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Energy Efficiency and Cohesion in an EU Energy Policy perspective. Dr. Tudor Constantinescu Principal Advisor European Commission - Energy. Energy. European Energy Policy. Objectives & Targets. Technology. Legislation. External. Cohesion. Decarbonisation. Internal Market.
Energy Efficiency and Cohesionin an EU Energy Policy perspective Dr. Tudor ConstantinescuPrincipal AdvisorEuropean Commission - Energy Energy
European Energy Policy Objectives & Targets Technology Legislation External Cohesion Decarbonisation Internal Market
Energy strategy 2020 – Five priorities Efficient use of energy Integrated energy market Secure, safe and affordableenergy for consumers Technological leadership Strong international partnership
Meeting our “20-20-20 by 2020”goals Reduce greenhousegas levels by 20% Increase share of renewables to 20% Reduce energyconsumption by 20% 100% Current trend to 2020 Current trend to 2020 -20% -10% Current trend to 2020 20%
Sectoral measures Indicative national EE targets General measures promoting EE A NEW ENERGY EFFICIENCY DIRECTIVE Public sector House- holds Services Energy supply Industry New EED Monitoring & Reporting
Looking to the future - Energy Roadmap 2050 • Basis: 20/20/20 objectives of the EU energy policy • Roadmap 2050: Cutting GHG emissions until 2050 down to 80 – 95 % below the level of 1990 • The Energy Roadmap 2050: the basis for the elaboration of a low carbon 2050 strategy • Supported by multiple scenario analyses, to show how to reach the 80 % / 95 % goal while at the same meeting other policy objectives (Competitiveness and Security of Supply) • Containing robust assumptions for all possible scenarios
75% 50% 25% 0% RES Gas Nuclear Oil Solid fuels 2005 • Fuel Ranges (primary energy consumption) 2030 2050 75% 50% 25% 0% RES Gas Nuclear Oil Solid fuels
Conclusions and “no regret options” • Energy efficiency gains throughout the system • Major role of renewables • But all options can contribute • EE, RES, Nuclear, CCS, Gas • Act in time and together – timely investments cost less • Gas – important role until 2030/35- more uncertainties after that period • Contribution after 2030 depends on (delayed) CCS
European funding mobilised Structural funds/ERDF (incl. JESSICA) Intelligent Energy – Europe Programme ELENA Facility European Energy Efficiency Facility Smart cities (within the 7th Framework programme for Research) Public Private Partnerships (within the 7th Framework programme for Research
Cohesion Policy 07-13 (€ 347 billion) European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Cohesion Fund European Social Fund (ESF) DG REGIO DG EMPLOYMENT
Cohesion Policy Convergence objective: regions with GDP per capita under 75% of the EU average. 81.5% of the funds are spent on this objective. Regional competitiveness and employment objective.
Functioning of Cohesion Policy • EuropeanCommission & Member States negotiated / agreed National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) and Operational Programmes (OPs) at national and/or regional level for 2007-2013. • Member States alone select and implement the projects in line with priorities of the OPs (principle of ‘shared management’). • Major Projects: Investments of more than € 50 million are submitted and approved by the Commission. • EU funds always completed by national, regional, EIB funds.
“Green economy” investments 2007-2013 Renewables €4.8 bilion Energy Efficiency €4.4 billion = €105 billion 30% of Cohesion Policy funding
Electricity (TEN-E) Energy efficiency, co- Natural gas (TEN-E) Electricity 3% Natural gas generation, energy 3% 3% 6% management Petroleum products 39% 2% Wind 7% Solar 10% Biomass Hydroelectric, geothermal 17% and other 10% Cohesion Policy allocations to Energy 2007-2013total = € 11 billion (3 % of total) € 9.2 billion EE & RES plus € 1.8 billion traditional energies & interconnectors.
Amendment to ERDF regulation (May 2009) Up to 4% of the national ERDF allocation can go to energy efficiency and renewable energy in housing, potentially € 8 billion Member States define eligible categories of existing housing, to support social cohesion June 2010: Further regulatory amendment to facilitate the use of innovative financial instruments in this area, in addition to JEREMIE and JESSICA (JESSICA initiative also delivering EE & RES investments in the urban context) Energy Efficiency in the “Recovery Package”
Only EL making immediate use of the new financial engineering opportunity by establishing a revolving fund of EUR 300 million to provide repayable assistance for energy efficiency in housing. However, it seems like the amendment has triggered further MS interest, as the set-up of additional financial engineering instruments with an energy efficiency and/or renewable energies component is currently considered in BG, DE, HU, SK, UK. Also eight JESSICA funds with energy component set up in seven MS: EE, LT, ES, IT, PL, PT, UK. Uptake of the regulatory amendments
Investments of € 320 M of ERDF in whole country Average support by ERDF = € 2,886 per dwelling (14% of total needs) Impacts: generated over € 1 billion in investment in energy performance in social housing in FR helped to create and maintain 15,000 local jobs & potentially 31,000 with measures in the pipeline 50,000 households with modest incomes supported to fight energy poverty (heating costs reduced on average by 40%) Refurbishment of social housing (FR) 18
Proposed EU budget 2014-2020 MFF 2014 - 2020 "Ambitious but realistic" proposals issued by the Commission in June 2011 for a Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 Cohesion Policy 33% (€336 billion) Other policies (agriculture, research, external,…) 63% (649 billion) Connecting Europe Facility 4% (€40 billion) European UnionCohesion Policy
Concentrating resources to maximise impact Concentration of ERDF investments on: energy efficiency & renewable energy research & innovation competitiveness of SMEs 6% 60% 44% 20% More developed & transition regions Less developed regions flexibility – different regions have different needs special arrangements for ex-convergence regions European UnionCohesion Policy
How will funding be allocated? Less developed regions/MS Transition regions More developed regions Population covered (in millions) ¹ €10 billion from the Cohesion Fund will be allocated to the Connecting Europe Facility Budget allocation (in %) European UnionCohesion Policy
ROMANIA, NSRF 2007-2013 (http://www.fonduri-ue.ro/)Energy Efficiency in ERDF Operational Programmes 2007-13: 100 MEUR • Large enterprises/SMEs (Increase of the Economic Competitiveness programme) • Total allocation: 100 M€ (245) • Implementation:European Regional Development Fund supports investments in installations/ equipments of industrial operators leading to reducing the energy consumption. • Calls: on going • Public buildings for Regional, Local and Municipal Authorities (Regional operational programme) • No separate energy-efficiency measures are taken. • European Regional Development Fund supports the rehabilitation of public buildings (schools, hospitals, social buildings); the projects are required to comply with reinforced energy efficiency national legislation; • Housing • Total allocation: 0 M€ • Implementation: this was not a priority for the Romanian authorities and no programme included this type of projects. • Discussions are on-going on the possibility and opportunity to set up a financing scheme for energy efficiency projects in housing under the Regional Operational programme. • Contacts • Intermediate Body for Energy from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Bussiness Environment, http://oie.minind.ro, Tel: (+40 21) 202 53 88. • Managing Authority for Regional Operational Programme from the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism http://www.inforegio.ro/, Tel: (+40 37) 211 14 09.
Thank you • tudor.constantinescu@ec.europa.eu