1. Senior Officer Career Development
Maj Gen Bob McMahon
Director of Logistics
2. Overview Development Team Charter
Management Structure
DT Activities & Vectors
IDE/SDE Process
MXG/CD & SQ/CC process
Your responsibilities
Special Programs
21A/M U&TW issues
Colonel Promotee Data
Final thoughts
3. Development Team Charter Chartered by CSAF in Nov 2002
Define/integrate development processes
Develop clear career path objectives
Develop and refine educational opportunities
AF/A4M Chair
4. 21A/M Management Structure
5. DT Activities Spring DT (April)
Steady State Vectors
Career Field Issues
SQ/CC review/prep for Summer DT
Summer DT (Jul/Aug)
IDE/SDE Nominations
20C0 and Mx SQ/CC Lists
Fall DT (December)
Steady State Vectors
Air Staff Vectors
LCBP Nominations
RAS/PAS Nominations
6. Steady State Vectors Looking beyond the next assignment
Performance records available
Entire DT views/discusses each ADP as a group
Members desires important; Sr Rater comments critical
Seek to provide broad-based experience
Ops Officer / Sqd CC / MXG Deputy
Air Staff / Joint / MAJCOM / ALC / Needs of AF
Seek to build on prior investments
Intern graduates vectored back to Air Staff
LCBP participants vectored back to ALC
7. IDE/SDE Process What we do:
Board process DT members score records for IDE/SDE selection
Review records, 3849, ADP
Score whole person using 6 10 pt scale
Resolve splits (2.0 pts) or greater between board members
DT members apply Developmental Education Designation Board (DEDB) quota to ranked records resolve ties and gray area
8. 20C0 Selection Process DT Members review nominees SURF, records and ADP
Graduated Sq/CC a must for consideration
PME completion critical
CY 2008 results:
23 projected vacancies/55 21A/M competed
37 21A/M selected
15 21R candidates selected via 21R DT
9. Sq CC Selection DT members scored 178 records (158 21A/M 20 other AFSCs)
Reviewed records, SOI, ADP
Score whole person using 6 10 pt scale
111 Current Vacancies
149 Candidates Selected
10. What you need to do:
Every year, review and correct your official AFPC records
Especially critical when being considered for SQ/CC and 20C0
Update your ADPs within 6 months of the board and ensure comments dont conflict with your SOI and/or 3849
Complete appropriate PME
SOI, 3849 and ADP be concise and specific
dont regurgitate your career
11. LCBP Eligibility and Selection Process Purpose
Provide select officers specialized knowledge in acquisition logistics and lifecycle sustainment support
5-8 years commissioned service at start of program
Eligible AFSCs 21XX, 61S, 62E, 63AX, 64PX and 65FX
Record of performance & fully qualified in core AFSC
Selection Process
Eligible officers automatically competed during Fall DT
Be sure ADP shows desire to compete for LCBP
Selected officers notified and report to ALCs the following Jul
12. LCBP Curriculum Management Level Program
2-year controlled tour consisting of three rotations
Depot Maintenance
Supply Chain Management
Program Management
Earn APDP Level II in Life Cycle Logistics (LCL) and Level 1 Program Management (PM)
Level II in PM is possible
Program is operated by each ALC/CV --
13. Purpose
Expand combat capability by developing graduate-level expertise in aircraft and munitions maintenance
Captain** 21A/M
Max 8 years TAFCSD
Min 3 years in primary AFSC at operational (flying) wing
SOS completed
World-wide qualified
Waiver authority is HQ ACC/A4**
Selection Process
Modeled after AFI 11-415, Weapons & Tactics Prgm
HQ ACC/A4 has overall responsibility
ACC/A4Q board president
Board of 0-5s from ea MAJCOM/A4 & AMMOS/CC
ARC has own board (1 student per class)
Nominations submitted by WG/CC to ACC/A4
AFPC hosts three boards per year
14. AMMOS Curriculum Organized around Agile Combat Support Master Processes
Capstone Mission Employment Exercise
Operational art of maintenance and logistics
Fleet readiness
Sortie generation
Munitions operations & combat munitions production
Unit readiness for expeditionary operations
Field Trips- Scott AFB, Langley, AFB, Travis AFB, Beale AFB
5 major exams, 9 graded presentations, 12 exercises
Coordinated & approved by MAJCOMs
65 academic days, 3 courses per year, 12 students per class
15. 21A Utilization & Training Workshop U&TW led by Career Field manager and AETC facilitated
Establishes Career Field Training Requirements
Results published in CFETP
Scheduled for 20-24 October 08
Each MAJCOM represented
Key discussion topics:
SQ/CC role in task sign-off
Repair Network Transformation
Certification requirements
Career Path
Maintenance Officer Intermediate Coursemunitions content
AMOC senior leader seminars
Future of Mx Course for Operational Commanders
16. 21M Utilization & Training Workshop U&TW hosted by 21M CFM
Recognized 3 experience sets
Re-vitalize nuclear focus
Designated 3 21M shreds
A Conv Munitions Mx
N Nuclear Weapons Mx
Structured shred x-flow
Dedicated nuclear training
Expand ICBM course
All 21Ms get new Nuclear Fundamentals course
New Nuclear Accountability Course
target MASO/2W2
17. 21M Career Path Model
18. The typical 21A/M Col Promotee
Control what you can control:
Do your job
Help your boss help you
Do your non-residence PME
Seek broad experience at all levels (ALC, LCBP)
Deploy when it is your turn
others are (discriminator)
Understand your career path but dont get hung up in each step along the way
DT and your commander facilitate your assignments
Have fun along the way!
19. Force Development Closing Thoughts
Ensure your official AFPC records are correct
Talk with your supervisorensure he/she knows what you want to do
Take advantage of opportunitiesdistinguish yourself from the crowd
The most important job is the one you are in right now!
20. Questions?