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Welcome to RCAP Solutions Housing Choice Voucher Briefing Presentation! Please find a seat Please be sure to turn off all Cell Phones Please refrain from questions until the end of the training. TENANT LETTER REGARDING FRAUD In the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program
Welcome to RCAP Solutions Housing Choice Voucher Briefing Presentation! • Please find a seat • Please be sure to turn off all Cell Phones • Please refrain from questions until the end of the training
TENANT LETTER REGARDING FRAUD In the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has conveyed to us its serious concerns about violations of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program regulations. The HUD office of Inspector General (IG) has recently identified cases of fraud by Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and their employees, owners/managers and tenants participating in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. In order to provide rental assistance to as many needy families as possible, all participants in HUD sponsored programs must help properly utilize Government funds and follow HUD regulations. Incidents of fraud, willful misrepresentation, or intent to deceive, with regard to participation in HUD sponsored programs, are criminal acts. If you are suspected of committing any fraudulent acts, we are required to refer the matter to the proper authority for investigation and appropriate action. This could lead to an investigation of the allegation and could result in your being accused of a Federal crime. You could also be terminated from participation in the program. Some examples of fraud identified in the Inspector General's investigation included: 1. Misrepresenting verification of income, assets, and deductions 2. Misrepresenting family composition (size) 3. Initiating and participating in bribes or other illegal activities (i.e. bribing PHA employees, making extra ("side") payments to the owner/manager) You as well as your property owner must abide by the provisions of the lease and program regulations. We urge you to report any violations of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program regulations. These violations should be reported immediately. All reports will be treated as confidential. If you wish to make a report, please contact the Deputy Director of Client Resources, in writing, at RCAP Solutions, 205 School Street, P.O. Box 159, Gardner, MA 01440. If you have any questions, you may contact your Program Representative. In addition to yourself, we are providing this letter to all tenants of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, requesting their assistance and cooperation in working with HUD to prevent fraudulent acts on the programs. Thank you for your cooperation. Pamela O’Neill Deputy Director of Client Resources I have received the above information and I understand that failure to report, in writing, any change in income, assets, deductions or family composition, or to provide any requested information by the deadline date, could result in my being terminated from the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. _______________________________________________ ___________________________TENFRAU8 Signature Date
SECTION 8 PARTICIPANT LEAD PAINT INFORMATION RECEIPT If your child is under 6 years of age and you live in a house built prior to 1978, we strongly recommend that you contact a doctor or local health clinic to have your child screened for lead in the blood. If your child is under 6 and has been found to have an elevated lead blood level, you should notify your local Board of Health at once, so your unit may be tested for lead based paint. If the unit you live in or want to live in was built before 1978, ask the landlord if it has been tested for lead‑based paint. If you have seen your child putting pieces of paint or plaster in his mouth, you should take him to a doctor, clinic, or hospital as soon as you can. Of course, a child might eat paint chips or chew on a painted railing or windowsill while parents aren't around. Has your child been especially cranky? Is he eating very little? Does he throw up or have stomachaches often? These could be signs of lead poisoning. Take him to a doctor's office or to a clinic. Be sure to tell the rest of your family and people who babysit for you about the danger of lead poisoning. Look at your walls and ceilings and woodwork. Are there places where the paint is peeling? If so, notify RHI so that an inspection can be scheduled. Do not try to remove the paint from the walls, ceilings and woodwork. IF YOUR UNIT WAS BUILT PRIOR TO 1978 AND IS OCCUPIED OR WILL BE OCCUPIED BY A CHILD UNDER THE AGE OF SIX (6) IT WILL BE INSPECTED FOR THE PRESENCE OF CRACKED, CHIPPED OR PEELING PAINT, WHICH IF PRESENT, MUST BE APPROPRIATELY TREATED. RHI Staff is not lead paint inspectors and the unit is not being tested for lead paint by our agency. You should contact