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Contribution on ANITA II

Contribution on ANITA II. ‘s. John Clem, Amir Javid, Dave Seckel and Daniel DeMarco. 1) GSE data monitor support. 2) Flight Power control board. 3) Field personnel support. 4) Modeling and Theory. 5) Possible participation on the deployable lower ring development.

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Contribution on ANITA II

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  1. Contribution on ANITA II ‘s John Clem, Amir Javid, Dave Seckel and Daniel DeMarco 1) GSE data monitor support 2) Flight Power control board 3) Field personnel support 4) Modeling and Theory 5) Possible participation on the deployable lower ring development 6) Interested in pursuing a new antennae design

  2. UD GSE During the 1st ANITA flight, UD maintained a GSE station that included access to both Ryan’s Webpage and Ped’s GUI event display. Despite a few problems, the system provided a fairly reliable data monitor for people on shift.

  3. GSE Hardware and Testing Status GSE (2 x P4 3.6GHz, 1GB, SATA 160GB-Boot+250GB-data) computers were borrowed from AESOP balloon project. We are in the process of restoring the original system that will serve as a reference structure. Careful evaluation under full load will allow us to decide on an optimum server that will be dedicated for the ANITA II flight. We are currently preparing a test involving pushing archive data through the original system.

  4. Improvement Goals in the GSE Monitoring Software Based on Kim’s lessons learn document Understand and Fix the playback problem. Determine if Payload Executed command as well as sent / reached SIP / echo received Display direction profile of last 20-30 high priority events Standardize file structures for all GSEs to reduce confusion during problems Investigate and reduce memory leaks in the monitor processes

  5. Power Relay Board UD developed and built the flight power control relay boards for the first ANITA instrument. The Interface between CSBF science command stack and power control to various components in the instrument. The resulting functionality of this system proved successful during the flight. For the ANITA II we will provide new cards (with changes suggested by WU) and develop a module that provides indicator signals of the current relay latch state.

  6. Available Field Support: WU Integration: Chris Elliott/James Roth (balloon techs) and Amir Palestine Summer: Chris Elliott/James Roth , Amir and John McMurdo: Chris Elliott/James Roth, Amir and John (??)

  7. Modeling and Theory The UD group will continue to refine the understanding of the physical processes involved in the production and propagation of Askaryan pulses. 1st , in cases where multiple showers are produced in a single event we will modify the simulation of Askaryan pulses to combine the resultant pulses with appropriate phase delays. 2nd , develop models of propagation which include birefringence, with an emphasis on determining the sensitivity of ANITA triggering and event reconstruction to such effects. 3rd , we will improve our model of the density and temperature profiles of the Antarctic ice sheet to account for local climate, and produce refined models for the attenuation and refraction of electromagnetic radiation. We will also extend radio production models to two physical processes not yet studied in detail for ANITA.

  8. Modeling and Theory 2 physical processes not yet studied in detail for ANITA. • Highly relativistic charged particles are accompanied by a halo of charged particles produced by quasi continuous energy loss. This halo has a charge excess, increasing the effective charge for radio emission with the geometry of conventional Cherenkov radiation. We will evaluate this signal for the case of ultra relativistic muons and for relativistic light magnetic monopoles. • b) Air showers produced by high energy primaries contain compact cores of high energy secondaries. For primaries with energies in excess of 1019eV we estimate that a core of γ’s and electrons with energies >10GeV will survive to reach the ice surface and produce an Askaryan pulse. We will evaluate the potential for ANITA to detect such events, both for cosmic ray science and as a background for ANITA’s main mission as a neutrino detector. This evaluation requires simulation (CORSIKA) studies of air showers, refined models of Askaryan pulses, and a model for reflection from the bottom surface of the ice since a reflection is required to redirect the radio pulse to the payload.

  9. Post-Launch Antennae/Reflector Deployment UD proposes to implement the technology and hardware to deploy post-launch antennas or reflectors below the payload. One approach involves lowering a light weight rigid structure that provides fixed mounting points to either nadir antennae or horns receivers. Possible construction could involve a dual ring structure interlocked with vertical braces Antennae signal and power cables hang loosely or bounded by a release mechanism. 3 cable supports each with a dedicated reel system. Microcontroller dual reel systems to lower the structure with feed back from tilt sensors. Discrete SIP command for down and stowing.

  10. Another concept discussed is a ring of hinged reflectors which hangs down (hinged on its inner edge) to provide the ~50 deg angle necessary on reflection. In this concept the problem is reduced to producing a reliable detent actuator that would release the reflectors after launch. BACH light collectors Similar technology to operate such a system has been developed at UD for the BACH (Balloon Air CHerenkov) payload. Covers, which protect PMTs from daytime exposure, were controlled through discrete commands. This system is flight proven.

  11. New Generation Antenna Based on Magnetodielectric Materials • = 16 • m =1 • = 4 • m =4 Magnetodielectrics: materials possess both permittivity and permeability Patch antenna bandwidth (~1/e) The second choice improves the BW by a factor, mataches impedance with air, while keeps the same wavelength. vs. R. C. Hansen and M. Burke, “Antennas with magneto-dielectrics,” Microwave Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 75–78, July 2000. John Xiao, UD

  12. Example: Miniaturization in Patch Antenna Design • Several Antenna Possibilities: • Large patch on low-dielectric substrate • Miniaturized patch on magnetic substrate • Miniaturized patch on high-dielectric substrate Fr = 300MHz non-magnetic 37.47cm non-magnetic large patch ε = 2.56, µ = 1 magnetic small patch ε = 7, µ = 7 non-magnetic small patch ε = 49, µ = 1 31.32cm 10.22cm magnetic 7.73cm Patch size comparison Miniaturization = 405% John Xiao, UD

  13. Novel Magnetodielectric Materials Particle Deformation Lamination Consolidation Matched e and m John Xiao, UD

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