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Welcome to a short overview of the GOA-WorkBench functions. GOA – the Group Opinion Analyser. GOA – the Group Opinion Analyser - is an easy to use „workbench“ for assessment based management methodologies GOA: is licensed by the EFQM minimises effort for running assessments and surveys
GOA – the Group Opinion Analyser • GOA – the Group Opinion Analyser - is an easy to use „workbench“ for assessment based management methodologies • GOA: • is licensed by the EFQM • minimises effort for running assessments and surveys • offers a multitude of knowledge bases for implementing HRM- & TQM methods • offers up to 10 languages, depending on the individual knowledge base • offers multimedia support for online training
Assessment-Model CAF, EFQM, ISO9004, „Fit for Excellence“, ... Evaluate Deploy Assess& Inquire StudentSatisfaction IdentifyKey Drivers People Satisfaction ProjectExcellence DefineStrategy UnterrichtsEvaluation 360°Feedback … Your way towards Excellence Excellence is not a one time goal, but an ongoingprocess !
Implementing a GOA Project • Compile new questionnaires • Adapt questionnaires(Delete, add or reformulate questions) • Construct a ‘new version’ of a questionnaire (language or specific target group modifications) • Define the target group and generate questionnaires • Distribute questionnaires e.g. on a web server • Encode answered questionnaires and automatically generate statistical results • Analyse complex queries • Support the Continuous Improvement Process (CIP)
Team Effectiveness LOP Inventory Objectives InnoMan Culture KVP WorkBench Project Excellence InnoMan Process & Project Objectives 360° Management Feedback Supplier Audits (Inq. Centre) Basell II Inquiry Centre GOA Tools in Support of the EFQM Excellence Model Customer Inquiry People Inquiry Organisational Climate
ISO 9000 Overlapping of ISO and EFQM 1. Leadership 1 1 9. Key Performance Results 2. Policy & Strategy 0,8 0,6 0,4 8. Society Results 0,2 3. People 0 4. Partnership& Resources 7. People Results 6.Customer Results 5. Processes
Mapping of ISO 9001 within EFQM * - *** = Intensity of EFQM topics dealing with each ISO Chapter GOA Assessment offers: Preparation of ISO Quality Manual without additional data collection!
The Improvement Process • Each Survey does not only collect quantitative data, • but also qualitative information, • that, if used properly, offer enormous improvement potential for every organisation !
Priorisation of Improvement Actions The goal is to reach high results- with minimum effort and resources Efforts low high low high Results
Concept of the Balanced Q-Card (BQC) • Imports data from other GOA modules • Improvement suggestions from assessments • Open questions from GOA-Inquiry or similar surveys • Allows to rate the imported suggestions • In great detail (5 dimensions) • Stand-alone • In teams via Web or LAN • Adaptation to company policy and strategy • Weighting of Rating Dimensions • Company specific weighting of Criteria
Starting GOA The GOA WorkBench Knowledge Bases have some generic functions that can be found in all GOA modules. When you start GOA for the first time you can choose between logging yourself in with the login „Test“ and no password or you can create your own user login. All inquiries run under your specific user login will not be shown when somebody else is logged in Click „OK“ forstarting theprogram
All GOA functions can be started either by clicking on the symbol in the toolbar or by choosing the respective option from the menu. For existing inquiries you have the possibility to select available functions by clicking on the list entry with your right mouse button. The F1 Button will start the Online-help at any time.
To generate a new interview, select „New“ from the menu „Interview“ Click here
A new window will open up where all available knowledge bases and language versions from your GOA installation are shown. By clicking on the desired knowledge base you will open a copy of the template questionnaire that you can adapt for the inquiry you have in mind
Instead of selecting a knowledge base you can also copy an already existing interview in order to use the changes you already made as a starting point for your new inquiry. Copyisaddedtolist
The „Extras“ Menu The mene “Extras” gives you access to administrative functions, such as selecting the language of the GOA interface or changing the access path to the GOA database.
