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Washington County ARES. July 2014. Visitors. Upgrades & Certificates. Stations – Served Agencies. Leagal – K2ASP.
Washington County ARES July 2014
Leagal – K2ASP A Bill has been introduced in the United States House of Representatives, to extend the reach of PRB-1, to Home Owner Associations and CC&Rs. (HR 4969) Recently the CommunityAssociations Institute, an advocacy group for Home Owner Associations.
We are Communicators • - In the field • ** Pass on the message ** • Sometimes the message • may be fragmented or incomplete. • Send the message anyway – • Of course you can help fix it up • with the senders help. • The more the sender uses the tool • the more proficient they get • At a minimum you need the recipient • The recipient could be a group • on or off the net. • Keep track of who wanted the • message sent, if you have a response.
Tour de Cure • Tour De Cure – July 26th • http://main.diabetes.org/site/TR?fr_id=9403&pg=entry • Need help with event communications at the event HQ, rest stops and SAG (Support and Gear) ride-alongs • Chris P W7CLP <w7clp@w7clp.net>
Oregon ARES Leadership Conference • Oregon ARES Leadership Conference • August 22-23-24 • Sisters, Oregon
September 2014 Mash Up Page 1Oregon ARES/RACES September 2014 Mash UpSeptember 13, 2014 0900 – 1400 • The September Mash Up is an Oregon ARES/RACES emergency power, field exercise to be held Saturday, • September 13th. The purpose of the exercise is to promote training in emergency communications, • exercise equipment and build partnerships between ARES, CERT, Red Cross and other auxiliary • communications groups.
Oregon Int’l Air Show Sept 19th – 21st • No word
Harvest Century Needs Your Help! • The 2014 Harvest Century is seeking volunteers for SAG support. This bicycle ride is scheduled for Sunday, September 28th, and raises money for Community Vision, a local non-profit dedicated to helping developmentally disabled adults in the Portland area. • You must have a truck, van, or SUV with bike rack, and room for 2-3 riders in your vehicle. With three courses spanning over a hundred miles, and 1500 riders, this will be a busy day for all involved. The course tours Washington County, with brief excursions into Yamhill County and Clackamas County. • Volunteers will be reimbursed for mileage and lunch is provided. The event is expected to run from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., but final scheduling has not been completed, flexibility is appreciated. • If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Anthony Mayernik at 971-241-8467 or k7akm@arrl.net.
Unit Certification - Basic • I. Basic Certification • Functional in 6 hours • 4 members = 72 hours – 12 on 12 off • ICS courses IS-100,IS-200, and IS-700. Additionally, the EC has completed all of the foregoing classes. • The ARES/RACES unit participates in at least one of two annual Section Simulated Emergency Tests (SET)
Unit Certification - Intermediate • Battery backup at repeater site (or emergency power on-site, or available to be brought to the site) • RMS Packet connectivity to a network “neighbor” node. • 2.2 Readiness: • Practical use to the County EM shall be not more than 4 hours. • 2.3 Sustainability: • 8-hour shifts for 72 hours = 6 members • The EC is not a shift worker and is free to exercise management, supervisory and coordination activities for the incident. • 2.4 Training: • training are held not less than monthly • An annual total of at least 24 hours of training is conducted and documented. Exercises and/or actual events may count toward this total. • 2.5 Professional Development/Continuing Education: • 2.5.1. All “active” members have completed IS-100, IS-200, and IS-700 • 2.5.2. Additionally, the EC has completed FEMA Courses IS-300. • 2.6 Exercises: • 2.6.1 The ARES/RACES unit participates in both Section SET’s annually. Each local or regional exercise with a local served agency or participation in an actual incident may replace a requirement for an SET.
