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What is a Timeline?. CHRONOLOGICAL - . Chronologically. Arranged in the order in which events happened; according to date . Arranged in order of occurrence; so a story may be chronological, in which case it relates events in the sequence they occurred; . A few abbreviations to know:. B.C.
CHRONOLOGICAL - Chronologically Arranged in the order in which events happened; according to date Arranged in order of occurrence; so a story may be chronological, in which case it relates events in the sequence they occurred;
A few abbreviations to know: B.C. Before Christ Anno Domino (in the year of our Lord) A.D.
BC and AD relate all dates to the birth of Jesus. Referring to Jesus Christ - using dates that are based on the birth of Jesus - which are part of the Christian Religion. However, this was seen as offensive to non-Christians, so, historians developed new terms to date events.
Often, the letter “C” will appear before the date on a time line. This “c” stands for the word circa which means “around”. This notation is used when the exact date is not known.
Brief timeline of Jesus. Important years from empirical sources.c. 6 BC – Suggested birth (Earliest)c. 4 BC – Herod's deathc. AD 6 – Suggested birth (Latest). Quirinius censusc. AD 26 – Pilate appointed Judea governor c. AD 27 – Suggested death (Earliest).c. AD 36 – Suggested death (Latest);
What is a CENTURY? A century is one hundred of something, usually one hundred consecutive years
If people lived in the 1st century, they lived between the year 0 – 99. If they lived in the 2nd century, they would have lived between the years 100 -199. 1st Century 0 100 1st Century 2nd Century 0 100 200
When an event is said to have happened in the 6th century (or even the 6th century BCE), the years in which the event could have occurred are between 500 – 599 (or 500 – 599 BCE). 1 CE 500 – 599 CE 599 – 500 BCE
For example: Buddha was born in 563 BCE, which would mean he was born in the 6th century BCE. Buddha Born 563 BCE 1st 5th 4th 3rd 2nd 1 CE 6th
What century are we part of today…. 2011? Remember…… always go up………………… 21st Century
When numbering in C.E. (or A.D.) – remember the number simply go up (get larger) the farther you move to the right. 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
When numbering in B.C.E. (or B.C.) – remember the number gets larger the farther you move to the left. 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 1CE
Why are Timelines Important? Why should we study them? • We need to know that history has an order. • History is organized chronologically. • Once you understand and know about events • chronologically – We can begin to • explain/ examine historical relationships.
Timelines help us to understand History!!