EARTH TheEarthistheonly planet intheSolar System wherethe life exists. Itisthe third planet fromthe Sun. TheEarthposseses one Moononly. Itrotatesarounditsownaxisin 24 hours (a day) while one orbit aroundthe Sun lasts 365 days (a year).
EUROPE Europeis, by convention, one of the world's seven continents. Comprising the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, Europe is generally 'divided' from Asia by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black Seas, and the waterways connecting the Black and Aegean Seas. Europe is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and the Black Sea and connected waterways to the southeast. Europe is the world's second-smallest continent by surface area, covering about 10,180,000 square kilometres-2% of the Earth's surface.It’slargerfromAustralia only.
PolAND Poland is a European country. Itis a member of theEuropean Union as well. Itis a part of central Europe, bordered by theBalticsea, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia. Poland isdividedinto 17 provinces (voivodeships) and furtherintocounties (poviats)and parishes.
SILESIA Silesianvoivodeshipis one of 17 othersin Poland. The city developed as a fishing centre (the word rybnik means fishpond in several Slavic languages, including Czech and Silesian) in medieval ages, then was a capital of so-called Rybnik State. Rybnik grew as an important centre of coal mining and the seat of Rybnik county since 19th century.
Rybnik :27 quarters140 thousands of citizens148 km2surface Rybnik OUR TOWN
Golejów Golejów is one of thequartersinRybnik.
- THERE ARE 200 STUDENTS AT OUR SCHOOL. - IT IS 50 YEARS OLD! OUR SCHOOL Primary School and Nursery Unit no. 4in Rybnik
NURSERY no. 33 inRybnik Golejów Nurseryissituatedrightnext to theprimaryschool, both of themcreate one entitywhichiscalled„PrimarySchool and Nursery Unit no 4.” Eachnursery group hasitsownnamechosen by kids, e.g. ladybirdsorhoney- bees.
OUR SCHOOL ProjectsaboutComenius partners Schoolhallway
Whenyoufeelweak, whenyoufeelunwell… Just thinkabout Comenius programme and trust me: everything will be O.K.!
CREATED BY julia wałach&AREK SOBCZYK fromPrimarySchool no. 29 in Rybnik