the landlord to inquire whether the unit contains lead paint. IF YOUR UNIT WAS BUILT PRIOR TO 1978 AND A CHILD UNDER THE AGE OF SIX LIVING IN THE UNIT IS CONFIRMED TO HAVE AN ELEVATED BLOOD LEAD LEVEL (EBL): Your unit must be tested for lead‑based paint. IF THE TEST REVEALS LEAD‑BASED PAINT IN THE UNIT ABOVE ACCEPTABLE LEVELS: * The owner must comply with the Department of Public Health regulations governing Lead Paint removal as per the following: Chewable surfaces include any protruding painted surface up to five feet from the floor or ground, which is readily accessible to children under the age of six, such as corners, windowsills and frames, corners of doors and other material having corners. Lead content in excess of one milligram per square centimeter is considered an unacceptable level. My signature below attests that I have read and understand the above information regarding the dangers of lead paint and that I have also received and read a copy of the brochure entitled "Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home.“ Signature______________________________ Date____________________________
RECIBO DE INFORMACION DE PINTURA CON PLOMO PARA PARTICIPANTES DELASECCION 8 Si su niño es menor de seis de años de edad, y vive en una casa construida con anterioridad a 1978, nosotros le recomendamos urgentemente que contacte a un doctor, o a la clínica local para tener a su niño(a ) resguardado(a) de la pintura con plomo en la sangre. Si su niño es menor de seis (6) de edad y se ha encontrado que tiene un elevado nivel de pintura con plomo en la sangre, usted debería notificar a su Junta local de Salud de inmediato, para que su unidad pueda ser examinada para pintura con base de plomo. Si la unidad en que usted vive o quiere vivir se construyó antes de 1978, pregunte a su arrendador que si esta ha sido examinada para pintura con base de plomo. Si usted ha visto a su niño poniéndose pedazos de pintura o emplasto en su boca, usted lo debería llevar al doctor, clínica, u hospital, tan pronto como usted pueda hacerlo. Por supuesto, un niño podría comer cascaras de pintura, o masticar sobre una baranda pintada, o en los marcos de las ventanas, mientras que los padres no están a su alrededor. ¿Ha estado su niño especialmente llorón o caprichoso? ¿Esta comiendo muy poco? ¿Vomita o tiene dolores de estómago frecuentemente? Estas podrían ser señales de envenenamiento con plomo. Llévelo de inmediato a la oficina de un doctor o a una clínica. Esté seguro de informar al resto de su familia y a la persona que cuida su niño "babysit" sobre el peligro del envenamiento de la pintura con plomo. Mire sus paredes, cielo raso y partes de madera. ¿Hay lugares donde la pintura se pela? Si es así, notifique a RHI para que una inspección pueda programarse. No trate de quitar la pintura de las paredes, cielo raso, y partes de madera. SI SU UNIDAD SE CONSTRUYO CON ANTERIORIDAD A 1978, Y ES O SERA OCUPADA POR UN NIÑO MENOR DE SEIS (6) AÑOS DE EDAD, ESTA DEBE SER REVISADA PARA LA PRESENCIA DE PINTURA DESCASCARADA, ASTILLADA O AGRIETADA, QUE SI ESTA PRESENTE, DEBE SER TRATADA ADECUADAMENTE. LosEmpleados de RHI no son inspectores de pintura conplomo, y la unidad de vivienda no está siendo inspeccionada por la presencia depintura con plomo por nuestra Agencia. Si el inspector verificó la caja y marcó Yes/Pass" (Sí/Pasa), próxima a "pintura dañada" en la forma de inspección, estono constituye una certificación de que la unidad está libre de pintura con plomo. Lo que meramente indica es que no hay pintura descascarada, astillada o agrietada en launidad. Usted debería llamar al arrendador para averiguar si la unidad contiene pintura con plomo. SI SU UNIDAD SE CONSTRUYO CON ANTERIORIDAD A 1978, Y UN NIÑO MENOR DE SEIS AÑOS DE EDAD ESTA VIVIENDO EN LA UNIDAD, Y SE CONFIRMA QUE TIENE UN ELEVADO NIVEL DE PLOMO EN LA SANGRE (EBL): Su unidad debe ser examinada para pintura con base de plomo. SI LA PRUEBA REVELA QUE LA UNIDAD CONTIENE NIVELES MAS ALTOS QUE LOS ACEPTABLES DE PINTURA CON BASE DE PLOMO: El propietario debe cumplir con el Reglamento del Departamento de Salud Pública, que regula la remoción de la Pintura con Plomo, de acuerdo a lo siguiente: Superficies masticables incluyen cualquier superficie saliente, pintada hasta cinco pies desde el piso o el terreno, que sea fácilmente accesible a los niños menores de seis años edad, tales como esquinas, marcos y marcos de ventanas, esquinas de puertas y otro material que tenga rincones. El contenido de plomo en exceso de un miligramo por centímetro cuadrado se considera un nivel inaceptable. Mi firma más adelante constata de que Yo he leído y comprendido la información con respecto a los peligros de la Pintura con Plomo, y que Yo he recibido y leídotambien una capia del folleto titulado "Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home." (Protegiendo a Su familia sobre la Pinture con Plomo en Su Hogar). ______________________________ Firma Fecha ENGLISH TRANSLATION: OTHER SIDE
