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Shattrath : The Forgotten City

Shattrath : The Forgotten City. The Hope of revitalizing a once epic city. By: Heather R. Brinkman. The History of Shattrath “Dwelling of Light”. The Burning Crusades Once the capital city of Draenor Sha’tar Refugies Aldor and Scryer. Location. Species. Blood Elves Draenie.

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Shattrath : The Forgotten City

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  1. Shattrath: The Forgotten City The Hope of revitalizing a once epic city. By: Heather R. Brinkman

  2. The History of Shattrath“Dwelling of Light” • The Burning Crusades • Once the capital city of Draenor • Sha’tar • Refugies • Aldor and Scryer

  3. Location

  4. Species • Blood Elves • Draenie

  5. Factions

  6. So Why is Shattrath Important? • First city for both horde and alliance • Attempt to force factions to work together • Blending of factions within Aldor and Scryer

  7. The four criterion that Shattrath exemplifies • #1: to represent a masterpiece of human creative genius; • #2: to exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning or landscape design; • #3: to bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living or which has disappeared; • #5: to be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history;

  8. Current Uses • Children’s week • Way point

  9. Ethnographic • “Not very often. Mostly for transmog gear/turn in tokens for old raid gear.” • “Using it as a waypoint to get to old raid content.” • “Passing through to collect pets.” • “Passing thru to go kick dirt in Illidian's face.”

  10. Survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/analyze/Vf0b073_2BRmMzz7m_2FNpdhI5AvwSicLogFxNRw_2B1XhXpM_3D • “The race specific factions that were not aligned with the expansions story of playable races was odd. Blood elves that alliance could befriend and draenei the horde coin join.” • “The duel faction idea between the Aldor and Scryers was interesting.”

  11. Access for Players • Portal from “vanilla” • Portals from major cities • Mage port • Lock summon

  12. Access for general public • Buying the game • Accessing information through websites

  13. Why revitalized • First city that factions could come together that disallowed fighting. • First to find area to find a common ground even if language difficulties.

  14. Maintained • Blizzard maintains site • Weekly restarts • Weekly maintenance • Disallow violence

  15. Conclusion Shattrath is a beautiful and was an unique city in that it was the first of its kind to disallow fighting and help to improve tensions between horde and alliance.

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