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TAPA 10 1 3 00 JUN 12. MNB-V ORDERS BRIEF OPERATION „SENTINEL ENDEAVOR“. 60 km. SOUTHLAND. 100 km. ENEMY (SIMM). Ivar Talins. Kutensee Cell Leader. Stephan Webb. Directs. Kutensee Fighter Cell. Kutensee Fighter Cell. Giannis Ragousis. Winfried Hermann. 8 X DA CELL
60 km SOUTHLAND 100 km
ENEMY (SIMM) IvarTalins KutenseeCell Leader Stephan Webb Directs Kutensee Fighter Cell Kutensee Fighter Cell Giannis Ragousis Winfried Hermann 8 X DA CELL ~12 Fighters Each 11 X DA CELL ~12 Fighters each Safe Houses France Safe Houses Austria Bases / Safe Heaven 92 Soldiers total 92 AK-47 15 RPG-7 IED Equipment 60 mm mortars X 4 122 people total 122 AK-47 33 RPG Bases / Safe Heaven
RSCC SAP ENEMY (SMF ORBAT) 3 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 A A A A A B A C C C B B B C B C D E E E B D D D D MI E C F F F 7 G G 33d DIV Assets Available C A C 11 B F 33AF A 8 2 B/33 1 A/33 E D E W 2xSu-27 2xSS-21 6xMi-24
ECOA-1 SMF will conduct an assault operations through our AOR IOT secure the area SOUTH from PL IVARS to create favorable conditions for SIMM to declare the area as independent state and block MND-Sentinel CATKs into the area. ENY will attack in 4 axises.15 km in front of each there is COY-size recce unit with task to confirm suitable advancing corridors and identify possible bypass opportunities. Main units are trying to avoid decisive contact IOT maintain their speed of movement. In case of contact a COY-size unit is maximum that is left to deal with it and main body attempts to bypass. On closed terrain INF is used in first echelon; on open terrain units are swapped if available. SAP coy is allocated to WEST flank CA BN and to INF BN moving EAST as a ME. In addition to their organic, both movement directions are supported by additional IDF assets. CAS is used when main body of attacking units are blocked by BN or higher and bypassing is not possible. II II II SOUTHLAND II
SMF will conduct an attack through our AOR IOT secure the area SOUTH from PL IVARS to create favorable conditions for SIMM to declare the area as independent state and block MND-Sentinel CATKs into the area. ENY will attack in 3 axises + flanking from NE. 15 km in front BNs there is COY-size recce unit with task to confirm suitable advancing corridors and identify possible bypass opportunities. Main units are trying to avoid decisive contact IOT maintain their speed of movement. In case of contact a COY-size unit is left to deal with it and main body will look for week spot and fight through or bypass. On closed terrain INF is used in first echelon; on open terrain units are swapped if available. SAP coy is allocated to WEST flank CA BN and to BN moving as a ME. In addition to their organic, all movement directions are supported by additional IDF assets from DIV. CAS is used when main body of attacking units are blocked by BN or higher and bypassing is not possible. Vulnerabilities: Operation timings will probably fail when ground units are stuck in closed terrain and can not occupy OBJ 2 or OBJ 3; Loss of ENG assets. HVTs: ENG assets AD assets ECOA-2 SOUTHLAND II II II II
MND-SENTINEL MISSION • MND SENTINEL defends in sector NLT 170900 JUNE 2012 in order to defeat Southland forces and be prepared to attack in zone to restore the IBL.
MND-SENTINEL CO INTENT • Intent: To rapidly mass combat power in Southern Vironia to prevent Southland forces from penetrating PL RED and establishing an independent SIMM-dominated state. Defend only as long as is necessary to regain the initiative and then rapidly transition into offensive operations to restore the IBL. Use CAS, Army Aviation, and Fires to attrit the enemy within VIRONIA and to set the conditions for a rapid counterattack. Leverage non-lethal fires to maintain information dominance and to force the enemy’s withdrawal to his homeland. Integrate Vironian security forces throughout and quickly transfer control and security operations back to them once the IBL is restored and hostilities have ended. • Endstate: SOUTHLANDIAN forces within VIRONIA are defeated, the IBL is restored, and local control is returned to VIRONIAN security forces.
MNB-V Mission MNB-V will defend to prevent ENY penetration of PL RED NLT 170900 JUNE and be prepared for counterattack to defeat ENY IOT restore IBL.
