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ALl Hands magazine

ALl Hands magazine. past, present and in future; giving voice to volunteers ‘ imaginings. The All Hands Charter………….

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ALl Hands magazine

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  1. ALl Handsmagazine past, present and in future; giving voice to volunteers ‘ imaginings

  2. The All Hands Charter…………. The magazine aims to provide a medium for the sharing of experiences and information between the individuals comprising the volunteer body, whose common interest is the Museum

  3. The magazine was founded 20 years ago, and is published quarterly: in March, June, September and December An index of the year’s published articles is incorporated with the December issue

  4. a catalogue of all past articles from Issue #1 through to the current Issue #77 is in production

  5. A selection of issues is available for viewing at the Conference…………… The special Endeavour issue is of particular interest

  6. Items submitted by volunteers for publication are an eclectic mix of: personal experiences; particular personal interests; or the result of research…… generally of a maritime-related nature

  7. Production of the magazine is the responsibility of an Editorial Committee and a publication team from the volunteer body

  8. The Editorial Committee has final responsibility for the selection, editing and presentation of all published material The Museum’s Volunteers Manager is on the Committee as guide and advisor on policy matters

  9. The Editorial Committee is currently examining ways to increase All Hands’ circulation and to improve presentation and content , to demonstrate a truly Australian maritime volunteer’s outlook As we emerge from the tyranny of the printed page many new communication forms are coming into use

  10. All Hands can give another voice to maritime volunteers Australia wide, to share their aspirations and involve them

  11. Ideas that colourAll Hands’ editorial approach: Volunteers are special people; We come from all walks of life and interact with varied visitors to interpret items and put a human face on our organisations, which provide a supportive administrative framework, both volunteer and paid. Our ethos “By the volunteers, for the volunteers”

  12. All Hands collaborates with other organisations - a particular example is the Sydney Heritage Fleet which is co-hosting this convention, and with whom appropriate editorial content is sometimes shared We are interested to publish volunteers’ responses to exhibits emanating from ANMM, of benefits accruing from MMAPPS grants, as well as successes achieved in your own museums

  13. A full colour issue is posted on the volunteers’ social networking website (a similar system is used by the Museum Council) The December 2011 issue is a “paperless” trial, with no black and white paper copies distributed feedback from the readership on this change is awaited with interest……………….

  14. The volunteers on the Editorial Committee are acknowledged, in particular……. Alex Books, Bob Hetherington, John Lea, Jenny Patel and Hailey Mannell In the Museum, the Volunteers Manager Peter Wood plays a key advisory, support and production role, and Assistant Director Peter Rout is acknowledged for his executive support

  15. The All Hands Editorial Committeecan be contacted on:allhands@anmm.gov.au

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