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Phylogenetic Trees (2) Lecture 12. Based on: Durbin et al Section 7.3, 7.8, Gusfield: Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences Section 17. Recall: The Four Points Condition. Theorem: A set M of L objects is additive iff any subset of four objects can be labeled i,j,k,l so that:
Phylogenetic Trees (2)Lecture 12 Based on: Durbin et al Section 7.3, 7.8, Gusfield: Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences Section 17. .
Recall: The Four Points Condition Theorem: A set M of L objectsis additive iff any subset of four objects can be labeled i,j,k,l so that: d(i,k) + d(j,l) = d(i,l) +d(k,j) ≥ d(i,j) + d(k,l) We call {{i,j},{k,l}} the “split” of {i,j,k,l}. The four point condition implies an O(n4) algorithm to decide whether a set is additive. The most common methods for constructing trees for additive sets use neighbor joining methods, which we study next.
Constructing additive trees:The neighbor joining problem • Let M be additive set, and let i, j be neighboring leaves in the implied tree, let k be their parent, and let m be any other vertex. • The formula • shows that we can compute the distances of k to all other leaves. This suggest the following method to construct tree from a distance matrix: • Find neighboring leaves i,j in the tree, • Replace i,j by their parent k and recursively construct a tree T for the smaller set. • Add i,j as children of k in T.
A B C D Neighbor Finding How can we find from distances alone a pair of nodes which are neighboring leaves (called “cherries”)? Closest nodes aren’t necessarily cherries. Next we show one way to find neighbors from distances.
Neighbor Finding: Seitou&Nei method (87) Definitions Theorem (Saitou&Nei)Assume all edge weights are positive. If D(i,j) is minimal (among all pairs of leaves), then i and j are neighboring leaves in the tree.
Saitou&Nei proof Definitions path(i,j) = the path from leaf i to leaf j; d(u,path(i,j)) = distance in T from u to path(i,j). u d(u,path(i,j)) path(i,j) i j
Proof of Claim: ri rj -2d(u,path(i,j))
Rest of T u e i j Seitou&Nei proof (cont.) For a vertex i, and an edge e: Ni(e) = |{u : e is on path(i,u)}| Then: Note: If e’ is a “leaf edge”, then w(e’) is added exactly once to Q(i,j).
Seitou&Nei proof (cont.) Assume for contradiction that Q(i,j) is maximized for i,j which are not neighboring leaves. • Let (see the figure below): • path(i,j) = (i,,...,k,j). • T1 = the subtree rooted at k. WLOGthatT1has at most L/2 leaves. • T2 = T \ T1. T2 i’ Let i’,j’ be any two neighboring leaves in T1. We will show that Q(i’,j’) > Q(i,j). j’ T1 j i k
Seitou&Nei proof (cont.) Proof that Q(i’,j’)>Q(i,j): i’ T2 j’ T1 j i k Each leaf edgee adds w(e) both to Q(i,j) and to Q(i’,j’), so we can ignore the contribution of leaf edges to both Q(i,j) and Q(i’,j’)
Seitou&Nei proof (end) Contribution of internal edges to Q(i,j) and to Q(i’,j’) i’ T2 j’ T1 j i k Since there is at least one internal edge e in path(i,j), Q(i’,j’) > Q(i,j). QED
A simpler neighbor finding method: Select an arbitrary node r. r d(r,path(i,j)) j Claim (from final exam, Winter 02-3): Let i, j be such that d(r,path(i,j))is maximized. Then i and j are neighboring leaves. i
r k i j Neighbor Joining Algorithm • If L =3, return tree of three vertices • Set M to contain all leaves, and select a root r. • Compute for all i,j ≠ r, C(i,j)=(d(r,i)+d(r,j)-d(i,j))/2. Iteration: • Choose i,j such that C(i,j) is maximal • Create new vertex k, and set C(i,j) • remove i,j, and add k to M • Recursively construct a tree on the smaller set, then add i,j as children on k, at distances d(i,k) and d(j,k).