GOA Inquiry • GOA Inquiry allows you to design surveys, distribute questionnaires and analyse the returning answers. GOA Inquiry is supplemented by a wide range of optional Knowledge Bases, containing comprehensive questionnaires for specific tasks. • GOA is supporting a wide number of languages. This gives you for example the option to integrate a Spanish version of a survey you want to use otherwise mainly for English clients. • Typical Survey Modules are: • Analysis of Learning Organisations • Company Objectives Analysis • Customer Satisfaction Inquiries • People Satisfaction Inquiries • Team-Effectiveness Survey • In addition to these standard surveys you can also use surveys based on the 360° Feedback method, for example when you are analysing leadership effectiveness. • Another use of this GOA function is the Distributed Survey in the assessment modules, like in the EFQM Assessment or Project Excellence.
The first window that appears after opening a new inquiry contains the complete questionnaire template for the respective topic as well as a display line which enables you to view longer questions without scrolling. In this window you can adapt the questionnaire for the knowledge base of the specific survey you are planning.
In order to change questions you have to click with the right mouse button on the question and select “Change question text” from the appearing menu. Click here
In the editing window you can change the different text components of the question. For changing the question text, you go If, for example, you want to change the explanation for a question you will have to click on the corresponding area in the bottom left window. Then you can change the text in the bottom right window. Change questiontexthere Change theanswertexthere. Click heretoselectthetextyouwanttochange. Click hereto save changes.
For the design of an HTML questionnaire the following functions are available: - Print Labels in reverse sequence - Interviewee must answer questions - Short text in chart These parameters are defined in the distribution wizard for each version. Activate here Select parameter Click hereto save changes.
IMPORTANT: The full function of the change question text is not available in all knowledge bases! Part of this feature is missing in those cases where the specific knowledge base is based on standardized procedures that do not allow changes in approach and for this reason, the explanations and answer scales are “fixed”. If this is the case, you can only change the question text to adapt it to your company. A good example for this is the EFQM Assessment module, where the method is defined by the officially published Excellence Model and can not be changed.
The list is the starting point for the distribution of the data for the assessments. Either via internet... ...or with the local rating window
Distribute Questionnaires You can now distribute the questionnaire by clicking on the button „Distribute Interview“. Click here
The program will guide you through all necessary steps with the help of an assistant. The assistant will help you create specific surveys for different projects which can be defined separately for each language.
The 360° Method is a special form of a survey, where the same facts are analysed from the specific point of view of several query groups. GOA offers an assistant which allows you to prepare the survey for different query groups such as Team Leaders, Team Members, etc. This gives you the opportunity to compare and analyse results at a later time Start distribution
Specific to each version, the questionnaires can be adapted to individual survey groups. The questionnaires can be distributed either electronically or in a paper format, with “electronically” being the default. GOA allows you to save the generated questionnaires to any place you desire. Createsmailattachments ... . web-documents . ... orpaperformat.
When distributing the questionnaires electronically the assistant will ask you to choose between distributing anonymously or to specific interviewees taken from a database. If you have chosen a HTML-Questionnaire you will not be asked to select the interviewees but to define a header and footer for the Web-Questionnaire. Add Interviewees Click here
When distributing the GOA surveys, each interviewee receives either a link to the website with the questionnaire or a GOA satellite as an executable file. If you send a satellite, the interviewee will receive a file with the ending SAT which provides the questionnaire when opened. The answered questions can be saved anytime and opened again later. This enables the interviewee to change already answered questions or continue answering after an interruption. Interface for navigation within the questionnaire.
In the case that you generated a HTML survey, your questions will be answered via a web browser. If you use an internet browser for the survey, the interviewee will only receive an email with the link to the web page with the questionnaire, the interviewee will not receive a file and thus will stay anonymous. Submit questionnaire Print your own copy of the answers given
Read in Answers Once the answered questionnaires are returned via email, they need to be loaded into GOA. You start this process by clicking the button “Load Answers”. Loadanswers
Once the answered questionnaires are returned via email, you will want to load them into GOA. You start this process by clicking the button “Load Answers”. This will open a browser window where you can select the folder with the returned answers. Read in thereceivedanswers
If the selected order contains returned answers for the currently open survey they will be shown in the list. You can select the files you need and copy them with the “load” button into the GOA data base. The original file will be marked as “loaded” or, optionally, deleted. Load Mark You can choose to view already loaded satellites. (If not deleted yet)
Analysis After back-loading the answers GOA will analyse them automatically. If you select a chapter or question you will see the mean average of the received answers. Individual and detaillied results are available through the „Report“ Menu or by exporting the pre-filtered or raw data to statistical programms like MS Excel or SPSS.
