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Mindfulness and Authentic Leadership. Donald Davis, Ph.D. Leadership. Lead others Lead self. Authentic Leadership.
Mindfulness and Authentic Leadership Donald Davis, Ph.D. Donald Davis
Leadership Donald Davis Lead others Lead self
Authentic Leadership Donald Davis Self-awareness and self-regulation—understand one’s own strengths, weaknesses and internal states, how others see one, how one sees others. “I seek feedback to improve interactions with others.” Transparency—openly share information and feelings as appropriate, share one’s true self. “I display emotions exactly in line with my feelings.” Ethical/moral—set high standards for moral and ethical conduct, internal moral and ethical standards guide self-regulation. “I make decisions based on my core values.” Balanced processing—base decisions on objective analysis of data, solicit opinions of others and consider these when making decisions. “I listen carefully to different points of view before coming to conclusions.”
Fit of Leadership to Core Values Authentic Leadership Skills Self-awareness Transparency Ethical/moral Balanced processing Integrity • Cordiality, mutual respect • Exceed standards of legal profession • Never sacrifice quality for efficiency, teamwork for self-interest, morality for convenience, honor for success Donald Davis
Fit of Leadership to Core Values Authentic Leadership Skills Self-awareness Transparency Ethical/moral Balanced processing Stewardship • Respond promptly to demands of others • Serve profession and community • Offer quality working environment, excellent resources, competitive C&B • Be mindful of privilege granted as servants of the law Donald Davis
Who are Authentic Leaders? Donald Davis Dedicated to self-awareness, self-cultivation and self-regulation Know who they are, what they believe and value, and act consistently according to their beliefs and values Perceived by those being led to be virtuous, transparent, trustworthy, optimistic, hopeful Create positive spirals of influence Spread“virus” of virtue through their actions; authenticity and virtue become“contagious” and spread throughout the organization Success requires mindfulness
Mindfulness Qualities (Shapiro, Schwartz & Santerre, 2005) Donald Davis Nonjudging: observe Nonstriving: don’t insist, resist, desist Acceptance: pure reality Patience (right timing) Trust: oneself, life Openness (beginner’s Mind) Letting go: don’t hold onto thoughts, feelings Gentleness: tender Generosity: prosocial Empathy: authentic communication Gratitude: reverent, thankful Loving-kindness: compassion joined to wisdom, unconditional love and forgiveness
How Do You Cultivate Mindfulness? Donald Davis
Why Practice Mindfulness? Donald Davis Changes our brains, e.g., increases density of neural connections related to attention, learning, memory, emotion regulation, empathy Improves emotions, e.g., increases positive emotions, reduces negative emotions, enhances self-regulation, increases emotional intelligence Improves cognition, e.g., enhances attention, memory, positive beliefs and expectations, self-regulation of thoughts, creativity Enhances relationships, e.g., greater interpersonal sensitivity, empathy, compassion, kindness Strengthens bodies, e.g., enhance stress management, increased relaxation, moving meditation (e.g., tai chi) increases bone density, agility, balance, core strength
Why Practice Mindfulness? (continued) Donald Davis Enhances physical health, e.g., strengthen immune system, faster recovery from surgery, longer life, reduced absenteeism Enhances mental health, e.g., effective treatment for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, PTSD, some personality disorders; increases happiness and well-being, helps to lead a meaningful life Effective route to go beyond “normal” and instead achieve flourishing
Change Your Mind,Change Your Life Donald Davis