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ECZEMA & DERMATITIS. Definition:. Erythema. سير نکس مکرر از صفحه مزمن به صفحه حاد. صفحه A C U T E. Papula و اذيما. سير بدون آب زدن. صفحه C H R O N I C. تحول صفحه تحت الحاد به حاد. Vesicula. Lichenification. Weeping ، توليد ارچق و بعضاً Pustula. Scaling

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  1. ECZEMA & DERMATITIS Definition:

  2. Erythema سير نکس مکرر از صفحه مزمن به صفحه حاد صفحه A C U T E Papula و اذيما سير بدون آب زدن صفحه C H R O N I C تحول صفحه تحت الحاد به حاد Vesicula Lichenification Weeping، توليد ارچق و بعضاً Pustula Scaling يا توليد تفلس واحمرار صفحه Sub acute سير بنفسهی به صفحه مزمن نورمال شدن جلد بدون scar

  3. Acute eczema The epidermis shows distinictvesicule formation

  4. Chronic eczema hyperkeratosis,some patchy parakeratosis.irregularacanthosis. And lymphocytic infiltration in the upper dermis

  5. Sub acute eczema Irriguleracanthosis, patchy spongiosis

  6. Etiology: Predisposition (Genetic) • Irritants. (physical + chemical) • Sensitizers (plants, cosmetics, occupational etc.) • External infections. (strepto - staphylococci , fungus) • Emotional (Strains, stress) • Diet • Diathesis (Xerodermic, allergic, Seborrhoeic, etc) • Climate (temperature and humidity).

  7. Classification and clinical forms: • Exogenous Eczemas: • Allergic contact dermatites • Irritant dermatitis • Allergic photocontact dermatitis • dermatophytide B. Endogenous Eczemas: • Atopic Dermatitis or Atopic Eczema (AD) • Seborrhoeic dermatitis (SD) • NumularEczcma Discoid Eczema. • Pompholyx • Pityriasis alba. • Absorption, varicose, perioral dermatitis and non- classified eczema.

  8. Atopic dermatitis Pathogenesis &Immunology

  9. Eczema Vaccinatum Eczema Herpaticum

  10. Clinical feature * Phases: • Infantile stage: 2 months up to 2 years old • Childhood type: 2 years up to 12 years old Adult type: 12 years up to 23 years old Infantile AD Childhood AD Adulthood AD

  11. Diagnosis

  12. AD در مرحله آب زدن مترافق با ارچق Acute AD در دوره infancy AD مزمن مترافق با lichenification

  13. Atopic Dermatitis (Adulthood) In flexure areas Denniemorgan’s sign

  14. Management

  15. Seborrhoeic dermatitis (SD) Etiology and pathogenesis

  16. Clinical features SD Capitis (adult) SD Facial (adult)

  17. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

  18. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis SD Capitis (infant) Leiners Disease

  19. management

  20. Infective dermatitis

  21. Infective dermatitis Infective eczema Infected eczema

  22. acute erythematous,papulo vesicular eruptionextremlypruritic

  23. Contact dermatitis (Contact eczema) • Irritant Contact Dermatitis(ICD)

  24. Allergic Contact Dermatitis (ACD)

  25. managment • Avoid contact with allergens and irritants • Use of gloves • Use of topical moderate and potent corticosteroids • Systemic steroids for 3weeks. Allergic contact dermatitis

  26. Numular Dermatitis(Discoid Eczema)

  27. Clinical feature • Subacute and chronic • Occurs in men more than women • Number of plaqes:2,3 • Involvment sites: dorsal side of hand, forearm,trunk, lower limbs. • Yellow crust

  28. managment • Emolients • Topical steroids • In exudative cases: oral antibiotic

  29. Pompholyx &dyshidrosis • Bilateral Relapsing pruritic , deep vesicules with 1-5mm size in palms and planter area. • 20-25% hand eczema • Age:20-40y

  30. Treatment • Soak • Prednisolon:1m/kg • Tacrolimus with topical steroids for 3-4weeks. • Oral antihistamine • flucloxacillin

  31. Pityriasis alba • Decrease the number of active melanocytes with decrease in number and size of melanosoms. Facial P. Alba (Common )

  32. Usually 4 plaqes or more(0.5-2cm) • More in summer • Duration:months and sometimes years • Emolients • Topical Hydrocortison1% Generalisedp.a(rare)

  33. Lichen simplex chronicus or circumscribed neurodermatitis Etiology &pathogenesis

  34. Clinical feature Lichenoid papules lichen simplex chronicus

  35. Clinical feature • Lichen nuchae • Pruritusani • Pruritus vulva • Pruritusscroti

  36. photodermatitis • Photo toxic eczema • Photo allergic eczema

  37. phototoxic dermatitis phototoxic dermatitis

  38. Phytophotodermatitis PhytophotodermatitisHyperpigmentation Phytophotodermatitis (Plant + Light)

  39. Usually exposed area • Papulo vesicular lesions • Odema • Weeping • Crust • pruritus allergic photodermatitis

  40. managment

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