Depending on the underlying methodology you will receive a “Top Ten” list of the survey when selecting the chapter heading in some modules. Click here
If you click on the button in the lower left corner of the mean average graph, you will see a more detailed graph of the topic with the distribution of the answers. Show detailedgraph
The appearance of the graphs can be changed in order to fit your corporate design. You have three menus at your disposal. The first menu allows you to change the colours of the graphs. Hier klicken
The menu “chart…” gives you the opportunity for a number of actions. You can save the chart, copy it in another Windows application without frames or print it. …. and the experienced user can even change the complete template according to their specific requirements. Click here
Reporting When you click on „Report“ in the active application, you see a window for the selection of the details for your report. Click here Click here
Here you can select the chapters and questions to be analysed and reported , … …and which details should be included in the report. The statistical data offered by GOA differs with the individual assessment or survey modules, but the interface for all of them follows the same usability logic.
You can select the conditions under which the analysis should occur. If you select several possible answers within a question, this will be interpreted as an „or“ selection, while answers from different questions will be seen as a an „and“ condition. Click heretoset filter In the example above, the filter is set to identify the answers from all of those who think that Innovation Leadership is a important goal of the organisation.
It is also possible to define different groups of interviewees and compare their averages. For this you can select groupos from different survey versions or define groups in the same survey version based on the different answers they have given to a specific question (answer filter). Click here
With the „new Group“ button you select the first group and by clicking on the group name you can edit this name any time. Click heretochangename Click here Remark: the groups defined thus are only valid for the current report and will not be saved!
A group can consist of of several interviewees (or several versions) that have been marked in the list. It is also possible to define answers from the questionnaire as selection criteria. To do so, you mark in the right part of the selection window the answer you want to use for this (in the example: high scores on both innovation and quality leadership. Click heretounmark all files in bothwindows Select candidate(s) Select filter criteria Select filter criteria Select filter criteria Several answers within the same question are „or“ selections (yes OR more likely yes on innovation leadership), answers from different questions are „and“ selections (innovation AND quality leadership).
The same way you create the next group, e.g. those who prefer other goals that innovation and quality leadership The mean average of each question will now be generate in report per group and compared in a diagram. The listing will follow the sequence in which the groups have been defined.
Export of Data In the Export Menu of the GOA Inquiry Moduls you will find the menu point „-> SPSS“. Click here When you click it, the system will guide you through the next steps.
You can select which administrative data is to be listed in the first column of the tabulator separated file, in front of the survey results. For this you can define individual headers. For the statistical analysis it might become important to indicate what questions have not been answered by the candidate. Results of multiple choice questions are shown by listing each possible answer as a separate question with the values „marked/non-marked“. The identification of „marked/non-marked“ as „1/2“ or „yes/no“ can be defined by the user.
The next step will be the selection of the folder where you want to save the export files. Once the file is saved you will see the complete path including the file’s name
spssLegendcontains the legend what questions are behind which Question ID and what are the dimensions names of each possible answer. • spssDatacontains all exported numerical data in a SPSS compatible, tab-separated format.
Export into an MS Excel file is started via the report menu to make use of the wide range of filtering functions available. If this feature is licensed, the report menu will show a button with the Excel symbol. This export function does not do any statistical analysis but exports the raw data as filtered. For this reason only the tabs „interview version“, „answers“ and „questions“ are relevant to the export. Other than with SPSS export, the scales for the raw data are included. This increases strongly the readability of the export files, but in the same time decreases some of the statistic analysis possibilities.