MASSACHUSETTS FAIR HOUSING INFORMATION PRACTICES ACT STATEMENT OF RIGHTS RCAP Solutions collects information about applicants and participants for its housing programs as required by law in order to determine eligibility, amount of rent, and correct apartment size. The information collected is used to manage the housing programs, to protect the public's financial interest and to verify the accuracy of information submitted. When permitted by law, it may be released to government agencies, other housing agencies, and to civil or criminal investigators and prosecutors. Otherwise, the information will be kept confidential and only used by housing agency staff in the course of their duties. This Fair Information Practices Act established requirements governing housing agencies use and disclosure of the information it collects. Applicants and tenants may give or withhold their permission when requested by the housing agency to provide information, however, failure to permit the housing agency to obtain the required information may result in delay, denial of assistance, or termination of housing subsidy. The provision of false or incomplete information is a criminal offense punishable by fines and/or imprisonment. As an applicant or participant, you have the following rights in regard to the information collected about you: No information may be used for any purpose other than those described above without your consent. No information may be disclosed to any person other than those described above without your consent. If we receive a legal order to release the information, we will notify you. You or your authorized representative have a right to inspect and copy any information collected about you. You may ask questions and receive answers from the housing agency about how we collect and use your information. You may object to the collection, maintenance, dissemination, use, accuracy, completeness or type of information we hold about you. If you object, we will investigate your objection and will either correct the problem or make your objection part of the file. If you are dissatisfied, you may appeal to the Executive Director who will notify you in writing of the decision and of your right to appeal to the Department of Housing and Community Development. I have read and understood this Fair Information Practices Statement of Rights and have received a copy for future reference. Date Signature
STATEMENT OF FAMILY RESPONSIBILTTY A participant may be terminated from a rental assistance program managed by RCAP Solutions if the participant has violated any family obligation under the program or has committed any fraud in connection with any federal housing program. The family obligations are as follows: Promptly provide RCAP Solutions with truthful and accurate records, information or documentation as RCAP Solutions, DHCD or HUD determines to be necessary, includingsubmission of social security numbers and verifying documentation (as provided by 24CFR750), and submissions required for an annual or interim reexamination of family income and composition: The family must notify RCAP Solutions of any changes in family composition as soon as the change occurs: Allow RCAP Solutions, DHCD or HUD to inspect the dwelling unit at reasonable times and after reasonable notice has been given: Provide RCAP Solutions and the owner with a minimal calendar month written notice of the family's intention to terminate the tenancy or to mutually terminate the lease: Use the dwelling unit solely for residence by the family and as the family's principal place of residence: The family shall not: Sublease or assign the lease or transfer the unit: Own or have any interest in the dwelling unit, except for a family‑assisted in cooperative or mutual housing: Commit fraud in connection with the Section 8 Program while occupying, or receiving assistance for occupancy, or any other unit assisted under any federal, state or local housing assistance program. Engage in drug related criminal activity or violent criminal activity, including criminal activity by any family member. I HERBY CERTITY THAT I UNDERSTAND MY OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE RCAP SOLUTIONS’ SUBSIDY PROGRAM AND THAT MY FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE OBLIGATIONS MAY RESULT IN THE TERMINATION OF MY PARTICIPATION IN THE PROGRAM. DATE_____________________________ Printed name of head of household __________________________________ Signature