MNB-V Commander’s Intent Is first to move rapidly into AOR and conduct preparations for hasty defense. In case of ENY´s attack I will initially disrupt ENY (from PL GREEN to PL BLUE) and turn his forces to main defensive area, thereafter I will decisively stop his advance within east part of BDE´s AOR in south of PL RED. Whenever situation favors aggressive action I will regain initiative and defeat ENY with CATK. After IBL is restored the stability operations will commence to re-establish safe and secure environment. • End state: No ENY forces penetrated PL RED, ENY is defeated and IBL is restored. BDE is capable to continue with Stability operations. b. Key tasks: i. Preparation of defense ii. Turn ENY to MDA iii. Stop ENY in SOUTH of PL RED iv. Defeat ENY in MDA.
MNB-V CONOPS • Decisive operation:Decisive to the operation is to block ENY advance by conducting the mobile defense with purpose to create conditions for defeat of ENY offensive operations in MDA. 8th IN (LTU) and 2nd IN (LVA) will block and suppress enemy in EA DAKAR (defence main effort) and EA DUBLIN (defence supporting effort) IOT prevent ENY advance to VILJANDI and create favorable conditions for CATK by 3/2 CAV (US). AT COY (VIR) and 8th IN (LTU) will protect western flank of MDA. • Shaping operation: 1st MECH disrupts and blocks ENY offensive to PÄRNU IOT influence ENY to turn its effort into direction of VILJANDI with purpose of economy of force on one direction and its concentration on the other one. 8th and 2nd IN disrupt in EA CAIRO and EA BERN IOT influence ENY to direct its main effort to EA DAKAR. RECCE COY (VIR) conducts screening operations in its AOR and area MADRID IOT enable situational awareness.
MNB-V SOM This operation will be conducted in four phases: Phase 1: Transition to combat and defense preparations (from receipt of WINGO until 160900BJUN12) MNB-V units will complete battle preparations. BDE and BN-s Recce will move out from AA NLT 151500BJUN12 to conduct recce of defense positions and to establish screen. From 152100BJUN12 units will advance rapidly into designated areas and prepare for defense. This phase is completed! No need for planning.
MNB-V SOM (SKETCH for PH 2a) PH 2a PH 2a PH 2a PH 2a PH 2a PH 2a PH 2a PH 2a
MNB-V SOM (SKETCH for PH 2b) PH 2b PH 2b PH 2b PH 2b PH 2b PH 2b PH 2b PH 2b PH 2b PH 2b PH 2b PH 2b PH 2b PH 2b
MNB-V SOM (SKETCH for PH 2c) PH 2c PH 2c PH 2c PH 2c
MNB-V SOM Phase 3: Counterattack. O/O MNB-V will counterattack as MND ME to defeat ENY and restore IBL. Phase 4: Stability ops O/O after IBL is restored MNB-V will secure the IBL and critical infrastructure.
DECEPTION • BN in MNB-V west flank (PÄRNU direction) will execute some preparations openly to force ENY concentrate its ME in to VILJANDI direction. During the battle in PÄRNU direction BN will aggressively disrupt ENY advance to provide picture about heavily defended area impossible to penetrate. • The dummy positions DOG 1-3 will be prepared by LTU BN IOT divert ENY effort from the western flank of MDA and direct it into EA DAKAR. • LV BN will be prepared to conduct FEINT in axis TUNA to divert ENY attention away from main attack in axis PIKE. • To help deception to succeed all units must conduct active counter recce actions to destroy ENY recce units as early as possible.
CONCEPT OF FIRES • MND FS assets: • ATK AVN (A10)and ATK HELI (AH64) – max 4 sorties per day • ltd Naval Gunfire Support (CG-61) • MNB-V ARTY assets: • VIR ARTY BN (24x FH70, 155mm, range 24km) • LVA 34.ARTY BN (16 x 155mm, range 24km) OPCON • US A BTRY/1-227 ARTY (6x M270 (MLRS), 270mm) GS-R • CONOPS: • Shaping Op: ARTY BNs will be available on both directions – PÄRNU and VILJANDI. • Decisive Op: suppressive fires IOT disrupt ENY forces in MDA mainly by two ARTY BNs. • Scheme of Fires (ARTY) • Phase 2A: • 34 ARTY BN supports 1st MECH from AMA MONACO • VIR ARTY BN supports8th INF and 2nd INF from AMA KOLONIA by2x BTRYs, and AT COY from AMA GABORONE (PDF 35-00) by1x BTRY. • Phase 2B: • 34 ARTY BN cont. AMA MONACO, MORONI, NICOSIA, MAPUTO, and MANILA. • 34 ARTY BN routerecceIOT be ready to move O/O to AMA GABORONE • VIR ARTY BN cont. FS with by BTRY-s from AMA KOLONIA and BAMAKO, 1x BTRY to AT COY (DS) from AMA GABORONE • Phase 2C: • 34 ARTY BN from AMA GABORONE, APIA, KIGALI, and LUSAKA • VIR ARTY BN from AMA ASMARA and HAVANA
CONCEPT OF FIRES • Scheme of Fires (AIR) • Phase 1 – SOUTHLANDIAN C2, Logs, artillery and armor SOUTH of PL GREEN (FSCL) • Phase 2 and 3 - 24hr CAS capability with the ability to switch to AI as required. Air Assault operations to secure key LOCs and to facilitate a rapid counterattack, preventing SOUTHLAND forces from establishing a cohesive defence inside VIRONIA • Phase 4 – Air Support assets will switch to provision of armed overwatch and ground alert CAS (GCAS) • FSCM: A FSCL along designated position lines will be set up according to the phase of operation. Initial FCSL is PL GREEN, O/O IBL.
