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General Meeting Leuven, 23/11/2005. L aboratory of P hysical and A nalytical C hemistry. Frank De Smedt Hans Vankerckhoven Prof. C. Vinckier. KULeuven Department of Chemistry Laboratory for Physical and Analytical Chemistry (LPAC) Celestijnenlaan 200 F 3001 Leuven Belgium
General Meeting Leuven, 23/11/2005 Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Frank De Smedt Hans Vankerckhoven Prof. C. Vinckier KULeuven Department of Chemistry Laboratory for Physical and Analytical Chemistry (LPAC) Celestijnenlaan 200 F 3001 Leuven Belgium Tel: 0032 16 32 7376 Fax: 0032 16 32 7992 www.chem.kuleuven.be/research/LPAC/index.htm
WP 1.4. : O3 generation testbed Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Box nr 2 O3 generator box nr 1 Storage tank FRONT VIEW External control of O3 boxes by means of CL software MAXO Water pump (stainless steel) Water jet (Venturi-system)
O3 generation testbed: 2 modules • MODULE 1: • Two ozone generation boxes, designed by Copperline and constructed by CL and Seaking • Air inlet and introduction into the Venturi injector • MODULE 2: • Venturi injector (mixing of gas and water) • Water pump (external water loop) • Storage tank (designed and constructed by Copperline and Seaking) • see 2nd Technical meeting (Offenburg) + Report W.P. 1.3 Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry
WP 1.4. : O3 generation testbed • OUTLINE • HISTORY • AIR TIGHTNESS • OZONE GAS CONCENTRATION [O3]gas • Pure O2 • N2/O2 (air) Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Note: target = air as feed gas [O3]gas≥ 10 g/m3 (0.5 % v/v)
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry HISTORY
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed CONSTRUCTION: Copperline (ETR) and Seaking INSTALLATION: beginning of july 2005 at LPAC (see Minutes of the installation) LEAKS ! (new type of cover needed) suggestion for a smaller air corridor (because of extreme low [O3]gas) ADAPTATIONS:new cover was constructed and installed at 2nd Technical meeting (CL-Seaking) further adaptations to the cover by LPAC (reinforcement + screws) Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Smaller air corridor (from 2.2 to 0.4 liter) Additional reinforcement
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry AIR TIGHTNESS
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed CHECKING THE AIR TIGHTNESS by → air suction (Venturi system) → pressure (Mass Flow Controller) Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Air suction Air pressure
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry OZONE PRODUCTION
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry PATT-devices: 6 per Box (2 per Module) Box 1: Module 1 to 3 Box 2: Module 4 to 6
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed PROTOTYPE 2 PROTOTYPE 1 Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Pure O2 as feed gas Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Measurement of: [O3]gas , current I (mA) Variables: QO2 (FC: 0 – 60 dm3/hr) n° of Modules Power setting (% P)
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed O--O O--O O--O O--O O--O O--O O--O O--O O--O Pure O2 : PATT-module Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Air corridor Gas outlet Gas inlet O--O : O2 molecule : discharge
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Pure O2 , Box 2, 1 Module activated Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Measurement of: [O3]gas , current I (mA) Variables: Power setting (% P) [O3]gas (g/Nm3) as a function of the % P of Module 4 (O3 Box 2) at QO2 = 60 l/hr. Gas temperature Tgas = (30 ± 1)°C. Linear between 15 and 75 % P, small decrease at % P > 75
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Pure O2 , Box 2, 1 Module activated Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry I (mA) as a function of the % P of Module 4 (O3 Box 2) at QO2 = 60 l/hr. Gas temperature Tgas = (30 ± 1)°C. Same trend as with [O3]gas [O3]gas as a function of I (mA) of Module 4 (O3 Box 2) at QO2 = 60 l/hr. Gas temperature Tgas = (30 ± 1)°C. Linear relationship between [O3]gas and I
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Pure O2 , Box 2, 1 Module activated Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry • Time dependence of • O3 buildup • First buildup is always slower Temperature-effect ?
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Pure O2 , Box 2, 1 Module activated Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Reproducibility (from day-to-day) Very reproducible ozone production
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Pure O2 , Box 2, 3 Modules activated Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Variables: n° of Modules, position, Power setting (% P) Cumulative O3 production (n = 3) Position in air corridor of no importance
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Pure O2 , Box 2, 3 Modules activated Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Variables: QO2 Exponential dependence of the O3 concentration on QO2 Reproducibility !
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Pure O2 , Box 2, 3 Modules activated Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Variables: QO2 Linear dependency of the O3 concentration on I (but different from 1 Module at constant QO2)
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Pure O2 , Box 2, 3 Modules activated Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Capacity of the ozone generator a.f.o. QO2 (3 Modules at 75% P) Capacity = [O3]gas x QO2 exponential increase of the O3 capacity a.f.o. QO2
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed Pure O2 , Box 1+2, 6 Modules activated Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Variables: n° of Modules and QO2 66 g/m3 O3 ~ 3 % v/v O3 Cumulative O3 production apparently does not hold for more than 4 Modules (air tightness problem Box 1?)
