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The Discovery of Photosynthesis: Unveiling the Sun's Energy in Plant Life

Explore the journey of photosynthesis discovery from Helmont to Priestly, Ingenhousz, and beyond. Learn where, how, and why energy flows through plant cells and pigments, revealing the mysteries of this essential process in biology.

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The Discovery of Photosynthesis: Unveiling the Sun's Energy in Plant Life

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  1. Photosynthesis Science Content Literacy Lesson Joseph Conroy Edward Kilbourne GLTP 503 Jamila Godin April 21. 2011 Victoria Schemelia

  2. D-N-A! In your journals answer the following: 1.) What is the source of energy for photosynthesis? 2.) Where in the cell does photosynthesis take place?  3.) What is the role of plant pigments in the energy transfer process? 4.) How is energy from the sun utilized by plants for energy? 5.) What are the reactants and products in photosynthesis?

  3. The Discovery of Photosynthesis • Over 3,000 m.y. ago- first living-organism resembling a plant appeared • 1649 Jan Baptista Van Helmont (Belgium) did the first biological experiment: precision and accuracy was KEY • The Willow Tree Experiment Conclusion: the willow tree drew its nutrients, not from the soil but from water • 1770’s  Joseph Preistly, (British) recognized for discovering oxygen; found that a piece from a mint plants could restore the air in a container with a burning candle? • 1979 Jan Ingenhousz, (Dutch) • Hypothesis: wanted to find out whether flowers really did help cure • illnesses • Conclusion: only the green parts of plants cleaned the air and only • when placed in strong light

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