CONCEPT OF AIR DEFENSE • AD BN will detect and defeat ADV low level air attack and surveillance assets and provide early warning in MNB-V AOR during entire operation, IOT ensure MNB-V freedom of manoeuvre and deny ADV to conduct aerial surveillance or air assaults
CONCEPT OF ENG SUPPORT • In PH 1 engineers will support the MNB-V with mobility and survivability measures, IOT enable to occupy hasty defense positions. ME mobility, 8 INFBN. • In PH 2 engineers will support the MNB-V with countermobility and survivability measures, IOT enable to block ENY forces SOUTH of PL RED. ME counter mobility, 8 INFBN. • In PH 3 engineers will support the MNB-V with mobility and countermobility measures, IOT enable MNB-V CATK to defeat ENY in AOR. ME mobility, CATK. • In PH 4 engineers will support the MNB-V with survivability and mobility measures, IOT enable MNB-V to secure IBL and establish SASE in AOR. ME survivability, vic IBL.
Concept of INTEL DIV assets DIV assets Neighbours& DIV Bn Recce PLT Bn Recce PLT BDE Recce coy SOUTHLAND Bn Recce PLT
UNCLASSIFIED – EXERCISE MND-S LOG PLAN (Operation SENTINEL ENDEAVOR) SPOD APOD ÄMARI MND-S TF SUSTAIN MND-S TF SUSTAIN will establish DIV sustainment area near ÄMARI airbase Primary SPOD is PALDISKI & APODs ÄMARI airbase/TALLINN airport. TF SUSTAIN provides to MNB-V distribution of all supply classes & services with daily LOGPACs. ca 100 km MNB-V AOR UNCLASSIFIED – EXERCISE
UNCLASSIFIED – EXERCISE MNB-V CSS PLAN (Operation SENTINEL ENDEAVOR) MN Log Unit will establish & support MNB-V from BSA TULIP IVO VÄNDRA; BDE will establish FSA ROSE IOT support 1st MECH; LVA & LTU units will be supported from BSA TULIP by NSEs. In addition NSEs can establish FSAs if needed; 3/2 CR BN will be supported by 56 SBCT. Designated support area (SA). All BNs & subunits will establish organic SAs & Battalion Aid Posts (BAPs) in their AOR. MNB-V will establish & provide area support from 2xROLE2LM. ROLE3-4 CIV HOSP. MN LogUnit: VIR CSS BN LTU NSE LVA NSE BSA TULIP ROLE2LM ROLE2LM LVA NSE FSA LTU NSE FSA 3/2 CR SA FSA ROSE Log ME – preparation of MDA Priorities: Ph I,II – 8th IN, 2nd IN, VIR Arty BN, 1 MECH; Ph III – CATK units; Ph IV – TBD. UNCLASSIFIED – EXERCISE
CONCEPT OF CIMIC SUPPORT • The protection of civilians will be the main effort for CIMIC activities throughout all phases. All precautions must be taken to avoid collateral damage, in particular to key civil infrastructure such as power, water, health and sanitation facilities. The end state for CIMIC will be met when security, governance and development have returned to an acceptable standard; the civil population is free from both internal and external security threats; the IDPs have been repatriated; and the VIRONIAN government is once again able to provide essential services to its citizens.
UNCLASSIFIED – EXERCISE CIS PLAN • BDE-V will connect to MND BCS (Battle Command System)/Sentrix via CPN (Command Post Node) team. • BDE-V will establish, maintain and defend VHF /UHF networks IOT ensure C2 in BDE AOR. ME will be VILJANDI area (MDA)where C2 will be primarily provided by VHF/UHF CNR. • C2 1st MECH BN IVO PÄRNU and CSS BN IVO VÄNDRA will be established with VIRONIA network, SATCOM and PTT. UNCLASSIFIED – EXERCISE