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General news items and WG4 “vertex technology” update. Lucie Linssen LCD monthly meeting April 26 th 2010. Upcoming conferences/meetings (1). SiD meeting, Argonne June 3-5 2010 http://www.hep.anl.gov/Division/SiD_Workshop.php We would like to organise soon another software workshop
General news itemsandWG4 “vertex technology” update Lucie Linssen LCD monthly meeting April 26th 2010 http://www.cern.ch/lcd Lucie Linssen, 26/4/2010
Upcoming conferences/meetings (1) • SiD meeting, Argonne • June 3-5 2010 • http://www.hep.anl.gov/Division/SiD_Workshop.php • We would like to organise soon another software workshop • Possible agenda items • Mainly follow up and status of activities from last time: • Root output files in MARLIN framework - extension of LCIO data model - new geometry model - new Pandora (for MARLIN and interface to org.lcsim). How to implement particle-id in PFA? • New topics: • - ILC-DIRAC, a new grid submission tool for LC-SW, based on DIRAC - LC event display (from IPNL) - improvements in reconstruction SW (e.g. tracking at high E) - improvements in simulation SW (e.g. TPC) http://www.cern.ch/lcd Lucie Linssen, 26/4/2010
A few news items CDR main editors: A.Miyamoto (ILD), H. Weerts (SiD), M. Stanitzki + L. Linssen (CLIC) 4 meetings held so far (on CDR layout + chapter editors) Most CDR preparation WG’s have started Including sub-groups on: solenoid, cost, muons See indico DIRAC software progress Using Mokka/Marlin and also LCSIM EU-funded AIDA project approved With some “LCD” participation on core software (geometry, PFA +), test beam and AHCAL Tungsten call for tender finished Order will be placed very soon CERN medium-term plan (document for SPC + June council) LCD continues as foreseen http://www.cern.ch/lcd Lucie Linssen, 26/4/2010
CDR prep. WG4Vertex detector technology First WG4 meeting held on 22/4 Conclusions: • Maintain and work according to requirements list • Topical meetings • Explore long barrel, and also barrel + discs • Start off with common vertex detector for ILD and SiD (and then see later…) Next meetings: May 6th: low-mass “mechanics” and power dissipation May 20th: time-stamping technologies June 17th: tbd http://www.cern.ch/lcd Lucie Linssen, 26/4/2010