Complexity of Neighbor Joining Algorithm (using the simpler neighbor finding method) Naive Implementation: Initialization:θ(L2) to compute d(r,i) and C(i,j) for all i,jL. Each Iteration: • O(L2) to find the maximal C(i,j). • O(L) to compute {C(m,k):m L} for the new node k. Total of O(L3). r C(m,k) m k
Complexity of Neighbor Joining Algorithm Using Heap to store the C(i,j)’s: Input: Distance matrix D=d(i,j), and an arbitrary object r. Initialization:θ(L2) to compute and heapify the C(i,j)’s in a heap H. Each Iteration: • O(log L) to find and delete the maximal C(i,j) from H. • O(L) to add the values {d(k,m)} to D, for all objects m. • O(L) to delete {d(m,i), d(m,j)} from D (for all m). • O(L log L) to delete {C(i,m), C(j,m)} and add C(k,m) from H, for all objects m. Total of O(L2log L). (implementation details are omitted)
Some remarks on the Neighbor Joining Algorithm • Applicable to matrices which are not additive • Known to work good in practice (with the original neighbor finding method). • The algorithm and its variants are the most widely used distance-based algorithms today. Next we’ll learn a more efficient algorithm to construct trees from distances, which is based on ultra metric trees.
Ultrametric trees Definition:An ultrametric tree is a rooted weighted tree all of whose leaves are at the same depth. Basic property: Define the height of the leaves to be 0. Then edge weights can be represented by the heights of internal vertices. 8 3 5 Edge weights: 5 2 3 Internal-vertices heights: 5 3 3 3 3 3 0: A E D B C
8 5 3 3 A E D B C Least Common Ancestor and distances in Ultrametric Tree Let LCA(i,j) denote the least common ancestor of leaves i and j. Let height(LCA(i, j)) be its distance from the leaves, and dist(i,j) be the distance from i to j. Observation: For any pair of leaves i, j in an ultrametric tree: height(LCA(i,j)) = 0.5 dist(i,j).
Ultrametric Matrices Definition: A distances matrix* U of dimension LL is ultrametric iff for each 3 indices i, j, k : U(i,j) ≤ max {U(i,k),U(j,k)}. Theorem: The following conditions are equivalent for an LL distance matrix U: • U is an ultrametric matrix. • There is an ultrametric tree with L leaves such that for each pair of leaves i,j: U(i,j) = height(LCA(i,j)) = ½ dist(i,j). * Recall: distance matrix is a symmetric matrix with positive non-diagonal entries, 0 diagonal entries, which satisfies the triangle inequality.
Ultrametric tree Ultrametric matrix There is an ultrametric tree s.t. U(i,j)=½dist(i,j). U is an ultrametric matrix: By properties of Least Common Ancestors in trees U(k,i) = U(j,i) ≥U(k,j) i j k
Ultrametric matrix Ultrametric tree: We start with two observations: Definition: Let U be an LL matrix, and let S {1,...,L}. U[S] is the submatrix of U consisting of the rows and columns with indices from S. Observation 1: U is ultrametric iff for every S {1,...,L}, U[S] is ultrametric. Observation 2: If U is ultrametric and maxi,jU(i,j)=M, , then M appears in every row of U. One of the “?” Must be M
9 i j Ultrametric matrix Ultrametric tree:Proof by induction U is an ultrametric matrix U has an ultrametric tree : By induction on L, the size of U. Basis: L= 1: T is a leaf L= 2: T is a tree with two leaves i i i i j i j
Induction step Induction step: L>2. Use the 1st row to split the set {1,…,L} to two subsets: S1 ={i: U(1,i) =M}, S2={1,..,L}-S (note: 0<|Si|<L) S1={2,4}, S2={1,3,5}
M=M1 M - M2 M2< M T1 T2 Induction step By Observation 1, U[S1] and U[S2] are ultrametric. By induction, tree T1 for S1, rooted labeled M1≤ M, and a tree T2 for S2 with root labeled M2 < M (M2 is the 2nd largest element in row 1; if M2=0 then T2 is a leaf). Join T1 and T2 to T with a root labeled M. [The construction when M1 = M]
M=M2 M1 T2 T1 Correctness Proof Need to prove: T is an ultrametric tree for U ie, U(i,j) is the label of the LCA of i and j in T. If i and j are in the same subtree, this holds by induction. Else LCA(i,j) = M (since they are in different subtrees). Also, [U(1,i)= M and U(1,j) ≠ M] U(i,j) = M.
