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402.04 Glider Handling Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit. 402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit. Main Teaching Points. Review “Block A” Pre-take off checks (BCISTRSC) hook up procedures and signals launch signals, including wing level, take up slack, all out, and stop
402.04 Glider Handling Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Main Teaching Points • Review “Block A” • Pre-take off checks (BCISTRSC) • hook up procedures and signals • launch signals, including wing level, take up slack, all out, and stop • visual signals to close spoilers and glider cannot release • pre release check • pre-spin/spiral/stall check • pre-landing check (SWARTSC) • ACGP circuit including minima
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review: Parts of the SGS 2-33A Glider Label the glider!
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review • Fill in the chart at the right with the correct specifications.
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review • What is the preferred way to move gliders? • Backwards, pushing by hand • When must the wingtips be manned? • Both wingtips must be manned when maneuvering near obstacles (hangars, other aircraft, etc) • Before you move a glider, what is required? • Permission (green sign) from the LCO • Who must attend the operational briefing? • All aircrew/participating personnel. • What is the minimum length for air tow rope? What length is used for training in Pacific? • 200 feet minimum, 300 feet for training in Pacific.
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review Fill in the blanks on the wind limitations chart.
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review Use the wind limitations chart to determine if the winds are in limits or not. Runway 36, winds 010º@15 knots Runway 36, winds 050º@20 knots Runway 18, winds 230º@15 knots Runway 18, winds 110º@5 knots Runway 30, winds 360º@15 knots
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review Use the wind limitations chart to determine if the winds are in limits or not. Aircraft with a stalling speed of 30 mph. Aircraft with a stalling speed of 40 knots. Aircraft with a stalling speed of 45 mph Aircraft with a stalling speed of 35 knots.
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review – SGS 2-33A Speed Ranges • Best Glide Dual • Best Glide Solo • Min Sink Dual • Min Sink Solo • VNE • Max Air Tow • Manoeuvering Speed • Normal Towing Speed • Minimum Forward Slipping Speed Fill in the blanks!
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review – SGS 2-33A Stalling Speeds • Stall Speed Solo • Stall Speed Dual • Stall Speed Solo, Dive Brakes Open • Stall Speed Dual, Dive Brakes Closed • Stall Speed Solo, 30° bank • Stall Speed Dual, 30° bank Fill in the blanks!
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review:Weight and Balance Charts Scenario: You weigh 100 lbs in the front seat, and your instructor weighs 260 lbs in the rear seat. Are you in limits?
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review: Weight and Balance Charts Scenario: You weigh 100 lbs in the front seat, and your instructor weighs 70 lbs in the rear seat. Are you in limits?
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review: Weight and Balance Placards Scenarios: You weigh 200 lbs in the front seat, and your instructor weighs 150 lbs in the rear seat. Are you in limits? You weigh 100 lbs in the front seat, and your instructor weighs 75 lbs in the rear seat. Are you in limits? You weigh 200 lbs in the front seat, and your instructor weighs 145 lbs in the rear seat. Are you in limits? You weigh 120 lbs. Are you in limits to fly solo? What is the maximum payload of this aircraft? What is the basic empty weight of this glider?
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review: Weight and Balance Charts 1. If you weigh 200 lbs in the front seat, and your instructor weighs 120 lbs, are you in limits to fly this glider? 2. If you weigh 190 lbs in the front seat, and your instructor weighs 160 lbs, are you in limits to fly this glider? 3. If you weigh 110 lbs in the front seat, and your instructor weighs 100 lbs, are you in limits to fly this glider? 4. What is the maximum payload of this glider? 5. What is the empty weight of this glider? 6. If you weigh 130 lbs, can you fly this glider solo? What about if you weigh 95 lbs? 7. If you weigh 200 lbs, what is the maximum weight that your instructor can be? 8. If you weigh 90 lbs and your instructor weighs 130 lbs, are you in limits to fly this glider when the ballast is not installed? Why or why not?
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit New Material!
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Pre-take off checks (BCISTRSC) • (B)allast. Weight limitations and ballast. • (C)ontrols. Controls functional; rudder pedals adjusted. (I)nstruments. Instruments checked; radio and altimeter set. • (S)poilers. Operation, then close and lock. • (T)rim. Trim set for takeoff. Trim shall be set full forward for aero tow and winch. Trim shall be set full aft for auto tow. • (R)elease. Operation and security. • (S)traps. Straps secure front and back seat. • (C)anopy/Door. Canopy, rear window and door closed and locked. Confirm security of canopy latch by touch.
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Pre-take off checks (BCISTRSC) Fill in the blanks! BCISTRSC
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Hook Up Procedures and Signals Once the checks are done, and the pilot(s) are strapped in securely, the “ready for hook up” command can be given. You will be shown how to do hook up in the first few days of the course.
