrepancy between actual used and preferred use of standards in Data security and Customer interaction
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Research Methodology: 1st Step: Desk Research • Discrepancy between actual used and preferred use of standards in Health and Safety Management • There is a need for further standardization activities in the field of Data security and Customer interaction and also in Health and Safety Management
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Research Methodology: 2nd Step: Expert Interviews • 21 Interviews with: • stakeholders from national European service industry trade associations • Members from national standardization bodies • Representatives from national and European consumer councils • Academics • European political actors • Objective: Obtain an initial perspective on the relevance of (horizontal) standards for achieving the safety of services for consumers
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Research Methodology: 2nd Step: Expert Interviews • Summary of the interviews • Consensus: • The ability to standardize services is important for the success of services companies • Standards are important for the cross-border supply of services • Standards ensure the supply of services is transparent for the consumer • Dissent: • Appropriateness of current regulations and standards for the safety of consumers • Regulations are better than standards to improve the safety level • Vertical standards are better suited to address specific safety issues • Costs of searching common elements for a horizontal safety standards are not worth the result
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Research Methodology: 3rd Step: Company Survey (in progress) • Online survey among 3000 European services companies • Regional distribution:
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Research Methodology: 3rd Step: Company Survey (in progress) • Preliminary results: • Question: Please indicate if any of your customers have been harmed by the stated risks during the delivery of your services in the last three years • Cases of physical damage:
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Research Methodology: 3rd Step: Company Survey (in progress) • Preliminary results: • Question: Please indicate if any of your customers have been harmed by the stated risks during the delivery of your services in the last three years • Cases of financial damage for the customer
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Research Methodology: 3rd Step: Company Survey (in progress) • Preliminary results: • Question: Please indicate if any of your customers have been harmed by the stated risks during the delivery of your services in the last three years • Cases of customer data infidelity
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Research Methodology: 3rd Step: Company Survey (in progress) • Preliminary results: • Question: Please specify which of the horizontal standards mentioned below you would implement in your company • Horizontal Standard for Health and physical integrity of the customer
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Research Methodology: 3rd Step: Company Survey (in progress) • Preliminary results: • Question: Please specify which of the horizontal standards mentioned below you would implement in your company • Horizontal Standard as a protection against financial risks for the customer
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Research Methodology: 3rd Step: Company Survey (in progress) • Preliminary results: • Question: Please specify which of the horizontal standards mentioned below you would implement in your company • Horizontal Standard for Data security
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Summary and Conclusion • 1st Step: Desk Research: • There is a demand for standards in the field of Data security and Health and Safety Management • 2nd Step: Expert Interviews • Dissents among the interviewees: • Regulations are better than standards to improve the safety level • Vertical standards are better suited to address specific safety issues • Costs of searching common elements for a horizontal safety standards are not worth the result • 3rd Step: Company Survey • Answers indicate that some companies would implement a horizontal standard for the health and physical integrity of the customers • The demand for a horizontal standard as a protection against financial risks for the customer is rather low
CHESSS – Module 3 “Safety in the Delivery of Services” Thank you very much for your attention!