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Monte Carlo Model Checking Radu Grosu SUNY at Stony Brook. Joint work with Scott A. Smolka. Model Checking. ?. Is system S a model of formula φ ?. Model Checking. S is a nondeterministic/concurrent system. is a temporal logic formula. in our case Linear Temporal Logic (LTL).
Monte Carlo Model CheckingRadu GrosuSUNY at Stony Brook Joint work with Scott A. Smolka
Model Checking ? Is systemS a model of formula φ?
Model Checking • S is anondeterministic/concurrent system. • is atemporal logic formula. • in our case Linear Temporal Logic (LTL).
LTL Model Checking • Every LTL formula can be translated to a BüchiautomatonB such that L()= L(B) • Automata-theoretic approach: • S|=iff L(BS) L(B ) iffL(BS B )= • Checking non-emptiness is equivalent to finding a reachableaccepting cycle(lasso).
Checking Non-Emptiness Lassos Computation tree (CT) recurrence diameter LTL Explore alllassos in the CT DDFS,SCC: time efficient DFS: memory efficient
Randomized Algorithms Huge impacton CS: (distributed) algorithms, complexity theory, cryptography, etc. Takes of next step algorithm may depend on random choice(coin flip). Benefitsof randomization include simplicity,efficiency, and symmetry breaking.
Randomized Algorithms • Monte Carlo: may produce incorrect result but with bounded error probability. • Example: Election’s result prediction • Las Vegas: always gives correct result but running time is a random variable. • Example: Randomized Quick Sort
Monte Carlo Approach Lassos Computation tree (CT) recurrence diameter … LTL flip a k-sided coin Explore N(,) independent lassos in the CT Error margin andconfidence ratio
Lassos Probability Space • Sample Space: lassos in BS B • Bernoulli random variable Z : • Outcome = 1 if randomly chosen lasso accepting • Outcome = 0 otherwise • pZ= ∑ pi Zi(expectation of an accepting lasso) where pi is lasso prob. (uniform random walk)
Example: Lassos Probability Space 1 pZ = 1/8 1 qZ = 7/8 1 2 2 ½ 4 3 3 4 1 4 4 ¼ ⅛ 4 ⅛
Geometric Random Variable • Value ofgeometricRV Xwith parameterpz: No. of independent lassos until success. • Probability mass function: p(N) = P[X = N] = qzN-1 pz • Cumulative Distribution Function: F(N) = P[X N] = ∑i Np(i) = 1 - qzN
How Many Lassos? • RequiringP[X N] = 1- δ yields: N = ln (δ) / ln (1- pz) • Lower bound on number of trials N needed to achieve success with confidence ratioδ.
What If pz Unknown? • Requiringpz εyields: M = ln (δ) / ln (1- ε) N = ln (δ) / ln (1- pz) and therefore P[X M] 1- δ • Lower bound on number of trials M needed to achieve success with confidence ratioδ and error marginε .
Statistical Hypothesis Testing • Null hypothesisH0:pz ε • Alternative hypothesisH1:pz <ε • If no success after N trials, then rejectH0 • Type I error:α= P[ X > M | H0] <δ • Since: P[ X M | H0 ] 1- δ
Monte Carlo Model Checking (MC2) input:B=(Σ,Q,Q0,δ,F), ε, δ N = ln (δ) / ln (1- ε) for (i = 1; i N; i++) if (RL(B) == 1) return (1, error-trace); return (0, “reject H0 with α = Pr[ X>N | H0 ] < δ”); where RL(B) performs a uniform random walk through B to obtain a random lasso.
Correctness of MC2 Theorem: Given aBüchi automaton B, error margin ε, and confidence ratio δ, if MC2rejects H0, then its type I error has probability α= P[ X > M | H0] <δ
Complexity of MC2 Theorem: Given aBüchi automaton B having diameter D, error margin ε, and confidence ratio δ, MC2 runsin timeO(N∙D) and uses spaceO(D), whereN = ln(δ) / ln(1- ε) Cf. DDFS which runs in O(2|S|+|φ|) time for B= BS B.