Unit Certification - Advanced • 3.1 Capabilities: All of the requirements for Basic and Intermediate, plus: • 3.1.1. HF operation on 160 and 60 Meters • 3.1.2. NVIS mode HF antenna • 3.1.3. Emergency power or battery back-up for OADN equipment at the EOC • 3.1.4. Access to EOC LAN for direct delivery of Winlink radio email • 3.2 Readiness: • 3.2.1. The time to bring up all systems to a level of practical use to the County EM shall be not more than 2 hours. The sole judge of whether the systems are of practical use is the County EM. • 3.2.2. This EOC amateur radio station shall have a dedicated telephone number or extension, and County LAN access to redirect SMTP email for successful delivery direct to the recipient. • 3.2.3. In Counties where a mobile or transportable Incident Command Post (ICP) issued in lieu of a fixed location EOC, the above requirements will apply to it. • 3.2.4. In Counties where both an EOC and mobile Command Posts exist, it will be at the sole discretion of the County EM as to where the capabilities are installed. • 3.3 Sustainability: • All the requirements for Basic and Intermediate, plus: • 3.3.1. Enough additional “active” and/or “auxiliary” members exist to field significant off-site additional capabilities as may be requested by the County EM. • 3.4 Training: All the requirements for Basic and Intermediate, plus: • 3.4.1. A written, annual plan of training is published and distributed. • 3.4.2. Training records are established, and individuals are tested and certified for positional duties. • 3.5 Professional Development/Continuing Education: • 3.5.1. All “active” members have completed FEMA Courses IS-100, IS-200, IS-700 and have completed or are enrolled in ICS course IS-800. • 3.5.2. Additionally, the EC has completed DHS Type III All-Hazard Comm. Unit Leader training. • 3.6 Exercises: • 3.6.1. The ARES/RACES unit participates in both of the Section’s SET’s, and develops or participates in at least one local or regional exercise with a local served agency.
Task List 1 - RADO • Anthony Mayernic • Pat Roberson W7PAT • Steve Taylor N7BEF • Bob Yolton W7ZXX
Winlink Message Form Review • The schedule will be as follows: • - Friday June 27th - SERVICE Message • - Friday July 4th - ACTIVATION Message • - Friday July 11th - DOE Message • - Friday July 18th - SITREP Message • - Friday July 25th - ICS213 Message • - Friday August 1st - REQUEST for Assistance • Lisa Clarke, KE7NIY • OR ASEC-Training ARES/RACES
UASI is now RDPO • Regional Disaster Preparedness Organization
Clear 0n Your Final • What Did I Miss
Basic Certification • 1.1 Capabilities: • 1.1.1 An area VHF repeater is available and operational. • 1.1.2. The State supplied full OADN equipment package is installed and operational • 1.1.3. The County is current with its last four Quarterly OADN testing schedule • 1.2 Readiness: • 1.2.1 The EC can demonstrate the ability of his unit to activate the required equipment and people to provide an operational, practical use communications system to the County EM within 6 hours. The sole judge of whether the systems are of practical use is the County EM. • 1.3 Sustainability: • 1.3.1 Enough “active” members, with State issued ARES/RACES ID cards, and local agency ID cards if required, are available to staff each equipment position using12-hour on and 12-hour off shifts for 72 hours. An “active” member is defined as someone who has attended 75% or more of scheduled training meetings. • 1.4 Training: • 1.4.1. Meetings held for the express purpose of training are held not less than quarterly. • 1.4.2. An annual total of at least 12 hours of training is conducted and documented. Exercises and/or actual events may count toward this total. • 1.4.3. Training conducted is hands-on using the actual personal equipment owned by the individual members, and the actual equipment used in support of the local Emergency Manager. • 1.4.4 The minimum training requirements are as outlined in the latest Section Model Training Plan. • 1.4.5. Attendance records are kept. • 1.5 Professional Development/Continuing Education • 1.5.1 All “active” members have completed, or are enrolled in, ICS courses IS-100,IS-200, and IS-700. Additionally, the EC has completed all of the foregoing classes. • 1.6 Exercises: • 1.6.1 The ARES/RACES unit participates in at least one of two annual Section Simulated Emergency Tests (SET)