Complexity Analysis Let f(L) be the time complexity for L×L matrix. f(1) ≤ f(2) = constant. For L>2: • Constructing S1 and S2: O(L). Let |S1| = k, |S2| = L-k. • Constructing T1 and T2: f(k)+f(L-k). • Joining T1 and T2 to T: Constant. Thus we have: f(L) ≤ maxk[ f(k) + f(L-k)] +cL, 0 < k < L. f(L) = cL2satisfies the above. Need an appropriate data structure! Thecondition U(i,j) ≤ max {U(i,k),U(j,k)} is easier to check than the 4 points condition. Therefore the theorem implies that ultrametric additive sets are easier to characterize then arbitrary additive sets.
8 3 5 B 3 C D A E Additive trees via Ultrametric trees Recent (and more efficient) ways for constructing and identifying additive trees use ultrametric trees. Idea: Reduce the problem to constructing trees by the “heights” of the internal nodes. For leaves i,j, U(i,j) represent the “height” of the common ancestor of i and j.
Farris transform of Weighted Trees to Ultrametric Trees First we set the height of all leaves to 0, by transforming the weighted tree T to an ultrametric tree T’ as follows: Step 1: Pick a node r as a root, and “hang” the tree at r. a c a 2 r=a 2 4 1 3 3 b 2 1 b d 2 4 c d
Transforming Weighted Trees to Ultrametric Trees Step 2: Let M = maxid(i,r). M is taken to be the height of T’. Label the root by M, and label each internal node j by M-d(r,j). 9 a c a 2 r=a, M=9 7 2 4 1 3 3 2 b 4 1 2 d b 4 d c
9 2 7 9 3 7 4 4 4 a b c d Transforming Weighted Trees to Ultrametric Trees Step 3 (and last): “Stretch” edges of leaves so that they are all at distance M from the root 9 (9) a 2 7 M=9 1 3 (6) b 4 2 4 d (2) c (0)
9 2 7 9 (-9) 3 7(-6) 4 4 4(-2) a b c d Reconstructing the Weighted Tree from the Ultrametric Tree Weight of an internal edge is the difference between its endpoints. Weights of an edge to leaf i is obtained by subtracting M-d(r,i) from its current weight. 2 0 a 1 3 b 4 2 c d M = 9
Solving the Additive Tree Problem by the Ultrametric Problem: Outline • We solve the additive tree problem by reducing it to the ultrametric problem as follows: • Given an input matrix D = D(i,j) of distances: • Select an arbitrary object r as a root • Transform D to a matrix U= U(i,j), where U(i,j) is the height of the LCA of i and j in the corresponding ultrametric tree TU. • Construct the ultrametric tree, TU, for U. • Reconstruct the additive tree T from TU.
How U is constructed from D U(i,j) should be the height of the Least Common Ancestor of i and j in TU, the ultrametric tree hanged at r: Thus, U(i,j) = M - d(r,m), where d(r,m) is computed by: 9 a 2 7 1 3 For r=a, i=b, j=c, we have: U(b,c)=9 - ½(3+9-8)=7 b 2 4 c d
a 2 1 3 b 2 4 d c The transformation D UTUT M=9 9 TU T 7 4 b a c d U D