INFORMAL REVIEW/HEARING POLICY RCAP Solutions in accordance with DHCD's Administrative Plan section 9 provides an opportunity for an informal review or hearing of any decision that denies an applicant inclusion on a waiting list or denies issuance of a Voucher or general participation in the section 8 housing program. The opportunity for an informal hearing will be given to program participants and must be requested in writing within 10 business days of the date on the termination notification. If you are unable to attend the hearing you may be given one opportunity to reschedule the hearing, or you will be allowed to select a proxy to attend the hearing on your behalf. Decisions will be effective at the completion of RCAP Solutions’ review/hearing process. RCAP Solutions will notify the participant or applicant of the outcome of a hearing or review within 10 business days of the review/hearing. Informal reviewlhearing provisions for the denial or termination of assistance on the basis of ineligible immigration status is contained in 24 CFR 5.514. An informal review/hearing is NOT required for decisions concerning: •discretionary administrative determinations by the RAA; • general policy issues or class grievances; • a determination of family unit size under the RAA subsidy standards; • an RAA determination to deny an extension or suspension of subsidy's term; or when a subsidy expires; • an RAA determination to deny a RFLA or to reject a proposed lease; • an RAA determination that a unit does not comply with HQS, or, • an RAA determination that the unit does not meet HUD's or DHCD's HQS because of the family size or composition. A notice will be sent to the applicant or participant regarding RCAP Solutions determination which is subject to a hearing. The notice will state the reason for the decision. The notice will inform the applicant or participant of their right to request an informal hearing and the deadline to request said hearing. I have also received a copy of RCAP Solutions’ Our Door is Open policy (RCAP Solutions’ grievance policy.). __________________________________________________________________ Signature Date
OWNER/MANAGER LETTER REGARDING FRAUD In the Section 8 Housing Program The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has conveyed to us its serious concerns about violations of the Section 8 Housing Program regulations. The HUD office of Inspector General (IG) has recently identified cases of fraud by Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and their employees, owners/managers and tenants participating in the Section 8 Housing Program. In order to provide rental assistance to as many needy families as possible, all participants in HUD sponsored programs must help properly utilize Government funds and follow HUD regulations. Incidents of fraud, willful misrepresentation, or intent to deceive, with regard to participation in HUD sponsored programs, are criminal acts. If you are suspected of committing any fraudulent acts, we are required to refer the matter to the proper authority for investigation and appropriate action. This could lead to an investigation of the allegation and could result in your being accused of a Federal crime. You could also be terminated from participation in the program. Some examples of fraud identified in the Inspector General's investigation included: • Collecting extra ("side") payments in excess of the family's share of the rent or requiring the family to perform extra ordinary services in lieu of payments. All side payments must be approved by the PHA; • Collecting assistance payments for units not occupied by program participants; • Collecting false vacancy loss or damage claims; • Bribing PHA employees to certify substandard units as standard and other violations of Housing Quality Standards (HQS) which involve misrepresentation or deceit. You as well as your tenant, must abide by the provisions of the lease and program regulations. We urge you to report any violations of the Section 8 Housing Program regulations. These violations should be reported immediately. All reports will be treated as confidential. If you wish to make a report, please contact the Director of Rental Assistance Programs, in writing, at RCAP Solutions, 205 School Street, PO Box 159, Gardner, MA 01440. If you have any questions, you may contact your Program Representative. In addition to yourself, we are providing this letter to all tenants of the Section 8 Housing Program, requesting their assistance and cooperation in working with HUD to prevent fraudulent acts on the programs. Thank you for your cooperation. Director of Rental Assistance Programs I have received the above information. ______________________________________ ________________________ Signature of Property Owner Date ______________________________________ Printed Name of Property Owner OWNFRAUD8.doc
Property Owner Direct Deposit Request Form RCAP Client’s Name: (Tenant): __________________________ Owner Name(s): ______________________________________________ Contact Person if Owner is an LLC, Corp, Trust or Business: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Owner Address:_______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Telephone Home: ______________________ Work: ______________________ Fax: ______________________ E-Mail Address: _____________________________________________(This will enable you toreceive an e-mail to notify you of the deposit) Please Attach Voided Check Here Thank you for choosing Direct Deposit!! Signature of Owner:_______________________________ Date:____