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Launch Signals, Wings Level,Take Up Slack, All Out Before beginning the launch, the pilot looks for traffic everywhere in front of and above the glider. The pilot then asks the person standing at the wing, “All clear above and behind?” to learn if there is traffic that they cannot see. Then the launch signals can be given.
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Launch Signals, Wings Level,Take Up Slack, All Out “Level Wings” (thumb up) -in Comox, wait for radio clearance for take off before next step. “Take up slack” (thumb up and index finger) “All out” (thumb up and index and second fingers) Tow plane gives full power.
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Launch Signals, Take Up Slack, All Out Label the signals that are pictured!
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Stop Signal The “STOP” signal can be given by anyone. Raise both hands (if practical) above your head and yell “STOP” loudly and repeatedly.
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Visual Signals to Close Spoilers and Glider Cannot Release
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Pre-Release Check • shall be completed prior to releasing the glider from the tow aircraft: • (A)rea. Ensure glider is approaching the pre-briefed release point. • (A)ltitude. Ensure glider is at or is approaching the pre-briefed altitude. • (A)ttitude/Position. Ensure glider is in the proper attitude, i.e. wings level/high tow. • (T)raffic. Check for conflicting traffic in the practice area, especially at the release point. • (C)all. In Comox, you must add a “C” for “Call”, and make a pre-release radio call.
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Pre-Release Check Fill in the blanks! A AATC
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Pre-spin/Spiral/Stall Check • shall be completed before executing either stall, spin or spiral dive exercises: • (A)ltitude. Ensure entry altitude will permit recovery by the required altitudes that follow. • (S)traps. Straps secure front and back. • (C)anopy. Canopy, rear window and door closed and locked. Confirm security of canopy latch by touch. • (O)bjects. Ensure no loose objects. • (T)raffic/Terrain. Check for conflicting traffic and ensure clear of built-up areas. Complete at least two 90 degree turns or one 180 degree turn, looking for traffic (especially below)
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Pre-spin/Spiral/Stall Check Fill in the blanks! • A • S • C • O • T
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Pre-Landing Check (SWARTSC) • shall be completed prior to reaching a point abeam the touch-down point: • (S)poilers. Check operation and position. • (W)ind. Assess wind speed and direction. • (A)irspeed. Fly downwind at 50 mph Indicated Airspeed (IAS). Calculate the approach speed (50 mph plus wind speed, including any gust factor.) • (R)adio. Call Downwind/Base, as required. • (T)rim/Traffic. Set trim as required, and check for conflicting traffic. • (S)traps. Check front and back seat harness security. • (C)anopy. Canopy, rear window and door closed. Confirm security of canopy latch by touch.
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Pre-Landing Check (SWARTSC) Fill in the blanks! S W AR T S C
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit ACGP Circuit Including Minima The circuit is the way that we prepare to land. -we plan to be at the initial point by 1000 feet Above Ground Level (AGL). That is 1100 feet indicated or Above Sea Level (ASL) in Comox. -abeam at 800 AGL (900 ASL) -turn base by 500 AGL (600 ASL) -turn final by 300 AGL (400 ASL)
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit ACGP Circuit Including Minima Draw the glider circuits onto the aerial photo, including altitudes!
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review • 1. What are the steps of the Pre-Release Check? • Ballast, Controls, Instruments, Spoilers, Trim, Release, Straps, Canopy • 2. How do we signal “ready for hook up”? • fingers and thumbs of both hands make interlocking circles • 3. What are the launch signals? • wings level= thumb up • take up slack = thumb and index finger • all out = thumb, index and second fingers • 4. If you see something dangerous, what signal do you use? • stop signal = both hands in the air, yell “stop!” • 5. What signal does the glider give if it cannot release the tow rope? • moves to the left of the tow plane and rocks the wings
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Review 5. What does it mean if the tow plane waggles its rudder? check that the spoilers are closed 6. What is the pre-release check? Area, Altitude, Attitude, Traffic, Call (in Comox) 7. What is the downwind (pre-landing) check? Spoilers, Wind, Airspeed, Radio, Trim/Traffic, Straps, Canopy 8. What are the minimum circuit altitudes in Comox? IP: 1100 ASL, abeam: 900 ASL, base turn: 600 ASL, final turn: 400 ASL
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Conclusion • Pre-take off checks (BCISTRSC) • hook up procedures and signals • launch signals, including wing level, take up slack, all out, and stop • visual signals to close spoilers and glider cannot release • pre release check • pre-spin/spiral/stall check • pre-landing check (SWARTSC) • ACGP circuit including minima
402.04 Launch Procedures, Checks and the Circuit Next class: Air Handling