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed SUMMARY (pure O2) Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry [O3]gas is linearly dependent on the power setting (15 - 75 % P) higher % P (> 75) result is equal or slightly lower [O3]gas the same dependence on % P is observed for I and AD-I’s [O3]gas is linearly dependent on I: I ↑ [O3]gas ↑ O3 production is reproducible from day to day & from Module to Module the ozone production is cumulative when multiple Modules are used for n = 3, but not for n = 6 (Modules in two separate Boxes) [O3]gas is depending on QO2: QO2↓ [O3]gas↑ (n = 3 and n = 6), again this production is reproducible from day to day QO2↓ I ↓ [O3]gas↑
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed N2 / O2 as feed gas: “air” Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Composition of air :
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed O--O : O2 molecule N--N : N2 molecule : discharge N2 / O2 : PATT-module Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Air corridor N--N O--O O--O O--O N--N N--N N--N N--N N--N Gas outlet Gas inlet More details in the LPAC-report
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed N2 / O2 as feed gas Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Measurement of: [O3]gas , current I (mA) Variables: QO2 (FC: 0 – 60 dm3/hr) n° of Modules Power setting (% P) composition feed gas (N2 / O2)
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed N2 / O2 as feed gas Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Variables: n° of Modules, composition feed gas (N2/O2) [O3]gas as a function of the composition of the feed gas (O2/N2) at 75% P (Modules 4+5+6 of Box 2 and Module 4). Total gas flow = 60 l/hr. Addition of N2 : Beneficial between 60/40 & 80/20. Identical behavior for 1 or 3 Modules (Box 2).
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed N2 / O2 as feed gas Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry Addition of N2 : Modules behave differently then in the absence of N2.
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed N2 / O2 as feed gas (versus pure O2): effect of the gas flow Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry • Effect of the gas flow Q : • [O3]gas↓ as Q ↑ (for both) • O3 generator capacity ↓ as Q ↓ (more pronounced with pure O2)
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed N2 / O2 as feed gas: is the increased O3 gas concentration in the presence of N2 an artefact or real ?? Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry • [O3]liq follows [O3]gas (in accordance with Henry’s Law) • Increase ozone production is real ! = N2-effect • Effect on pH and conductivity when N2 is present
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed N2 / O2 as feed gas: effect on pH Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry • Sharp decrease of pH and sharp increase of the conductivity when N2 is present ! • + Ultraviolet absorption observed
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed N2 / O2 as feed gas: UV-absorption Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry O3-free MilliQ-water after ozonation with N2 presence • Ultraviolet absorption observed at 208 nm, even after degassing • presence of HNO3
W.P. 1.4: O3 generation testbed N2 / O2 as feed gas: Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry • → Effect of the presence of N2 during ozone production on pH, conductivity and the UV-absorbance at 208 nm • → Indication that HNO3 is introduced in the water (acidification) • NOx is obviously being produced as a by-product • In the presence of water (thus also in the feed gas): formation of acidic acid: corrosion problems possible !!
W.P. 1.4 : O3 generation testbed General conclusions Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry • Design needs to be improved ! [O3]gas much higher with smaller air corridor Still some leaks in the Box cover Multiple Boxes ? (parallel or in series ?) • Ozone gas concentration/ production With pure O2: → [O3]gas ~ current I (1 versus 3 Modules) → “cumulative” effect of multiple Modules → [O3]gas ~ 1/ gas flow Q → capacity O3 generator exponentially increases as Q increases → good reproducibility → position Modules in air corridor of no importance
W.P. 1.4 : O3 generation testbed General conclusions Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry • Ozone gas concentration/ production With N2 / O2: → addition N2 not detrimental (40 – 20 %) → [O3]gas ~ current I (different behavior) → [O3]gas ~ 1/ gas flow Q → capacity O3 generator exponentially increases as Q increases (less than pure O2) → good reproducibility → NOx are formed as by-product → HNO3 is formed when water is present (= acidification + possible corrosion)
W.P. 1.4 : O3 generation testbed future Laboratory of Physical and Analytical Chemistry • * Gas flow path (smaller ?) • * (better) Air tightness & safety aspects • * Geometry of the ozone producing section • * Number of PATT-modules (more in 1 Box ?) • * Electronics of the PATT-modules (delay effects in the ozone production + faster programming of the modules) • * Introduction system (see report on Storage tank) • * Compactness of the Box (more compact) • more experiments: O2 + H2O and air as feed gas