Implementation • Implemented DDFS and MC2 in jMocha model checker for synchronous systems specified using Reactive Modules. • Performance and scalability of MC2 compares very favorably to DDFS.
DPh: Symmetric Unfair Version (Deadlock freedom)
DPh: Symmetric Unfair Version (Starvation freedom)
DPh: Asymmetric Fair Version (Deadlock freedom) δ = 10-1 ε = 1.8*10-3 N = 1278
DPh: Asymmetric Fair Version (Starvation freedom) δ = 10-1 ε = 1.8*10-3 N = 1278
Related Work • Random walk testing: • Heimdahl et al: Lurch debugger. • Random walks to sample system state space: • Mihail & Papadimitriou (and others) • Monte Carlo Model Checking of Markov Chains: • Herault et al: LTL-RP, bonded MC, zero/one ET • Younes et al: Time-Bounded CSL, sequential analysis • Sen et al: Time-Bounded CSL, zero/one ET • Probabilistic Model Checking of Markov Chains: • ETMCC, PRISM, PIOAtool, and others.
Conclusions • MC2 is first randomized, Monte Carlo algorithm for the classical problem of temporal-logic model checking. • Future Work: Use BDDs to improve run time. Also, take samples in parallel! • Open Problem: Branching-Time Temporal Logic (e.g. CTL, modal mu-calculus).
Talk Outline • Model Checking • Randomized Algorithms • LTL Model Checking • Probability Theory Primer • Monte Carlo Model Checking • Implementation & Results • Conclusions & Open Problem
Model Checking • S is anondeterministic/concurrent system. • is atemporal logic formula. • in our case Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). • Basic idea: intelligently explore S’s state space in attempt to establish S|=.
Linear Temporal Logic • LTL formula: made up inductively of • atomic propositions p, boolean connectives, , • temporal modalities X (neXt) and U (Until). • Safety: “nothing bad ever happens” • E.g. G( (pc1=cs pc2=cs)) where G is a derived modality (Globally). • Liveness: “something good eventually happens” • E.g. G( req F serviced ) where F is a derived modality (Finally).
sn sk+3 sk+2 sk+1 DFS2 DFS1 s1 s2 s3 sk-2 sk-1 sk Emptiness Checking • Checking non-emptiness is equivalent to finding an accepting cycle reachable from initial state (lasso). • Double Depth-First Search (DDFS) algorithm can be used to search for such cycles, and this can be done on-the-fly!
Bernoulli Random Variable(coin flip) • Value of Bernoulli RV Z: Z = 1 (success) & Z = 0 (failure) • Probability mass function: p(1) = Pr[Z=1] = pz p(0) = Pr[Z=0] = 1- pz= qz • Expectation: E[Z] = pz
Statistical Hypothesis Testing • Example: Given a fair and a biased coin. • Null hypothesisH0- fair coin selected. • Alternative hypothesisH1- biased coin selected. • Hypothesis testing: Perform N trials. • If number of heads is LOW, rejectH0. • Else fail to rejectH0.
Randomized Algorithms Huge impacton CS: (distributed) algorithms, complexity theory, cryptography, etc. Takes of next step algorithm may depend on random choice(coin flip). Benefitsof randomization include simplicity,efficiency, and symmetry breaking.
Randomized Algorithms • Monte Carlo: may produce incorrect result but with bounded error probability. • Example: Rabin’s primality testing • Las Vegas: always gives correct result but running time is a random variable. • Example: Randomized Quick Sort
1 2 3 4 Lassos Probability Space L1 = 11 L2 = 1244 L3 = 1231 L4 = 12344 Pr[L1]= ½ Pr[L2]= ¼ Pr[L3]= ⅛ Pr[L4]= ⅛ qZ = L1 + L2 = ¾ pZ = L3 + L4 = ¼
0 1 n-1 n Alternative Sampling Strategies • Multilasso sampling: ignores backedges that do not lead to an accepting lasso. Pr[Ln]= O(2-n) • Probabilistic systems: there is a natural way to assign a probability to a RL. • Input partitioning: partition input into classes that trigger the same behavior (guards).