Intermediate Certification • 2.1 Capabilities: • All of the requirements of Basic Certification plus: • 2.1.1. Battery backup at repeater site (or emergency power on-site, or available to be brought to the site) • 2.1.2 RMS Packet connectivity to a network “neighbor” node. • 2.2 Readiness: • 2.2.1. All of the requirements of Basic Certification plus: • 2.2.2 The time to bring up all systems to a level of practical use to the County EM shall be not more than 4 hours. The sole judge of whether the systems are of practical use is the County EM. • 2.2.3. In Counties where a mobile or transportable Incident Command Post (ICP) is used in lieu of a fixed location EOC, the above requirements will apply to it. • 2.2.4. In Counties where both an EOC and mobile Command Post exist, it will be at the sole discretion of the County EM as to where the capabilities are installed. • 2.3 Sustainability: • 2.3.1. Enough “active” members, with State issued ARES/RACES ID cards, and local agency ID cards if required, are available to staff each equipment position at the primary EOC using 8-hour shifts for 72 hours. • 2.3.2 The EC is not a shift worker and is free to exercise management, supervisory and coordination activities for the incident. • 2.4 Training: • 2.4.1. Meetings held for the express purpose of training are held not less than monthly • 2.4.2 An annual total of at least 24 hours of training is conducted and documented. Exercises and/or actual events may count toward this total. • 2.4.3. Training conducted is hands-on using the actual personal equipment owned by the individual members, and the actual equipment used in support of the local Emergency Manager. • 2.4.4 The minimum training requirements are as outlined in the latest Section Model Training Plan. • 2.4.5. Attendance records are kept. • 2.4.6. Classroom lecture and demonstrations are used. • 2.4.7. A lesson plan is prepared and handouts, guides, overheads or power point are used to enhance learning, retention and interest. • 2.5 Professional Development/Continuing Education: • 2.5.1. All “active” members have completed IS-100, IS-200, and IS-700 • 2.5.2. Additionally, the EC has completed FEMA Courses IS-300. • 2.6 Exercises: • 2.6.1 The ARES/RACES unit participates in both Section SET’s annually. Each local or regional exercise with a local served agency or participation in an actual incident may replace a requirement for an SET.
Advanced Certification • 3.1 Capabilities: All of the requirements for Basic and Intermediate, plus: • 3.1.1. HF operation on 160 and 60 Meters • 3.1.2. NVIS mode HF antenna • 3.1.3. Emergency power or battery back-up for OADN equipment at the EOC • 3.1.4. Access to EOC LAN for direct delivery of Winlink radio email • 3.2 Readiness: • 3.2.1. The time to bring up all systems to a level of practical use to the County EM shall be not more than 2 hours. The sole judge of whether the systems are of practical use is the County EM. • 3.2.2. This EOC amateur radio station shall have a dedicated telephone number or extension, and County LAN access to redirect SMTP email for successful delivery direct to the recipient. • 3.2.3. In Counties where a mobile or transportable Incident Command Post (ICP) isused in lieu of a fixed location EOC, the above requirements will apply to it. • 3.2.4. In Counties where both an EOC and mobile Command Posts exist, it will be at the sole discretion of the County EM as to where the capabilities are installed. • 3.3 Sustainability: • All the requirements for Basic and Intermediate, plus: • 3.3.1. Enough additional “active” and/or “auxiliary” members exist to field significant off-site additional capabilities as may be requested by the County EM. • 3.4 Training: All the requirements for Basic and Intermediate, plus: • 3.4.1. A written, annual plan of training is published and distributed. • 3.4.2. Training records are established, and individuals are tested and certified for positional duties. • 3.5 Professional Development/Continuing Education: • 3.5.1. All “active” members have completed FEMA Courses IS-100, IS-200, IS-700 and have completed or are enrolled in ICS course IS-800. • 3.5.2. Additionally, the EC has completed DHS Type III All-Hazard Comm. Unit Leader training. • 3.6 Exercises: • 3.6.1. The ARES/RACES unit participates in both of the Section’s SET’s, and develops or participates in at least one local or regional exercise with a local served agency.